
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Practice Test Questions-Middle Ages

1. The Middle Ages occurred between what two historical times?
2. How long did it last?
3. Where does the word "gothic" come from?
4. Which half of the Roman Empire is associated with the Dark Ages?
5. T F Feuds and fights were uncommon during the Middle Ages.
6. Which building was a great example of the Byzantine style of architecture?
7. What were two of Charlemagne's main goals?
8. Where did the Vikings come from? Why are they important during the Middle Ages?
9. When did William the Conqueror become the King of England? (before/after the Battle of Hastings, before/after the Vikings settled Normandy, before/after Harold was king)
10. What were the steps to becoming a knight?
11. What is another name for the code of honor of the knights?
12. Name 3 activities of the knights.
13. Who were knights always expected to show their loyalty to?
14. What qualities were knights expected to have?
15. What was the competition between two knights called?
16. Who was the ruler of feudal estate?
17. Why did Kings appoint lords?
18. What was the object of the first crusade?
19. Who was motivated to go on a crusade? Why?
20. What happened to fashions at the end of the Middle Ages?
21. What were some of the effects of the crusades?
22. Richard the Lionheart was also known as who?
23. The name Lionheart refers to King Richard's _____________.(character trait)
24. Where do the Robin Hood stories take place?
25. When did the War of the Roses occur? (beginning, middle, end of the Middle Ages)
26. Who was Joan of Arc?
27. What is another name for a large estate?
28. Which kingdom in western Europe rose to great power in the 700's?
29. What is the term for a way of organizing and governing a society based on land and service?
30. What is a fief?
31. Traders and craftworkers organized themselves into groups called ______.
32. What was King John I forced to sign?
33. What church had a great influence on the lives of Europeans during the Middle Ages?
34. Why are the Middle Ages known as the "Age of Faith?"
35. What did Christians in Europe build for places of worship? (think big)
36. What was the "Black Death"?
37. Are the stories of King Arthur true?
38. What are two types of guilds?
39. What are the three steps to mastering a trade?
40. What are two reasons that guilds started?
41. What are two outcomes of the crusades?
42. Draw and explain the Feudal Hierarchy.
43. Be able to label the main parts of a castle.
44. What is a Coat of Arms?
45. Who had NO power but was absolutely necessary for feudalism? Why?

Review your vocabulary words!

If you have been in class, read, participated in the activities, completed your homework, you will do fine on the test. It will mostly be multiple guess, so if you review some of the big ideas, you will be able to recognize the correct answers pretty easily.

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