
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dr. Suess!

Congratulations to our sixth graders who did such an AWESOME job demonstrating their jumproping skills. Thanks to Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Coombs for helping to direct the students.


signed due March 3

Read 30 minutes

Soc. Studies
: Read pages 330-335. Quiz Wednesday, March 9 on pgs. 320-335. Focus on "Sum It Up" and "Think About It". Most students finished their reading during class.
Work on your castle. Question: May we use other materials other than cardboard boxes to build our castles? Answer: Yes, IF you talk to me first.

Language Arts:
"A Day In Ancient Pompeii" Essay needs a score of "4.2" or higher by Monday, March 7. Don't forget to log on to and work on your essay a little each night.

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