
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Math- Pg 472 #19-47 Subtracting Integers. You may use a number line.
Extra Credit- Write a math conjecture about subtracting integers.

Planner signed 1/7.
Read and record 30 minutes.

Reading: All testing for "Last Summer With Maizon" will be Monday, 1/10. We will be TESTING in TOGAS on the TENTH!!! (Spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension).

Social Studies: Today we started on the Greece study guide and filled in the answers together. Students should start studying 2-5 minutes a night now for the test.

Remember to dress like Greeks on Monday! You should have your outfit ready to go by now.

Language Arts: DOL Sentences #7-10 Due: 1/10 (Most students were able to finish this in class.)

***LAST DAY***
Handwriting Booklets: For those students who are working on their Fantastic Falcon Award, the handwriting booklets are due January 7, 2011. Students do not HAVE to do the booklet; there are other options to choose from. However, this is one of the easier options, and a good time to finish them is during the Christmas vacation. Students will only have from January 3-7, to finish them after the break. The books have instructions that need to be followed in order to pass. Also, the students' handwriting should improve towards the end of the booklet. In the past, we have had students try to do a "rush job" in order to get the booklet finished on time. The MOST important reason for doing the booklet is to improve handwriting. The SECOND MOST important reason is to do it for the Falcon Award. Once January 7, has passed, the booklets will not be accepted for the Falcon Award. All booklets will need to be passed off with Mrs. Packard.

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