
Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011


Read 30 minutes 5/3.

Get planner signed 5/3.

Science - Please sign and return the progress report tomorrow - May 3. Purple class had the microorganisms test entered twice. I have now removed one of those on Skyward, so look at Skyward for an accurate grade. I forgot to send progress reports home with Orange class, so they will receive their progress report tomorrow and will need to return it on Wednesday, May 4.

READING: Spelling/Vocabulary Test tomorrow 5/3. Remember, the whole packet is due Thursday 5/5. Remember the last book report is due May 16th:

The book report for April/May will be a summary of the book chosen for Holocaust/World War II. To summarize, think about the main ideas or the important parts of the book. Then write, in your own words, the things you have read. This would be several paragraphs because of the topic. The title, author, number of pages, introduction of characters, and a parent signature must be included. The report should be typed, 14 font, double spaced and include at least three paragraphs that tell what you learned from the book and how it made you feel. This will be your last book report in elementary school ( I know you’re sad ☹).
Signed book report and signed April calendar (with a total) are due May 16th. Signed May calendar (with a total) will be due Friday, May 27 or before.

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