
Friday, October 22, 2010

Egyptian Project Choices

Egyptian Museum Projects

1. Make a model of a water clock and write a description of how it worked. 50pts
2. Make a working model of a shadoof and write a description of how it worked. 50pts.
3. Do some research and mummify a chicken. Display pictures of each step. Write a caption for each picture. 100 pts. (Do NOT start this project now. It's too late!)
4. Make a sculpture of the Sphinx. Write a one- page essay about its significance in ancient Egypt. 40 pts
5. Make four tri-folds and glue them back- to- back. Make 3-D scenes of the following: Egyptian daily life, gods and goddesses, life on the Nile River, and ancient Egyptian achievements. 50 pts.
6. Invent a game to teach other students about Egypt. Include a page of rules, gameboard, cards, playing pieces, etc. 40 pts.
7. Make a pop-up book of at least five pages about ancient Egypt. Include a paragraph on each page. 100 pts.
8.Make an ABC book to teach terms to know while studying about ancient Egypt. Include a minimum of two sentences for each letter and 26 illustrations. 100pts.
9. Choreograph and perform a dance to tell the story of how Egypt was created. Choose appropriate music and costume. 50 pts.
10. Paint a mural (bulletin board size) depicting life in ancient Egypt. 100 pts.
11. Design an accordion book about the art and architecture of Egypt. 30 pts.
12. Write a minimum of a three-act play about the Egyptians’ beliefs about death. 50 pts.
13. Design a fashion catalogue for ancient Egyptians. Include fashions and accessories for a pharaoh, woman, priest, slave, merchant and child. 30 pts.
14. Become an artisan and make either a religious or death mask. Write a paragraph about masks. 50 pts.
15. Make a chart to show the significance of ancient Egyptian symbols. 15 pts.
16. Make a 3-D map of the Nile. See Ms. King for the requirements. 100 pts.
17. Make a model of a funerary boat. Explain the significance of the symbols. 50 pts.
18. Design a poster to show the different types of boats used by the Egyptians. 25 pts.
19. Make a map showing the various quarries in Egypt. 25 pts.
20. Design a picture book about the plants and animals of ancient Egypt. Make sure to explain the significance of each one. (minimum of 25 plants/animals) 50 pts.
21. Write a story using hieroglyphics. Write the translation under each symbol. 25 pts.
22. Make a book of at least 12 gods and goddesses. Describe their physical appearances and their purposes in a paragraph about each one. 40 pts.
23. Write a story about your life in ancient Egypt. (minimum of 5 paragraphs) You may NOT be a pharaoh, king, queen or god. You may be a priest, worker, soldier, merchant, farmer, slave, or visitor. 25 pts.
24. Make a chart that compares the height of several pyramids to the worlds’ highest structures. Use illustrations on your chart. 40 pts.
25. Design a book to explain Egyptian numbers. Solve 10 Egyptian math problems.(20)
26. Make a model of a felucca. 20 pts.
27. Construct a model of an Egyptian burial chamber. The burial chamber should include wall paintings, the sarcophagus with the coffin in it, canopic jars, and items this Egyptian would need in the afterlife. 100 pts.
28. Design a travel brochure for tourists visiting ancient Egypt. Include: a map, information about travel, 5 sites to see, information about the government, and other information a tourist would need. 50 pts.
29. Create a crossword puzzle using terms and information about Egypt. You must have a minimum of 20 clues. 15 pts.
30. Design a piece of jewelry that could have been presented to Nefertiti, or Nefetari by her pharaoh husband in recognition of her contributions. Write a 1-2 paragraph description of the piece and how it represents the queen. Keep in mind important gods/goddesses. 40 pts.
31. Write a research paper about the qualities and leadership skills of the New Kingdom’s seven great pharaohs. 50 pts.
32. Draw and label (or make a model) of a cross-section of a temple. Include: the pylon, courtyard, hypostyle hall, second hall, sanctuary, and the sacred lake. 50 pts.
33. Make a queen’s headdress and a pharaoh’s crown. (There are several types.) 25pts.
34. Make a model of a chariot and explain how it was used. 50 pts.
35. Write an essay about the contribution of women to the ancient Egyptian culture. (5 paragraphs) 30 pts.
36. Make three models of ancient Egyptian toys or games. 50 pts.
37. Make an ankh, a scarab seal, and a royal cartouche. 25 pts.
38. Make a farming display including some tools used in ancient times. 25 pts.
39. Imagine you are a person from ancient Egypt (slave, priest, farmer, pharaoh…etc). Give a two -minute speech on the way you think a person in Egypt felt. Include their beliefs, values, culture, and social status. 25 pts.
40. Write an essay on, “If I could be a pharaoh, I would be _____________________ because…” (Must be a minimum of three paragraphs with five facts about the pharaoh.) 20 pts.
41. Find an Egyptian myth or legend and retell it in you own words. (Consider costume, voice, and fluency) 20 pts.
42. Create a chart comparing what life would be like without the Nile and what life was like with the Nile. Include: agriculture, food supply, sanitary needs, family life, etc. 25 pts.
43. Compose an original piece of music or song about Egypt and perform it for the class. Report on ancient Egyptian musical instruments. Provide visual aides. 40 pts.
44. Change the lyrics of a popular song into lyrics about ancient Egypt. Perform your new song. 20 pts.
45. Make a poster about ancient Egyptian technology. Explain how it changed lives. (Minimum of five) 25 pts.
46. Create an ancient Egyptian newspaper. Write several new articles. Be creative with other sections of the newspaper (entertainment, business, sports, etc). 100 pts.
47. Make an Egyptian Book of the Dead. Write 2-3 paragraphs to explain how it was used. 20 pts.
48. Read a non-fiction book about ancient Egypt. Write a one-page summary of the book. 15 pts.
49. Produce a radio broadcast. Interview three important people of ancient Egypt. Include sound effects and a commercial. 40 pts.
50. Design a mail order catalog from an Egyptian retailer. Items must have a description and a "price". (i.e. 2 bushels of corn, 1 goat, etc.) Have each page feature a different category (furniture, food, animals, personal care/fashion, weapons, funeral equipment, etc) 100 pts.
51. Write a fractured fairytale with Egyptian characters. (i.e. Queen Nefertiti and the 7 Tomb Robbers) 30 pts.
52. Make an ancient Egyptian cookbook. Include recipes and illustrations. 40 pts.
53. Research ancient Egyptian medical practices. Write a medical handbook of cures and remedies for ailing Egyptians. 30 pts.
54. Make a cubit stick. Measure 15-20 common items of varying sizes. Graph/chart your measurements. 20 pts.
55. Make a shabti out of a bar of soap. 20 pts.
56. Mold the four canopic jars out of clay. Write a paragraph to explain their significance. 25 pts.
57. Make an obelisk in honor of your nome god/goddess. 20 pts.
58. Construct a pharaoh's crook and flail. 20 pts.
59. Prepare for an ancient Egyptian ceremony by making a sistrum. Write a paragraph to explain its use. 20 pts.


1. Make sure that your name (first and last), date, and homebase teacher is on your project.
2. Turn your project in on time.
3. Draw thumbnail sketches to plan your project.
4. Write several rough drafts.
5. Frame/matte pictures and paragraphs.
6. Be careful not to have jagged edges when you cut something.
7. Think- BIG! BOLD! BEAUTIFUL! (Be aware of white space on displays.)
8. Make your lettering a uniform size.
9. Proofread!!!!!
10.Color in ONE direction! Use colored pencils unless your project calls for another medium.
11.Center titles and remember top, bottom, and side margins.
12.Use appropriate materials i.e. graph paper for a graph, art paper for art, final draft writing paper for anything that is written.
13.Securely glue down items. Use an appropriate amount of glue and the proper glue for your project.
14.Turn in QUALITY WORK!!! (No smudges, smears, tears, food stains, sloppy handwriting, words that are misspelled, inaccurate information, copying from a book or the Internet, incomplete projects, paper ripped from a notebook, projects that are taped instead of glued, sloppy coloring and coloring outside of the line, etc.)
15.Use technology where appropriate BUT DO NOT just print out pictures and information and slap it on a poster board.
16.This is YOUR project. Parents my HELP but it is not their project. You will be graded on the work that you do, not what your parents do.
17.Plan mini due dates for yourself so that you are NOT trying to do a project at the last minute.


You will need to earn 94 points to earn an A on this project. The point values next to each project are approximately the number of points that may be earned. You may earn more or less depending on the quality and sophistication of your project. You may complete more than one project in order to earn an A. It is better to complete one really nice project rather than a whole bunch of sloppy projects. You have plenty of time to research and complete a project. Plan your time well. Don’t try to do a project a couple of days before it’s due. Only choose a project from this list. Other projects will receive 0 points.

100+ pts. =A+ (a few extra credit points)
94 =A
90 =A-
86 =B+
84 =B
80 =B-
76 =C+
74 =C
70 =C-
lower =Needs Improvement

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