
Monday, March 21, 2011

Renaissance/Fantasy Faire Costume Ideas


Planner signed
due March 22

Read 30 minutes

Social Studies
: Today we rocked out a bit and learned about Charlemagne. Ask your child who he was. RENAISSANCE/FANTASY FAIRE APRIL 7, 2011. Students were shown a few simple costume ideas today. Please don't spend a lot of money for costumes. We're covering the Middle Ages through the Renaissance. There were many, many different types of fashions. Most kids can easily dress up like a peasant or serf. They may also add a little gypsy, pirate, Robin Hood, Shakespeare, and fantasy elements to their costumes. I have made many costumes with towels, sheets, curtains, old fabric, table cloths, etc. A simple costume would be a hoodie, old towel cut with a place for a head, and some type of belt. Both boys and girls can wear this type of costume. Many girls have a peasant type of blouse. Match a blouse with a skirt, apron, hat, scarves, etc. and they're good to go. Boys can wear a T-shirt with the sleeves cut out, a turtle neck sweater, long shorts, and long socks or tights. These are ONLY suggestions.

We will need A LOT of parent help! If you would like to help with our Faire, contact Heather Carlson at 801-254-7543.

Language Arts:
DOL Sentences #7-8 Due: 3/22. This is the final week to work on your writing test in class. We will be working on them this Tuesday and Thursday. If you have been absent during a time when we worked on the test, or if you are absent on Tuesday or Thursday, you will need to make prior arrangements to do makeup work on the test either after school, or this Friday, March 25. Final writing test scores will be recorded on March 28.

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