
Monday, March 14, 2011

Parent Note About Class Changes

The following note was sent home with the students March 14, 2011.

March 14, 2011

Dear Parents,

Thank you for attending Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences last week. It was a pleasure to talk with you about your student's growth, achievements, and area of improvement. We truly value your thoughtful comments, concerns, and ideas. Your input is greatly appreciated.

As a result of a few of your concerns, we have some exciting news! We have decided to make some new classroom assignments. This was not an impromptu decision, as we have been analyzing this for quite some time. However, after reviewing some of the feedback that was provided during our conferences, and after discussing this with Mr. Griffith, we have decided to move forward with this plan.

Students will still have a homeroom class to report to in the morning for attendance, lunch count, and announcements. Afterward, they will be dismissed to go to their first class. Once students are in their first class, they will rotate throughout the day with their newly assigned class. Students will regroup with their homeroom class for C.A.M.P.(Computers, Art, Music, and PE). They will also be with their homeroom class all day on Fridays.

As a Sixth Grade Team, we decided to redistribute the students into different classes for the following reasons:
1. To alleviate some persistent bullying issues.
2. To move students one step closer to a middle school experience where classes change each term. This year they have two different classes. Next year, they will have six or seven.
3. To provide additional opportunities for students to make new friends.
4. To enhance learning by providing opportunities for students to learn and discuss with students besides their homeroom class.
5. To provide opportunities for students to assume different leadership roles within the classes.
6. To allow students additional opportunities to practice their social skills of listening, patience, cooperation, sportsmanship, etc.
7. To spark a new energy for learning during the last term of their sixth grade year.

We believe that the changes we have made are in the best interest of the students, and that this will be a positive learning experience for all. Please continue to check the blog at We thank you for your support.


Sixth Grade Teachers: Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Boehme, Mrs. Coombs, Ms. King, Mrs. Packard, and Mrs. Vigil

Mr. Howard Griffith-Principal

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