
Thursday, July 28, 2011



If you are a sixth grade student for the 2011-2012 school year, you will want to go to the new site for our blog.

See you there!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Last Day!!

THANK YOU to all the parents who came to assist with the Sixth Grade Party!  The kids had a great time.

We had a good year.  The students worked hard, and we saw a lot of improvement. 

Stop by to visit after you receive your first report card next year to show us how great you are doing in seventh grade.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Field Day Tomorrow

Remember to wear good shoes for running, bring a towel, hat/sunglasses, sunscreen, etc. Students will be outside all morning until around 1:00 for the various activities.

We are in need of more volunteers. Please e-mail your child's homebase teacher if you are able to volunteer from 8:45 to 11:15 tomorrow morning.

Friday, May 27, 2011

May 27, 2011

Congratulations to those 35 students who earned their Fantastic Falcon Award! We appreciate the support of parents who came to the awards assembly today.

We need 10 parent volunteers for Field Day on Wednesday from 8:45 to 11:15.  5 would be in charge of Tug-of-War and 5 in charge of Relay Race.  Please contact your child's homebase teacher if you would like to help. 

Planner and RC signed - due May 31
Field Day - June 1 - remember to bring a towel, sunscreen, hat, and sunglasses
Softball Game - June 2
Sixth Grade Party - June 2 from 11:00 to 12:30 - School is out at 12:30.

Have a safe long weekend!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fantastic Falcon Awards Tomorrow!

Congratulations kiddos for earning the Fantastic Falcon Award! Not only did you keep up in your regular studies, but you also went the extra mile to complete enough projects outside of school to earn your award. We are so proud of you! You have proved the little saying, "The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the little extra!"

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The War at Elk Meadows

Students participated in a marshmallow battle today. They had to quickly build a weapon and defend their territory. It was just a little bit of fun in the sun!

May 25, 2011 - Wednesday

Science/Astronomy -- Tomorrow is ALIEN DAY!!!! Come dressed as your favorite alien. Have fun with it.
Remember to finish your alien booklet and bring it to share. The front and back cover have a picture of your planet and the middle pages have a picture of you (the alien.) Cut out the other pages and glue them in -- it's okay if there are some blank pages.
ALL MAKEUP WORK AND EXTRA CREDIT ARE DUE TOMORROW MAY 26TH. Come prepared to turn everything in.
See you tomorrow! Mrs. Coombs

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 24, 2011

A BIG THANK YOU to the parents who volunteered to come in this morning and monitor our classes while we had a planning meeting. As a sixth grade team, we were able to review the survey responses and begin looking at adjustments and plans for next year. We also wanted to extend a THANK YOU! to the parents that took the time to complete the survey. We appreciate and value your input and all of the positive feedback we received.

Science - all missing work due Thursday, May 26.

Social Studies: For our class activity tomorrow, you may bring some mini- marshmallows. There will be plenty of "ammunition" for everyone if you are unable to bring some from home. We will be dividing into teams and having a "war" using marshmallow guns and mini-marshmallows. Please, DO NOT bring "guns" from home!

The extra credit assignment listed on the blog is due tomorrow. The pop-up page extra credit assignment is due on or before Thursday.

Congratulations to everyone who studied and did so well on the countries and capitals of Europe! Awesome!

READING: I would like to thank everyone for their support during my absence. I have been recovering from a serious illness and trying to get back to school. All the cards, flowers, and well wishes made my heart feel so good. My team has totally taken over to help me by supporting my sub, Mr. West. He LOVES our sixth grade and has enjoyed leading them through Number the Stars. Be reminded that the LAST READING CALENDAR IS DUE FRIDAY.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Text Messaging Challenge

Today students learned first hand about the "global village". During social studies, students worked as teams to text message as many people as they could think of that would have contacts outside of Utah. We received messages from all over the United States, England, France, Germany, Syria, Hong Kong, and possibly by tomorrow Australia. It was really fun to use technology in our studies and to realize that we are able to communicate with people from around the world in a matter of minutes. Now, that's 21st century life!


Planner signed due May 24
Read 30 minutes

Soc. Studies
: Study the 24 capitals for the TEST tomorrow!

Language Arts: "A Manned Mission To Mars" Essay due: Wednesday morning on May 25. I strongly encourage students to work 10 minutes a night on their essay, so they are not trying to finish it all the night before it is due! Remember: A "4.2" = 70% = C-. A "5.7" = 95% = A.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

World History for Extra Credit

Watch the three video clips and take a few notes. Answer a few questions for 50 points possible of extra credit. You may also refer to pages 486-491 and 500-505 in your social studies text book. Make sure to write complete sentences in cursive. Proof your answers for correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. The last day to turn in the answers will be Wednesday, May 25.


1. What is a revolution?
2. What effects did the American Revolution have on France?
3. List some good and bad effects of the Industrial Revolution.
4. How did the American, French, and Industrial Revolutions change the world?

Friday, May 20, 2011

Thanks to all who participated in the program last night for the PTA Meeting! You did a great job, and we are proud of you!

RC Card signed Due: 5/23
Planner signed Due: 5/23

Read 30 minutes

Soc. Studies
: There were a lot of people that did a really great job on the European Countries Test. Way to Go! Study and practice for the capitals test. Friday will be the last day that I will accept extra credit work. Text messaging activity on Monday.

Language Arts: "A Manned Mission To Mars" Essay due: Wednesday morning on May 25. I strongly encourage students to work 10 minutes a night on their essay, so they are not trying to finish it all the night before it is due! Remember: A "4.2" = 70% = C-. A "5.7" = 95% = A.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Planner signed due May 20

All library books are DUE tomorrow!

Read 30 minutes

Soc. Studies
: Monday we'll be doing an activity with text messaging. Study your European capitals. You only need to study the 24 that I listed on your map assignment. They are Vienna, Brussels, Sarajevo, Prague, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Paris, Berlin, Athens, Budapest, Dublin, Rome, Amsterdam, Oslo, Warsaw, Lisbon, Bucharest, Moscow, Madrid, Stockholm, Bern, Kiev, Belgrade, and London.

Extra Credit Pop-up page due Friday, May 26. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Language Arts: "A Manned Mission To Mars" Essay due: Wednesday morning on May 25. I strongly encourage students to work 10 minutes a night on their essay, so they are not trying to finish it all the night before it is due! Remember: A "4.2" = 70% = C-. A "5.7" = 95% = A.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Planner signed due May 19

Read 30 minutes

Soc. Studies:
Practice your countries and capitals. If you have a cell phone/text messaging, bring it to class on Monday. We will be doing a little activity with text messaging. If you don't have one, DON"T STRESS! It will be just as much fun to watch.

Language Arts: "A Manned Mission To Mars" Essay due: Wednesday morning on May 25. I strongly encourage students to work 10 minutes a night on their essay, so they are not trying to finish it all the night before it is due! Remember: A "4.2" = 70% = C-. A "5.7" = 95% = A.

Should We Continue to Explore Mars?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

CRT Math TEST tomorrow!

Please get plenty of rest tonight, eat a good breakfast, and be at school tomorrow! To make-up the math test is more difficult than making up the other tests.

All library books are due this Friday, May 20.


Planner signed due: May 18
Read 30 minutes

Soc. Studies
: We are going to postpone the cell phone activity until Monday and the European capitals TEST until Tuesday.

Language Arts: "A Manned Mission To Mars" Essay due: Wednesday morning on May 25. I strongly encourage students to work 10 minutes a night on their essay, so they are not trying to finish it all the night before it is due! Remember: A "4.2" = 70% = C-. A "5.7" = 95% = A.

Get Inspired! You can achieve anything!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sixth Grade Program

The Sixth Grade at Elk Meadows will be presenting a program on Thursday, May 19. We will perform for the students of the school at 2:00 and again at 6:30 for parents. Students need to check in to Mrs. Packard's room by 6:15. Students who attend the evening program will be given a Fantastic Falcon point. This is not on the list given out at the beginning of the year, because we did not know at that time that we would be doing an evening program.

Students have been asked to wear a solid color shirt. Style and color do not matter, so long as the shirt is one color without pictures or writing on it.

The students sounded great today at practice! It should be a wonderful program.

European Capitals

Soc. Studies: Map and Country TEST- Thursday, May 19!
Practice each class mini lesson about the different sections of Europe. Perform them for your family. Sing our European Countries song. Practice-practice-practice!

Math Test on Wednesday!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Learning European Countries

How many countries do you know?

Learn them in chunks.

Countries that border the Black Sea
: Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine w/Moldova almost touching and on the border of Romania and Ukraine.

Five countries in the heart
: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland

Countries that border the North Sea
: Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark

Smallest Countries
: Andorra, Monaco, Vatican City, Malta, San Marino, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg

Your MAP and COUNTRY TEST will be May 19.

The European Capitals Test will be May 23.

Don't forget to do a pop-up page in order to raise your grade.

READING: The last book report this year is due Monday, May 16th, along with the April Calendar. The May calendar is due May 27th. Your 2nd reading packet that you received, "Sojourner", should be completed and turned in on Tuesday, May 17th. There will not be a spelling/vocabulary/comprehension test on this last one because I want students to focus on Number the Stars.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 10, 2011

Science Testing was today and will be completed tomorrow. Please study the information in your binders.

All money for the Sixth Grade Party and T-shirts are due by Thursday, May 12. The food at the party is $5 and the t-shirt is $5 and available in sizes YS to adult XL.

Friday, May 6, 2011


RC Card signed due May 9
Planner signed due May 9

Read 30 minutes

Soc. Studies
: You should know where the following countries are located: Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland), Ireland, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Spain, France, Germany, Poland, Ukraine.

Study the next group: Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary

Extra Credit for Soc. Studies:Pop-Up Page

Extra Credit Project for Social Studies

You are to design a pop-up page about a person or event , which changed the world.

Written Part: Research and write a summary about a person or event. Make sure to answer the question: How did this person/event change the world?

Make sure to have ALL the requirements:
• Write a minimum of two paragraphs. The first paragraph would be the background information-sort of a mini-report. The second paragraph would be a thoughtful response and explanation about how the person/event changed the world. A paragraph is more than 2-3 sentences.
• Title with capital letters
• Name under the title
• Indent paragraphs
• Transitions
• Sentence Variety-Begin your sentences in different ways.
• Complete sentences
• Correct punctuation
• Correct spelling
• Correct grammar
• Word choice: avoid words such as things, very, good, get, like , pretty
• Use your own words- Do not copy from any source!
• Type your response using 12 pt. font
• Use an easy-to-read font
• Cut out the typed piece. Make sure to not have jagged cut lines. The cutout portion should be a perfect square or rectangle, OR use a neat but wavy cut.
• Written portion should be centered and matted on another piece of paper.
• Paper used for matting should also have straight, even, cut lines or a neat, wavy cut.
• Matted, written portion should be centered on the pop-up page.

Pop-up page requirements:

• Pop-ups should be large and showy but not so large that they extend off of the page.
• Pop-ups should be drawn by hand. DO NOT just print pictures from the Internet
• Color in one direction with colored pencils
• Use the appropriate amount of pressure- not too light or dark
• Make sure to color avoiding white space
• Border- about ½ in. border
• Color neatly- BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL
• No smears, dark pencil marks, food stains, rips, tears
• Any writing on the page should be neatly printed- letters should be a uniform size-
• The background of the pop-up should be a picture. Do not just color the background a solid color or some design pattern. It should have a purpose. The pop-ups should be a part of that picture. It should be colored on art paper.
• The pop-up page should be centered on the colored paper.
• The pop-up page should be neatly and securely glued down.
• Your name and all of your information must be on the outside of the pop-up page where I can clearly and easily see it. It must be neatly typed.

I am STRONGLY encouraging you to do this extra credit project about something that you have already studied this year such as Leonardo da Vinci. Do not do a pop-up page about sports figures, movie and reality stars, and pop musicians. Keep your focus on world history. If there are ANY questions at all about your topic, ASK me BEFORE you start doing a lot of work on the pop-up page.

You may make 1-3 pages for a total of 300 extra credit points. If you choose to do more than one page, they must be bound into a pop-up page book. Your book must have a title and your information on the front cover.

If you meet all of the requirements, your project will be QUALITY WORK and you can pretty much guarantee yourself 100 points. One hundred points in most cases is enough to raise your grade one whole grade.

This project is due on or before May 26.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Planner signed due May 5
Read 30 minutes

Soc. Studies
: Study the countries that we practiced today in class and work on your map.

Math- Practice 12-6/ chance games
Screen Time recording sheet- Due tomorrow (Thursday)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 3, 2011


Planner signed due: May 4
Read 30 minutes

Math- pg 638 # 1-14 and a theoretical/experimental results experiment.
Screen Time papers need to be brought to class on Thursday.

Soc. Studies: Work on your maps and memorize the European countries using the song and rap that we learned in class today.

Science: 30 students and Orange need to have their progress report signed and returned tomorrow! Orange also had the microorganisms test show up twice, so the grades are slightly different. Please check Skyward for the most up to date grade, since one of the tests was removed.

Language Arts:
"Children of Perikoi" Questions and Leonardo DaVinci Questions due: tomorrow, May 4. Most students were able to finish these in class.

READING: Spelling/Vocabulary Test today. Worked on WWII worksheet with more time tomorrow and will be due on Thursday. Remember, the whole packet for The Great Wall is due Thursday 5/5. I will be passing out the May reading calendar tomorrow with the directions for the book report due May 16th:

The book report for April/May will be a summary of the book chosen for Holocaust/World War II. To summarize, think about the main ideas or the important parts of the book. Then write, in your own words, the things you have read. This would be several paragraphs because of the topic. The title, author, number of pages, introduction of characters, and a parent signature must be included. The report should be typed, 14 font, double spaced and include at least three paragraphs that tell what you learned from the book and how it made you feel. This will be your last book report in elementary school ( I know you’re sad ☹).
Signed book report and signed April calendar (with a total) are due May 16th. Signed May calendar (with a total) will be due Friday, May 27 or before.

Song and Rap for Learning the European Countries

I've Been Learning Europe's Countries

Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland
Denmark, Netherlands
Germany, Luxembourg, and Belgium
Are across (the sea) from Ireland.

United Kingdom has 4 parts:
England, Scotland, Wales,
Are the part known as Great Britain
The fourth is North (ern) Ireland.

Portugal, Spain, Andorra, Monaco
Vatican City, Malta, San Marino
France, Italy, tiny Liechtenstein
Switzerland and Austria
Have skiing so divine.

Russia, Poland, Czech Republic
Slovakia, Hungary
Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro
And Albania is by the sea.
North of Greece is Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia
Next to Turkey is Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova

Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia
Estonia and the largest part of Ru-u-ssia
Kosovo is new
Now I'm almost through
Naming the countries of Europe.


Look up north, I say
Finland, Sweden, and Norway
Iceland, Denmark, let's shout
Nordic countries, no doubt

West to UK- we'll sail
England, Scotland, and Wales
Northern Ireland too
Ireland's separate, that's true.

Across the North Sea
The Netherlands and Germany
Austria, Liechtenstein
Swiss choc-o-late, so fine

West coast: take a glance.
Belgium, Luxembourg, and France
Andorra and Portugal
Spain is south of 'em all.

Monaco is nearby
It-ly's boot so high
San Marino's so small
Vatican City beats 'em all

Poland, Lith-u-an-ia
Latvia, Estonia
Many shared Russia's name
Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine

Czech Republic you should note
Shared Slovakia til the vote
Hungary east to Roman(e)
Bulgar(e), Macedon, Alaban(e)

Bosnia and Herz-e-go
Slovenia has little coast
Croatia has the most.

Down South to Greece
Many island are in piece
Malta is our last
Hope you had a BLAST!

**Although the names of countries change, we are using these memory helps to memorize the majority of the countries.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011


Read 30 minutes 5/3.

Get planner signed 5/3.

Science - Please sign and return the progress report tomorrow - May 3. Purple class had the microorganisms test entered twice. I have now removed one of those on Skyward, so look at Skyward for an accurate grade. I forgot to send progress reports home with Orange class, so they will receive their progress report tomorrow and will need to return it on Wednesday, May 4.

READING: Spelling/Vocabulary Test tomorrow 5/3. Remember, the whole packet is due Thursday 5/5. Remember the last book report is due May 16th:

The book report for April/May will be a summary of the book chosen for Holocaust/World War II. To summarize, think about the main ideas or the important parts of the book. Then write, in your own words, the things you have read. This would be several paragraphs because of the topic. The title, author, number of pages, introduction of characters, and a parent signature must be included. The report should be typed, 14 font, double spaced and include at least three paragraphs that tell what you learned from the book and how it made you feel. This will be your last book report in elementary school ( I know you’re sad ☹).
Signed book report and signed April calendar (with a total) are due May 16th. Signed May calendar (with a total) will be due Friday, May 27 or before.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

***Boehme/Coombs and Bailey classes going to Space Camp Monday***You need to wear a white shirt and long jeans, no sandals or dangly jewelry. Remember to be on time. We will leave as soon as the bus is here. Check out the Space Camp link on the blog to review the Children of Perikoi story.


Math: Track Your Screen Time
I am asking each student to track their "screen time" for a math graphing project that we will be working on next week. Round to the nearest 10 min. and bring them back to school on Thursday the 5th of May.

Due on Tues: pg 628 #4-18.

Language Arts:Apparently, some students are reporting that there are essay topics listed in their portfolios. I am not sure where they came from. I'm assuming from the District. I called my District supervisor on Friday, but I was not able to find out the answer. I will continue trying. In the meantime, just ignore those essay topics and their due dates. I do plan on assigning one more essay before the end of the year. I will let the students know more about their final essay next week.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Planner signed due April 29

Read 30 minutes

Soc. Studies
: Students were given a map of Europe today. Learn the countries and capitals as you color the map. You'll have several days to work on this so make sure that you're doing your best work. We actually learned Cyprus when we studies Asia. You may cross it off your list of European countries but make sure that you know where it is located. Please check the Internet to double check your work. The names of countries have changed and change all of the time (especially in Eastern Europe). If you are using your social studies book or any other type of book, it may be outdated. WARNING: 1. If you color all around the countries on your map, it will be incorrect. 2. If your map is not done neatly and correctly as instructed, you will need to redo this assignment.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

CONGRATULATIONS TO MISS KING AND ALL THE STUDENTS WHO PERFORMED TODAY IN THE SCIENCE MANIACS EXTENSIONS PROGRAM! We are proud of having Miss King on our team! She has such good ideas and spends so much of her own personal time providing opportunities for students to show their talents and enthusiasm for education! Students who spent much of their morning "sleep time" practicing, WELL DONE! Thanks to Miss King and ALL the students for the hour of GREAT ENTERTAINING EDUCATION!


Read for 30 minutes 4/28.

Get planner signed 4/28.

READING: Students in class read Discover WWII. Monday the questions will be handed out and worked on. This will be due Thursday, May 5, the same day the Great Wall packet is due.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Math- Pg 624 # 6-30 Probability

Read for 30 minutes 4/27.
Get planner signed 4/27.

READING: The reading assignment for this week is "The Great Wall", which was passed out in home base because of the testing schedule. The spelling and vocabulary test for this story will be Tuesday, May 3rd, in the letter named classes. The whole packet will be due on Thursday, May 5th. Remember: CURSIVE WRITING.

Language Arts: The "Leonardo DaVinci" Essay is due TODAY, Tuesday, April 26th. Keep working on your essay until you have a "4.2" (which is a C-) or higher. Those students who don't have at least a "4.2" by the 26th, will need to spend time in the Writing Lab during lunch recesses until their essay is above a C-. Remember: no one fails this essay. We can all earn at least a "4.2".

Don't forget that this is NOT a report! It is an essay. It is a five paragraph paper where you write about DaVinci's contributions, both scientific and artistic, to world history. What do you think was important, and explain "why" in great detail. Keep your essay between 600-800 words. Each sentence in a paragraph should start with a different word. Remember to BANISH BORING SENTENCES!

The deadline for this essay is TONIGHT. I am usually on my computer at nights between 10:00 and 11:00 PM. Therefore, if you need to continue working on your essay, you have until approximately 10:00 tonight to fix it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April 20, 2011


We hope everyone has an awesome Spring Break!!! Remember: Next week, we start our end-of-the-year testing. Be safe! We'll see you when school starts again on Tuesday, April 26th.

Note to Mrs. Packard's home room:
Remember, we begin testing FIRSTon Tuesday, April 26, at 8:40 AM!!! Please, please, please don't be late or absent (if at all possible).


RC signed and returned: 4/26
Planner signed: 4/26
Read 30 minutes every night.

***The end of the month is almost here. How are you doing on your reading minutes? If you're behind, get caught up during your vacation.

Language Arts:
The "Leonardo DaVinci" Essay is due Tuesday, April 26th. Keep working on your essay until you have a "4.2" (which is a C-) or higher. Those students who don't have at least a "4.2" by the 26th, will need to spend time in the Writing Lab during lunch recesses until their essay is above a C-. Remember: no one fails this essay. We can all earn at least a "4.2".

Don't forget that this is NOT a report! It is an essay. It is a five paragraph paper where you write about DaVinci's contributions, both scientific and artistic, to world history. What do you think was important, and explain "why" in great detail. Keep your essay between 600-800 words. Each sentence in a paragraph should start with a different word. Remember to BANISH BORING SENTENCES!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 19, 2011


Planner signed: 4/20
Read 30 minutes

Language Arts:
The "Leonardo DaVinci" Essay is due Tuesday, April 26th. Keep working on your essay until you have a "4.2" (which is a C-) or higher. Those students who don't have at least a "4.2" by the 26th will need to spend time in the Writing Lab during lunch recesses until their essay is above a C-. Remember: no one fails this essay. We can all earn at least a "4.2".

Monday, April 18, 2011

Congratulations, Mrs. Packard!

Mrs. Packard was really surprised today to learn that she'd been chosen as one of Jordan Education Foundation's Outstanding Educator of the Year. She will be honored at a special banquet in May. We are so lucky to have such a talented teacher at Elk Meadows and as part of the sixth grade team. Congratulations!


Planner Signed for 4/18

Read 30 min

Math- Pg 28-29 #3-12 Bar graphs

Social Studies: The essay for the Middle Ages test is due on or before May 20.

Reading: Group presentations due tomorrow.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Little Bit of Help for the Test

1. The Middle Ages began with the fall of the Roman empire and ended with the Renaissance. (Years vary according to the historical source but generally it happened around 500 AD to 1500 AD-- about 1,000 years.)

2. The western half of the Roman empire was invaded by various barbarian tribes. The term "gothic" comes from the Goths. During the early part of the Middle Ages, barbarian attacks were common. This time period is sometimes referred to as the "Dark Ages".

3. The eastern half of the Roman empire continued to develop under leaders like Justinian I. His empire was called the Byzantine Empire and lasted more than 1,000 years. A beautiful domed building called the Hagia Sophia was built during this time.

4. Charlemagne was a great king that ruled the Kingdom of the Franks. (Germany/France)
Remember our song? He wanted to expand and improve his whole empire. He encouraged learning and loved books.

5. Vikings, also known as Norsemen, came from the countries now known as Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. They were fierce invaders. England at that time wasn't one country. There were several smaller kingdoms and vulnerable to Viking attacks. For about 300 years, Vikings ruled much of England.

6. During the first 600 years of the Middle Ages, there were many battles, and many rulers as they battled over land. Parts of Europe settled into large kingdoms and England was one of those places. After the Battle of Hastings, William conquered more and more land. In 1066, he was crowned King of England. He was also known as William the Conqueror.

7. King Richard I of England is better known as Richard the Lionheart. The name Lionheart stands for bravery, loyalty, and chivalry.

8. Study the notes you took in class and read the chapters in your social studies books.

Essay Question #1

Why should a sixth grade student care about the events of the Middle Ages?
(Hint: Did the events and attitudes during the Middle Ages affect how people felt about kings/nobles, freedom, land, station in life (feudal hierarchy), laws, rights, and even coming to America much later? How does that apply or affect a sixth grader in the 21st century?)

Essay Question #2

What did you learn from the castle assignment?
[Hint: Was it REALLY about knowing the parts of a castle or was the assignment actually about skills you need in life? If so, what were they?]

Friday, April 15, 2011

April 15, 2011

Have a GREAT weekend!

Planner signed due April 18
RC card signed due April 18

Soc. Studies:
Please check the blog again late Saturday afternoon. I will give you some helps for the test. I'm sorry that I don't have time to do it right now.

Language Arts:
"Leonardo DaVinci" Essay due Tuesday, April 26. Remember: This is NOT a report. It is a five paragraph paper where you write about DaVinci's contributions, both scientific and artistic, to world history. What do you think was the most important and explain "why" is great detail. Keep your essay between 600-800 words. Each sentence in a paragraph should start with a different word. Remember to BANISH BORING SENTENCES!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Please Scroll Down!

Check to see if your castle is on the blog. We want to feature every castle. Make sure to tell a sixth grade teacher if your castle is not featured.

Scroll down past the castles to see the information about today and to see an important announcement about Mrs. Bailey.

A Few More Castles

A Few More Castles

Study or Spend Time In the Dungeon!!!


signed due April 15

Read 30 minutes

Soc. Studies
: We had to postpone the test until Monday. Everyone is really sad that we couldn't take the test today. Sorry! Study hard for Monday.

Please plan to take home your castle tomorrow. They are wonderful, but we can no longer take up the hall space to display them.

Language Arts:
Spend 15 minutes tonight on your essay "Leonardo DaVinci" Due: Tuesday, April 26. Remember... THIS IS NOT A REPORT!!! It is an organized (Five paragraphs) writing of your thoughts and opinions. What did you learn? How did DaVinci influence world history? The essay is due the day after Spring Break Vacation, so plan accordingly.