
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Monk Day: A Day of Service to the School

The "monks" at "The Elk Meadows Monastery" provided two hours of "community service" by assisting teachers, cleaning, working with younger students, organizing, making learning games for younger students, and completing many other service projects throughout the school today. Many teachers commented on how much they appreciated the help provided by the sixth grade "monks." In addition to learning more about the Middle Ages, "monks" were provided opportunities to think about things they are thankful for in their lives. One such activity was by going on a meditative walk. We are proud of their work!

Reading: Comp WS 177+178 due and "The Challenge" comp test tomorrow.

Language Arts:
The majority of the students have a score of 4.2 (70% = C) or higher on the "A Day In Ancient Pompeii" Essay. I still have about 30 or so that I will continue to work with in Writing Lab. The final grade on the essay will be recorded on Monday, March 14. If students want to raise their essay grade to a B or a C, they have until Monday.

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