
Monday, January 31, 2011

Jan. 31, 2011


Planner signed due 2-1-11

Soc. Studies
: "Philosophy of Life" due Feb. 1 "Using New Words" pgs. 43 and 46 due Thursday, Feb. 3. Today in class we read pgs. 208-209 and 212-217 in the soc. studies book. If you were absent today, make sure to read those pages. The FINAL TEST is Monday, Feb. 7. Remember that it's 50% of your grade. Study! Study! Study!

Science -
Sound Review Packet and Study for test - due February 1
Science - Extra Credit - Tuesday, February 1 only - bring in a box of tissues for 10 extra credit points on your test!

Language Arts:"How To Handle A Bully" Essay Due: 2/22. We will be working on the essay in class most of this week. After that, the students will need to continue working on them at home to keep improving their scores. On February 22, I will record their scores.

Oral Poem Performance of "Don't Quit" Due: 2/15. Students will be graded, so remember to practice it "Loud, Slow, and Clear."

Reading: Book reports and calendars are due tomorrow. Myth WS 16+17 due tomorrow. Greek vocabulary/spelling test will be Tuesday, February 8th.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ancient Greece Sample Test Questions

1. What is a drachma?
2. Name the 3 types of architecture.
3. What were two main exports?
4. What are the first five letters of the Greek alphabet?
5. Who did Theseus kill?
6. What does Arete mean?
7. What's the name of the flying horse?
8. What's the name of the 9 headed dragon?
9. What is a pedagogue? demagogue?
10. What did the "Greeks" call themselves? their country?
11. Who was considered a citizen in Athens?
12. What city-state was not located in Greece?
13. What is an amphora?
14. Who did the Greeks seek at Delphi?
15. Locate on a map the following: Athens, Sparta, Corinth, Argos, Megara, Troy, Olympia, Aegean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Crete and Mount Olympus.
16. What were the two types of pottery?
17. What is a chiton?
18. Who were the Greek heroes?
19. Who are the following gods/goddesses? Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Apollo, Athena, Hermes, Demeter
20. Retell the story of Athena's Gift, The Spinning Contest, King Midas, and the Trojan horse.
21. What's a fable? Who wrote them? Why?
22. Who are the following people? Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Pericles, Homer, Aesop, Sophocles, Aristophanes, Pythagoras and Hippocrates.
23. What gifts did the ancient Greeks give us? Can you name at least five? What's their legacy?
24. What is the Greek word for "praise earned"? (kudos)

These sample questions are from class discussions, notes, and worksheets. We will talk about a few more topics this week during class.

Greek Pottery

Friday, January 28, 2011

January 28, 2011


RC Card signed due Jan. 31
Planner signed due Jan. 31

Soc. Studies: "Philosophy of Life" due Tuesday. Final Test Feb. 7. Week #2 Arete Write a complete sentence explaining your evidence of improvement and progress towards reaching your goal. Be specific- assignment scores, dates in the planner, RC card, progress notes, test scores, and charts.

Reading: Vocab practice cards needed Monday for an activity. Reading progress reports were given out today, which need to be signed and returned Monday. Book reports and calendars are due Tuesday. Greek spelling/vocab test will be Tuesday, February 8th.

Language Arts:"How To Handle A Bully" Essay Due: 2/22. We will be working on the essay in class most of next week. After that, the students will need to continue working on them at home to keep improving their scores. On February 22, I will record their scores.

Oral Poem Performance of "Don't Quit" Due: 2/15. Students will be graded, so remember to practice it "Loud, Slow, and Clear."

Greek Temple Competition

Thursday, January 27, 2011

January 27, 2011


Planner signed Due: 1/28
Read 30 minutes

Language Arts:"How To Handle A Bully" Essay Due: 2/22. We will be working on the essay in class most of next week. After that, the students will need to continue working on them at home to keep improving their scores. On February 22, I will record their scores.

Oral Poem Performance of "Don't Quit" Due: 2/15. Students will be graded, so remember to practice it "Loud, Slow, and Clear.

Soc. Studies: Our debates today were fun, but it took a little more time than expected for some classes. Therefore, the assignment "Philosophy of Life" is due Tuesday instead of Monday. The final test has also been changed from Feb. 3 to Feb. 7. Study a little each night for the test. Line 2 on your goal sheet is due Monday.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Olympic Games Have Begun!

During the next two weeks, the Hellenes (ancient Greeks) will be competing in various "Olympic" events. Our first event is the chariot race.

Math: Graphing game-in class, Practice 9-7 graphing worksheet.

Planner signed due: 1-27
Read 30 min.

Soc. Studies:
Venn Diagram (Sparta vs Athens) and Spartan journal page due tomorrow. 1-27
We are also having our symposium. Students may bring small bunches of red grapes to snack on while debating the current issues of slavery and women's rights. "Assemble a New Law" is also due and needed for the debates. Study 2-5 min. for the final test. ARETE!

Language Arts:
Wkst: "Food Fight On Mt. Olympus" Due: 1/27.

"How To Handle A Bully" Essay Due: 2/22. We will be working on the essay in class tomorrow and most of next week. After that, the students will need to continue working on them at home to keep improving their scores. On February 22, I will record their scores.

Oral Poem Performance of "Don't Quit" Due: 2/15. Students will be graded, so remember to practice it "Loud, Slow, and Clear."

Reading: The Trojan Horse comprehension WS 14+15 done in class. 26 Greek spelling/vocabulary words given with definitions. Study cards were chosen by various governments, which are due tomorrow (Sparta on Monday). Blue reading calendars were passed out yesterday which should be filled out from planners, added up, signed, and turned in with book report. Next month's genre is ADVENTURE.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January 25, 2011


Pg 496 #6-31 Graphing coordinates

Planner signed due- 1/26
Read 30 min.

Soc. Studies:
Olympic Journal pg. due tomorrow. The essay should be in cursive and fill most of the page. Students should plan before they write in order to have well written paragraphs. They should also proof their paper before turning it in tomorrow.

A progress note was sent home today. It is due 1-26 (tomorrow).

"Assemble a New Law" and 1 min. speech is due Thursday. Students may bring small bunches of grapes to eat during the debates.

The ancient Greece TEST is 50% of the grade. Students should be studying their study guide, class notes, returned worksheets, map, gods/goddesses, and common myths. They will get a really good grade if they've been studying 2-5 minutes each night. When students are absent, it is their responsibility to find someone with good class notes to copy so that they can get the needed information. ARETE!

Language Arts:
DOL Sentences #3-4 Due: 1/26.

"How To Handle A Bully" Essay Due: 2/22. We will be working on the essay in class the rest of this week, and most of next week. After that, the students will need to continue working on them at home to keep improving their scores. On February 22, I will record their scores.

Oral Poem Performance of "Don't Quit" Due: 2/15. Students will be graded, so remember to practice it "Loud, Slow, and Clear."

Monday, January 24, 2011

Rap a Rhapsody

Math: practice page 9-5 The Coordinate Plane

Planner Signed Due: 1/25
Read 30 minutes

Language Arts:
DOL Sentences #1-2 Due: 1/25. Wkst: "Food Fight" Due: 1/27. Today I introduced our next essay "How To Handle A Bully." Students were encouraged to be thinking of what advice to give others about bullying. We start typing tomorrow.

Reading: Greek and Roman Geography comprehension page was done during class today. Reminder that book reports and calendars are due next week, February 1st.

SHOE BOX for Science tomorrow!

Soc. Studies:
Early Greece Vocab. Sentences due 1-25; Prepare for symposium on Thurs. by practicing a 1 min. speech; "Assemble a New Law" due Thursday. Students may bring small bunches of red grapes to eat during the symposium. Study 2-5 min. each night.
Students should be studying their study guide, class notes, gods/goddesses, and common Greek myths. The final TEST is Feb. 3, 2011.

In the days of ancient Greece, reciting poetry and telling stories were considered world-class entertainment. Poets, called rhapsodists, would stand with a staff (a tall cane, like a shepherd's) in front of a group, and recite the tale. They'd use dramatic voices to bring the story to life.

Could rhapsodic poetry be a long-lost ancestor of today's rap music? Have some fun and find out!

Grab a staff, put on some dark glasses, and play the part of Homer for your friends and family, doing The Odyssey Rap. The Homettes can back you up as a Greek chorus. Remember that Odysseus is pronounced o-DIS-ee-us.

Homer and the Homettes
The Odyssey Rap

My name is Homer, I'm an old-time poet
I'm one of the ancient Greeks, doncha know it
I'm the boy who told about Troy,
How the Greeks got annoyed,
And Troy got destroyed

Now one of these Greeks, he had a plan
The king of Ithaca was the man
He went by the name Odysseus
Don't dis, don't dis Odysseus
'Cause he was the man who thought of the plan
The gift of a horse with an inside force
That would end the war,
Make the Greeks' spirits soar!

Yeah, that's the way it happened
That's the way it was
Just feel a blast from the past
'Cause that's what Homer does
Yeah, that's what Homer does!

Now, Odysseus sailed his ships away
But to god of the sea he forgot to pray
So Poseidon got mad and made things bad
He made the sea rise and made Odysseus sad

Poseidon blew poor Ody far, far away
Where the whirlpools whirl and the dragons play
Where sirens sing and drive you crazy
To lotus land where you get lazy

Doomed by the lord of the foam to roam
It looked like poor Odysseus would never get home!
He ran into a cyclops with one big eye
Had to cross a lake of fire to the other side

Then his ship got sunk, and his crew was gone
Poor Ody was alone, but he had to carry on.
But, hey, in the end, a ship from a friend
Came along to bring Odysseus home again
He was happy as can be to see Penelope
After 20 long years of his Odyssey!

Yeah, that's the way it happened
That's the way it was
For epic poems just turn to Homes
'Cause that's what Homer does!
'Cause that's what Homer does!

Practice and perform the rap with a group of friends for some ARETE points.

Friday, January 21, 2011

January 21, 2011


card signed due Monday, Jan. 24
Planner signed due Monday, Jan. 24

Soc. Studies
: Students should be studying their study guide 2-5 minutes each night. Sometime SOON, there will be quiz without a warning. Greek Gifts due Monday. Goal sheet week 1 due Monday.

The last day to make up quizzes and assignments from Jan. 3-21 was today. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of students took the initiative to talk to me to make sure that they were caught up in social studies. :(

Language Arts: DOL Sentences #8-10 Due: 1/24. Ancient Greece Video Notes (with the rough draft notes you took during the video and stapled on the back) Due: 1/24. Progress Reports signed Due: 1/24.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Greek Temple Competition

Today the sixth grade students competed to build the most beautiful Greek temple. The temples will be judged on beauty, symmetry, proportion, clarity, elegance, resemblance to the blueprint, and constructing the temple within the time limit. The students did a GREAT job! They worked together, shared ideas and supplies, and cleaned up quickly and quietly. ARETE!


Planner signed due 1-21
Read 30 minutes

Soc. Studies: Greek Gifts due Monday, Jan. 24 Students are working on a goal to improve academically in school. Their first line of evidence is due Monday. They must "prove" that they're making progress. The planner, RC card, progress notes, assignments, and tests are all good pieces of evidence. Students should write their "evidence" using a complete sentence.

"Find the Greek Gifts" There is a mistake on sentence 5. The name should read, "Tery" NOT Terry.

Language Arts: DOL Sentences #8-10 Due: 1/24. Ancient Greece Video Notes w/ rough draft notes stapled on the back Due: 1/24. Progress Reports Signed Due: 1/24.

***Wow! Most of the students in all my classes returned their Progress Reports today for extra credit! There were only 3-4 students in each class who did not return the reports. Way to go Sixth Grade! Also, remember to see Mrs. Packard after school if you need to collect any missing assignments.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 19, 2011


Planner Signed: 1/20
Read 30 minutes

Language Arts:
DOL Sentences #5-7 Due: 1/20. Ancient Greece Video Notes Due: 1/24. Grammar Book Unit 1 Chapter Review Due: 1/20. Progress Reports signed and returned tomorrow (January 20) for extra credit. Otherwise, all Progress Reports are due Monday, January 24.

Reading: The Trojan War questions 1-11 due 1/20. Book reports are coming February 1st, biography or autobiography. February genre will be adventure.

Friday, January 14, 2011

January 14, 2011

Students will not be in school until Wednesday, January 19. We hope that all the sixth graders relax and have a good weekend.

Math Testing for Placement in Seventh Grade:
On Wednesday, January 19, South Jordan/Elk Ridge Middle schools will be here for math testing. The testing is in the afternoon starting at 1:30. This is a very important test. Their test score, along with teacher recommendations and another math placement test at the beginning of their seventh grade year, will determine which math class the students will take.


RC card signed Due: 1/19
Planner signed Due: 1/19

Soc. Studies: Research Greek architecture-- temples. It will give your polis an advantage. Greek Decoder due Jan. 19. Greek pottery art project is due by Jan. 21. It is a soc. studies assignment.

Language Arts:
Greece Video Notes Due: Monday, January 24. We will have a little more class time to work on them the Wednesday and Thursday (January 19-20) following the Martin Luther King Weekend. Those students who are not finished will need to research the answers on-line and finish them over the weekend so they are prepared on the 24th.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 13, 2011


Planner Signed: 1/14
Read 30 minutes

Language Arts:
No assignment. Because all of the rotations worked REALLY well on their Greece Video Notes, and because no one was able to finish, I am going to willingly extend the due date for this assignment! Everyone was going slow, staying very focused, and trying to do their best. Way to go sixth grade!!! We will work more on the notes when we return from the Martin Luther King Weekend. However...

On Friday (January 14), I will be showing the Greece video during the lunch recess for those who were absent this week, or for those who need more information/review to answer the questions. The movie lasts approximately 20 minutes. Students have been encouraged to come in and watch the video one more time, if they discovered today that there are questions they need more information for. Otherwise, next week they will need to find the answers on their own on-line.

Soc. Studies: Greek Decoder Math page due Jan.19. Students are to do some research about Greek architecture--in particular the temples. We will be having a competition to see which polis can construct the most beautiful, authentic looking Greek temple. Pictures and some background knowledge will definitely be an advantage.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 12, 2011

Kids are learning a lot at our Greek Academy. The competition is tight! Each polis now has a cheer and handshake. Argos has completed their flag and the others are nearly finished. Megara and Athens have some great name tags! Sparta is trying to intimidate the others by marching and showing their mighty military strength. More people in Corinth dressed up today and so they were able to earn quite a few points. All of the students have set some goals and are working toward their personal best. ARETE!!!


Math: practice page 2-10/2-11 writing expressions

Planner signed Due: 1-13-11
Read 30 minutes

Soc. Studies:
The pottery should be finished. We will be finishing up our art project and the pottery must be finished before students can work on part II. Students should be studying for the final test 2-5 minutes each night.

Language Arts:
DOL Sentences #5-7 Due: 1/13. Worksheet: "There, Their, They're" Practice Review #2 Due: 1/13. Most students were able to finish the two assignments in class.

***Note-taking Practice: We have been practicing note-taking skills this week. Students have been learning how to write quality notes using shortcuts and abbreviations. Tomorrow (January 13), they will use their notes to answer eighteen questions about Ancient Greece. The questions will need to be answered in complete sentences.

On Friday (January 14), I will be showing the movie during lunch recess for those who were absent this week, or for those who need more information/review to answer the questions. The movie lasts approximately 20 minutes. Otherwise, if students are not finished with the assignment by Friday afternoon, they will need to research the questions online during the Martin Luther King Weekend. The assignment will be due on Wednesday, January 19.

***Red Pens:Thanks to all those who brought in red pen donations last week!!! As we all know, this is a VERY tight year for budgets in our school district. At the first of the year, I budgeted for two red pens per student. After Christmas, I noticed we had about fifteen pens left because so many students had lost theirs. We have approximately 130 students in sixth grade. At $.10 a pen (which is a really good price), that means it takes $13.00 just to give each student ONE red pen! Because of some very generous donations, we now have enough to last the rest of the year, as long as the students will be more responsible in the future in keeping track of them. Thanks again to all those who donated! It is GREATLY appreciated! :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11, 2011


Read: 30 minutes
Planner signed: 1/12

pg 108 # 1-5 and 18-44 expressions

Soc. Studies:
The Greece map and study guide are due tomorrow, Jan. 12. Most students finished both projects in class. Students need to make sure that their pottery is colored by Thursday. They also need to study the study guide questions 2-5 minutes each night.

Language Arts: DOL Sentences #3-4 Due: 1/12. Most students finished this in class.

Reading: The Journeys of Odysseus comprehension questions due 1/12. Most students completed this in class.

Monday, January 10, 2011

January 10, 2011

Math Practice work sheet 9-2 and 9-3 EVENS

Science vocabulary - word/definition/example - all can be found in the reading that is in the binder behind the pink "Heat, Light, Sound" divider. Words are: absorption, pitch, sound, vibrations - due 1/11

Language Arts: DOL Sentences #1-2 Due: 1/11. This week we are focusing on improving our note-taking skills.

Soc. Studies: Finish coloring the Greece map. Make sure that your pottery is all colored by Thursday so that we can finish the art project. A few people still need to bring their progress note.

Students looked GREAT today in their Greek attire.

Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7, 2011


Planner signed - due 1/10
Responsibility Card signed - due 1/10

Shoe box for Science - due 1/24

Language Arts: DOL Sentences #7-10 Due: 1/10.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Math- Pg 472 #19-47 Subtracting Integers. You may use a number line.
Extra Credit- Write a math conjecture about subtracting integers.

Planner signed 1/7.
Read and record 30 minutes.

Reading: All testing for "Last Summer With Maizon" will be Monday, 1/10. We will be TESTING in TOGAS on the TENTH!!! (Spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension).

Social Studies: Today we started on the Greece study guide and filled in the answers together. Students should start studying 2-5 minutes a night now for the test.

Remember to dress like Greeks on Monday! You should have your outfit ready to go by now.

Language Arts: DOL Sentences #7-10 Due: 1/10 (Most students were able to finish this in class.)

***LAST DAY***
Handwriting Booklets: For those students who are working on their Fantastic Falcon Award, the handwriting booklets are due January 7, 2011. Students do not HAVE to do the booklet; there are other options to choose from. However, this is one of the easier options, and a good time to finish them is during the Christmas vacation. Students will only have from January 3-7, to finish them after the break. The books have instructions that need to be followed in order to pass. Also, the students' handwriting should improve towards the end of the booklet. In the past, we have had students try to do a "rush job" in order to get the booklet finished on time. The MOST important reason for doing the booklet is to improve handwriting. The SECOND MOST important reason is to do it for the Falcon Award. Once January 7, has passed, the booklets will not be accepted for the Falcon Award. All booklets will need to be passed off with Mrs. Packard.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 5, 2011


2 work sheets on adding and subtracting integers
I still have a few students in each class that have not turned in their progress reports.
Just a reminder to bring them back.

Planner signed
Read 30 min.

Soc. Studies:
Read pgs. 204-209 Most students have only 1 more page to read. Quiz tomorrow. Make sure that you know the following: the name of the temple built to Athena, the leader of Athens, what Socrates taught, two city-states that went to war, and who had the strongest navy.

Reminder to work on your goal tonight. ARETE!

Language Arts:
Sentences #5-6 Due: 1/6

Reading: All assignments given this week are due to correct tomorrow, 1/6. Spelling test 1/10.

Handwriting Booklets:
For those students who are working on their Fantastic Falcon Award, the handwriting booklets are due January 7, 2011. Students do not HAVE to do the booklet; there are other options to choose from. However, this is one of the easier options, and a good time to finish them is during the Christmas vacation. Students will only have from January 3-7, to finish them after the break. The books have instructions that need to be followed in order to pass. Also, the students' handwriting should improve towards the end of the booklet. In the past, we have had students try to do a "rush job" in order to get the booklet finished on time. The MOST important reason for doing the booklet is to improve handwriting. The SECOND MOST important reason is to do it for the Falcon Award. Once January 7, has passed, the booklets will not be accepted for the Falcon Award. All booklets will need to be passed off with Mrs. Packard.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January 4, 2011


Planner signed: 1/5
Read 30 minutes

Science: Thank you! We have enough 2-liter bottles. Please do not send any more. Students will need a shoe box on January 25.

Worksheet: Integers and Greek problem solving

Soc. Studies:
Read pgs. 196-201 in your Soc. Studies book. Quiz tomorrow: 1/5

Language Arts: DOL Sentences #3-4 Due: 1/5. Handwriting Wkst. "Papyrus Scrolls" Due:1/5.

Reading: "Last Summer with Maizon" was read during class. Questions 1-7 were assigned and should be done by Thursday. I also gave due dates for Spelling WS 165+166 and Vocab WS 159+168 on the same day. The spelling test is Monday, 1/10.
Book report genre for January is AUTOBIOGRAPHY or BIOGRAPHY with book reports and calendars due Tuesday, February 1st.

***Way to go, students!!! The cursive handwriting in all five classes is looking really nice for our "Cursive Week." Keep up the good work, and we won't have to have another "Cursive Week" until the third term grading period!

Handwriting Booklets:
For those students who are working on their Fantastic Falcon Award, the handwriting booklets are due January 7, 2011. Students do not HAVE to do the booklet; there are other options to choose from. However, this is one of the easier options, and a good time to finish them is during the Christmas vacation. Students will only have from January 3-7, to finish them after the break. The books have instructions that need to be followed in order to pass. Also, the students' handwriting should improve towards the end of the booklet. In the past, we have had students try to do a "rush job" in order to get the booklet finished on time. The MOST important reason for doing the booklet is to improve handwriting. The SECOND MOST important reason is to do it for the Falcon Award. Once January 7, has passed, the booklets will not be accepted for the Falcon Award. All booklets will need to be passed off with Mrs. Packard.

Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3, 2011


Math: Pg 468 #11-71 Adding integers
Students were given a math progress report today. Please sign and return it tomorrow for 5 extra credit points.

Read 30 min.
Sign planner: Due: 1/3
Please sign and return RC from December 20-24 if you forgot to bring it back today.

Reading: Students were given the entire class time of 45 minutes to work on Spelling ABC Order and Vocabulary Definitions with words written in a sentence. This is due tomorrow, 1/4. "Last Summer with Maizon" spelling and vocabulary words are on the worksheets given today.

Language Arts:
This week is "Cursive Week" in Language Arts. All assignments need to be completed in cursive. (It's been a LONG time since we had a cursive week, and we're due for a good review.) If the students do really well on their cursive handwriting, we shouldn't need to have another review week until after Parent/Teacher Conferences in March.

Also: DOL Week #9 Sentences #1-2 due: 1/3 Handwriting Wkst. "Papyrus Scrolls" due: 1/5 (Except for the pink class. They had to read extra in DEAR so I could get caught up with signing/organizing planners, collecting RCs, etc.)

***Reminder: Handwriting Booklets: For those students who are working on their Fantastic Falcon Award, the handwriting booklets are due January 7, 2011. Students do not HAVE to do the booklet; there are other options to choose from. However, this is one of the easier options, and a good time to finish them is during the Christmas vacation. Students will only have from January 3-7, to finish them after the break. The books have instructions that need to be followed in order to pass. Also, the students' handwriting should improve towards the end of the booklet. In the past, we have had students try to do a "rush job" in order to get the booklet finished on time. The MOST important reason for doing the booklet is to improve handwriting. The SECOND MOST important reason is to do it for the Falcon Award. Once January 7, has passed, the booklets will not be accepted for the Falcon Award. All booklets will need to be passed off with Mrs. Packard.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Practice Some Pig Greek

Learning Pig Greek takes practice to start, but once you get a feel for how the words are formed, you'll be exercising your brain and chatting away. Pig Greek uses four sounds (chosen because a lot of real Greek words have these sounds in them): "Iklees", "Yiklees", "os", and "kro."

If a group of your friends learn together, you could have conversations.

: Use for "I"

Yiklees: Use for "you"

For words beginning with consonants, move the consonants to the end, and add "os." For example, "I stay" would be "Icklees ay-stos." "You go" would be "Yiklees oh-gos."

For words starting with vowels
, add "kro" before the word. For example, the words "am," "are," and "is" would be "kro-am," "kro-are," and "kro-is."

Have fun practicing!