We want to wish everyone a happy holiday! Relax and enjoy the time with your family.
The RC card needs to be signed and brought back Jan. 3.
Read 30 minutes each day and record your reading minutes.
Remember to save a shoe box, 2 liter bottles, a cereal box, and the Box Tops for Education labels.
Look for a plain colored (white) sheet and some type of belt.
Thank you for being such AWESOME students! We'll see you NEXT YEAR!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
It's Greek To Me!
Our next social studies unit, beginning in January, will be about the ancient Greeks/Romans. Each student will need a "toga or tunic" to wear each day. Students should try to find a plain colored sheet (preferably white) with some type of belt to tie around the waist. (ribbon, rope, fabric belt, etc.) A student may also make an optional wreath of leaves to wear on his/her head. All costume items should be labeled clearly with the student's name and homebase color.
Students will need their outfit by January 10, 2011. They will receive participation points each day that they dress in their Greek attire. Those students who are unable to find a simple costume should talk with me as soon as possible.
We will be doing a project during the month of January. Each student will need a cereal box. Students DO NOT need to bring the box to school, but they should make sure that they have one to use for the project. Extra cereal boxes are appreciated and can be brought to school for those students who are unable to find one.
Students can look forward to studying mythology, fables, an Olympic competition, debates, astronomy, higher mathematics, the continuing study of sound/music, art, and a competition that will use their knowledge of Greek/Roman architecture. They will also read many plays and possibly earn the honor of being named a Thespian. Students will receive their new Greek name when we return to school in January.
Handwriting Booklets: For those students who are working on their Fantastic Falcon Award, the handwriting booklets are due January 7, 2011. Students do not HAVE to do the booklet; there are other options to choose from. However, this is one of the easier options, and a good time to finish them is during the Christmas vacation. Students will only have from January 3-7, to finish them after the break. The books have instructions that need to be followed in order to pass. Also, the students' handwriting should improve towards the end of the booklet. In the past, we have had students try to do a "rush job" in order to get the booklet finished on time. The MOST important reason for doing the booklet is to improve handwriting. The SECOND MOST important reason is to do it for the Falcon Award. Once January 7, has passed, the booklets will not be accepted for the Falcon Award. All booklets will need to be passed off with Mrs. Packard.
Students will need their outfit by January 10, 2011. They will receive participation points each day that they dress in their Greek attire. Those students who are unable to find a simple costume should talk with me as soon as possible.
We will be doing a project during the month of January. Each student will need a cereal box. Students DO NOT need to bring the box to school, but they should make sure that they have one to use for the project. Extra cereal boxes are appreciated and can be brought to school for those students who are unable to find one.
Students can look forward to studying mythology, fables, an Olympic competition, debates, astronomy, higher mathematics, the continuing study of sound/music, art, and a competition that will use their knowledge of Greek/Roman architecture. They will also read many plays and possibly earn the honor of being named a Thespian. Students will receive their new Greek name when we return to school in January.
Handwriting Booklets: For those students who are working on their Fantastic Falcon Award, the handwriting booklets are due January 7, 2011. Students do not HAVE to do the booklet; there are other options to choose from. However, this is one of the easier options, and a good time to finish them is during the Christmas vacation. Students will only have from January 3-7, to finish them after the break. The books have instructions that need to be followed in order to pass. Also, the students' handwriting should improve towards the end of the booklet. In the past, we have had students try to do a "rush job" in order to get the booklet finished on time. The MOST important reason for doing the booklet is to improve handwriting. The SECOND MOST important reason is to do it for the Falcon Award. Once January 7, has passed, the booklets will not be accepted for the Falcon Award. All booklets will need to be passed off with Mrs. Packard.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Handwriting Booklets: For those students who are working on their Fantastic Falcon Award, the handwriting booklets are due January 7, 2011. Students do not HAVE to do the booklet; there are other options to choose from. However, this is one of the easier options, and a good time to finish them is during the Christmas vacation. Students will only have from January 3-7, to finish them after the break. The books have instructions that need to be followed in order to pass. Also, the students' handwriting should improve towards the end of the booklet. In the past, we have had students try to do a "rush job" in order to get the booklet finished on time. The MOST important reason for doing the booklet is to improve handwriting. The SECOND MOST important reason is to do it for the Falcon Award. Once January 7, has passed, the booklets will not be accepted for the Falcon Award. All booklets will need to be passed off with Mrs. Packard.
Math- The Snowman Construction Company worksheet. Please follow all directions.
Planner signed: 12/21
Read 30 minutes
Science - all Light make-up and redo work due 12/21, no exceptions!
Language Arts: No assignment.
Reading: Comp WS 142+143, "Broadly speaking...", due 12/21. Book reports and calendars due January 3rd.
Soc. Studies: No assignment. Congratulations to all of those students who studied and did their best on the Asian countries test. There were about 50 students who earned an 'A' but there were many more students who studied and earned a higher score than on the quizzes. There were also 27 students who did some extra studying and earned their "Ancient Chinese Philosopher" sticker which will count towards earning a Falcon Award. Way to Go!
All Asia/China packets should be turned in no later than tomorrow. No exceptions!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Handwriting Booklets: For those students who are working on their Fantastic Falcon Award, the handwriting booklets are due January 7, 2011. Students do not HAVE to do the booklet; there are other options to choose from. However, this is one of the easier options, and a good time to finish them is during the Christmas vacation. Students will only have from January 3-7, to finish them after the break. The books have instructions that need to be followed in order to pass. Also, the students' handwriting should improve towards the end of the booklet. In the past, we have had students try to do a "rush job" in order to get the booklet finished on time. The MOST important reason for doing the booklet is to improve handwriting. The SECOND MOST important reason is to do it for the Falcon Award. Once January 7, has passed, the booklets will not be accepted for the Falcon Award. All booklets will need to be passed off with Mrs. Packard.
Planner signed: 12/20
RC signed and returned: 12/20
Read 30 minutes. ***Weekends are a good time to get caught up if you are behind in your reading minutes. Also, since it is the holiday season, we hope you'll take some time to read some of the many wonderful Christmas stories that are available.
Language Arts: "Grammar Cop: Their, There, and They're" Wkst. due: 12/20. (Most students finished this in class, but if you didn't, be sure to have it ready on Monday.)
Christmas Story Oral Presentations: We still have a few students who need to give their presentations to their classes on Monday, and then we should be finished. Overall, the students have done very well. However, many of our students still are reading/speaking TOO FAST when they are presenting publicly. We will continue to practice this skill throughout the year. As I always say (before each student gets ready to speak), "Remember to speak LOUD, SLOW, and CLEAR." :)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Planner signed due 12/17
Read 30 minutes
Soc. Studies: pg. 37 in your packet due next week/ Read pgs. 150-155 Study for your TEST! Make sure that all of your assigned papers are finished in your packet by Monday. Keep checking the blog every night-- more Christmas presents to come. :)
Language Arts: Wkst. "Grammar Cop: There, They're, Their" due Monday, 12/20.
Planner signed due 12/17
Read 30 minutes
Soc. Studies: pg. 37 in your packet due next week/ Read pgs. 150-155 Study for your TEST! Make sure that all of your assigned papers are finished in your packet by Monday. Keep checking the blog every night-- more Christmas presents to come. :)
Language Arts: Wkst. "Grammar Cop: There, They're, Their" due Monday, 12/20.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Dec. 15, 2010
Congratulations to our sixth grade students who performed today in the orchestra assembly. You did an AWESOME job!
Planner signed due 12/16
Read 30 minutes
Math: decimal and percent work sheet and Goodbye Party fun problem solving sheet.
Soc. Studies: due next week pg. 40 in the Asia packet
Language Arts:Wkst: "Grammar Cop: Homophones" due 12/16. We should be able to finish our Christmas Story Oral presentations on Thursday, December 16.
Planner signed due 12/16
Read 30 minutes
Math: decimal and percent work sheet and Goodbye Party fun problem solving sheet.
Soc. Studies: due next week pg. 40 in the Asia packet
Language Arts:Wkst: "Grammar Cop: Homophones" due 12/16. We should be able to finish our Christmas Story Oral presentations on Thursday, December 16.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Santa's List: Colored pencils
Students remember to add colored pencils to your Santa lists. We will use colored pencils a lot this year!
Planner signed due 12/15
Read 30 minutes
Math: Cumulative Review worksheet #29- 45 and Pg 572 # 1-12
Social Studies: Pages 30 and 78 in your Asia/China packet will be due next week. Study for Quiz #3!
Ancient Chinese Philosopher Test for Falcon Award: Study the following questions: 1-10; 17, 19&20; 28;31; 34 &35; 43&44; 48;51; 57-59.
Science - any make-up or redo work for Light must be turned in by 12/21. If students choose to redo work, they must correct their answers on a separate piece of paper and staple that paper to the original, and then turn both of them in. Only the matching and short answer portions of the Light Test can be redone.
Reading: Comprehension test tomorrow. Please remember book reports/reading calendars are due January 3, 2011. Keep track of reading during the winter recess.
Language Arts: DOL Sentences #1-10 due 12/15. REMEMBER... spelling errors deduct 5 points each!!! Always check your spellings; don't try to guess them right!!!
Planner signed due 12/15
Read 30 minutes
Math: Cumulative Review worksheet #29- 45 and Pg 572 # 1-12
Social Studies: Pages 30 and 78 in your Asia/China packet will be due next week. Study for Quiz #3!
Ancient Chinese Philosopher Test for Falcon Award: Study the following questions: 1-10; 17, 19&20; 28;31; 34 &35; 43&44; 48;51; 57-59.
Science - any make-up or redo work for Light must be turned in by 12/21. If students choose to redo work, they must correct their answers on a separate piece of paper and staple that paper to the original, and then turn both of them in. Only the matching and short answer portions of the Light Test can be redone.
Reading: Comprehension test tomorrow. Please remember book reports/reading calendars are due January 3, 2011. Keep track of reading during the winter recess.
Language Arts: DOL Sentences #1-10 due 12/15. REMEMBER... spelling errors deduct 5 points each!!! Always check your spellings; don't try to guess them right!!!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Planner Signed: 12/14
Read 30 minutes
Language Arts: Christmas Story Oral Presentations due: 12/14. ***NOTE: I apologize for not being at school this morning. A substitute covered my classes in the morning due to a family emergency. She assigned all ten sentences on a DOL worksheet and told them it was due on Tuesday, December 14. I will be changing that due date to Wednesday, December 15. Students who did not finish in class should be able to finish it while they are listening to the Christmas stories.
Science Progress Report Signed - due 12/14
Each student will need a shoe box on January 25 to make an instrument. Also, I will need 56 2-liter pop bottles for class experiments by January 24. Please start sending these items to school now.
Social Studies: If you forgot to bring your progress note today, please bring it tomorrow. Due 12/14 Southeastern Map // 12/15 Asian country Quiz #3 (The countries will be the last part of the song. Song lyrics are posted on a previous blog entry.) // Due 12/16 Eastern Asia Map// Monday,December 20 is the FINAL TEST of ALL ASIAN COUNTRIES. You must STUDY! The song will help you but the test will not be as easy as the quizzes.
Reading: Comp WS 141 had about 10-15 minutes in class. Due to correct tomorrow. Pg 140 will be done during class."Where the Red Fern Grows" comprehension test Wednesday.
Planner Signed: 12/14
Read 30 minutes
Language Arts: Christmas Story Oral Presentations due: 12/14. ***NOTE: I apologize for not being at school this morning. A substitute covered my classes in the morning due to a family emergency. She assigned all ten sentences on a DOL worksheet and told them it was due on Tuesday, December 14. I will be changing that due date to Wednesday, December 15. Students who did not finish in class should be able to finish it while they are listening to the Christmas stories.
Science Progress Report Signed - due 12/14
Each student will need a shoe box on January 25 to make an instrument. Also, I will need 56 2-liter pop bottles for class experiments by January 24. Please start sending these items to school now.
Social Studies: If you forgot to bring your progress note today, please bring it tomorrow. Due 12/14 Southeastern Map // 12/15 Asian country Quiz #3 (The countries will be the last part of the song. Song lyrics are posted on a previous blog entry.) // Due 12/16 Eastern Asia Map// Monday,December 20 is the FINAL TEST of ALL ASIAN COUNTRIES. You must STUDY! The song will help you but the test will not be as easy as the quizzes.
Reading: Comp WS 141 had about 10-15 minutes in class. Due to correct tomorrow. Pg 140 will be done during class."Where the Red Fern Grows" comprehension test Wednesday.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Falcon Friday with Reading Room (instead of Study Hall) will resume next week. Teachers will be looking at the current week RC, December 13 to 17, to determine who will be in the Reading Room and who will attend a Falcon Friday activity. Students may have one mark on their RC for the one week and still attend the activity. Two or more marks on their RC and students will read in one of the Reading Rooms for 45 minutes.
From the disclosure statement each parent and student signed at the beginning of the year:
"RESPONSIBILITY CARDS: Each week your child will be given a Responsibility Card (RC). Late assignments will be listed on one side and marks for misbehavior will be on the other side. Students are responsible to keep track of the RC for the week. If it is lost, students will be given a “gray card” and privileges will not be available to them. The RC must come back each Monday signed by a parent. Notes saying parents saw the card are not acceptable. Only the original card is acceptable. The RC will let you know if your child is doing his/her work, what rules he/she is having problems with, and the overall behavior and citizenship of your child. Every other Friday, students who have no more than two total marks on their RC for two weeks in a row will attend the Fun Friday activity, and those with three or more total marks on their RC will attend an Independent Study Hall."
We have changed Study Hall to Reading, because students are not using the Study Hall time wisely, and every student can use the opportunity to read more.
Planner signed: 12/13
RC card signed and returned: 12/13
Read 30 minutes
No math homework :)
Language Arts: "Do You Want Fame?" Essay due: 12/13. Students have until Monday to work on their essay and continue to improve their scores. They should focus on their organization and mechanics. Christmas Story Oral Presentation due: 12/13. Students may use the grading rubric that was given to them in class as they practice reading the story orally to family members/friends. Remember to practice it "Loud, Slow, and Clear."
From the disclosure statement each parent and student signed at the beginning of the year:
"RESPONSIBILITY CARDS: Each week your child will be given a Responsibility Card (RC). Late assignments will be listed on one side and marks for misbehavior will be on the other side. Students are responsible to keep track of the RC for the week. If it is lost, students will be given a “gray card” and privileges will not be available to them. The RC must come back each Monday signed by a parent. Notes saying parents saw the card are not acceptable. Only the original card is acceptable. The RC will let you know if your child is doing his/her work, what rules he/she is having problems with, and the overall behavior and citizenship of your child. Every other Friday, students who have no more than two total marks on their RC for two weeks in a row will attend the Fun Friday activity, and those with three or more total marks on their RC will attend an Independent Study Hall."
We have changed Study Hall to Reading, because students are not using the Study Hall time wisely, and every student can use the opportunity to read more.
Planner signed: 12/13
RC card signed and returned: 12/13
Read 30 minutes
No math homework :)
Language Arts: "Do You Want Fame?" Essay due: 12/13. Students have until Monday to work on their essay and continue to improve their scores. They should focus on their organization and mechanics. Christmas Story Oral Presentation due: 12/13. Students may use the grading rubric that was given to them in class as they practice reading the story orally to family members/friends. Remember to practice it "Loud, Slow, and Clear."
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Thank You! --- for helping with Tool Day
Our students had a great time today learning all about different professions and the "tools" that are used for the different jobs.
Congratulations kiddos for doing such an EXCELLENT job on our Asian country quiz today! We have one more section and we'll know all of the Asian countries.
Planner signed due 12/10
Read 30 minutes
Soc. Studies: If you forgot your progress note today, remember to bring it tomorrow.
China packet pg. 29 due Monday Dec. 13 Southeastern map due Tues. Dec. 14 (You may choose your own colors for each country. Follow classroom instructions.)
Asian Countries Quiz #3 Wednesday Dec. 15.
Countries to study: Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Taiwan, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Mongolia, China.
Language Arts:Christmas Story Oral Presentation due: 12/13. A copy of the grading rubric was sent home so students can have family members/friends help them practice. Remember to practice it "Loud, Slow, and Clear." "Do You Want Fame?" Essay due 12/13. Students have until Monday to keep improving their essay scores. I will print the computer report of their scores Monday night. So far, the scores have really improved from the first essay, and I anticipate that they will continue to improve over the weekend. My Jordan District Trainer is VERY impressed with how our sixth grade is doing so far. WAY TO GO SIXTH GRADE!!!!
READING: Spelling WS 146+ 147. Most students finished the worksheet and just needed to work on the "Pet Guidelines" part. Due to correct on Monday before the spelling/vocabulary test.
Congratulations kiddos for doing such an EXCELLENT job on our Asian country quiz today! We have one more section and we'll know all of the Asian countries.
Planner signed due 12/10
Read 30 minutes
Soc. Studies: If you forgot your progress note today, remember to bring it tomorrow.
China packet pg. 29 due Monday Dec. 13 Southeastern map due Tues. Dec. 14 (You may choose your own colors for each country. Follow classroom instructions.)
Asian Countries Quiz #3 Wednesday Dec. 15.
Countries to study: Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Taiwan, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Mongolia, China.
Language Arts:Christmas Story Oral Presentation due: 12/13. A copy of the grading rubric was sent home so students can have family members/friends help them practice. Remember to practice it "Loud, Slow, and Clear." "Do You Want Fame?" Essay due 12/13. Students have until Monday to keep improving their essay scores. I will print the computer report of their scores Monday night. So far, the scores have really improved from the first essay, and I anticipate that they will continue to improve over the weekend. My Jordan District Trainer is VERY impressed with how our sixth grade is doing so far. WAY TO GO SIXTH GRADE!!!!
READING: Spelling WS 146+ 147. Most students finished the worksheet and just needed to work on the "Pet Guidelines" part. Due to correct on Monday before the spelling/vocabulary test.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
December 8, 2010
Math- Pg 570 # 1-20 except 9,10,11 and 5 problems from the board.
Planner signed: 12/9
Read 30 minutes
Language Arts:"A Yule Tale" Wkst. Due: 12/9. Persuasive Planning Guide Section #4 filled out. Due: 12/9. Christmas Story Oral Presentation Due: 12/13. Students should be practicing at home by reading the story out loud to family members. "Do You Want Fame?" Essay Due 12/13. Students should be working on their essay 10-15 minutes each night.
Math- Pg 570 # 1-20 except 9,10,11 and 5 problems from the board.
Planner signed: 12/9
Read 30 minutes
Language Arts:"A Yule Tale" Wkst. Due: 12/9. Persuasive Planning Guide Section #4 filled out. Due: 12/9. Christmas Story Oral Presentation Due: 12/13. Students should be practicing at home by reading the story out loud to family members. "Do You Want Fame?" Essay Due 12/13. Students should be working on their essay 10-15 minutes each night.
6th Grade Service Project
As a holiday service project, sixth grade students will be assembling craft kits for the children at Primary Children's Hospital. We're asking each student to donate a $1 to help pay for the supplies.
Sign planner due 12/9
Read 30 minutes
Social Studies: Please sign and return tomorrow the progress note that was sent home today.
India map due 12/9 Quiz #2 12/9 Countries: Russia, Kasakistan, Usbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzistan, Tajikistan, Afganistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, India, Sri Lanka
Sign planner due 12/9
Read 30 minutes
Social Studies: Please sign and return tomorrow the progress note that was sent home today.
India map due 12/9 Quiz #2 12/9 Countries: Russia, Kasakistan, Usbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzistan, Tajikistan, Afganistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, India, Sri Lanka
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Read for 30 minutes
Planner signed: 12/8
MATH- Worksheet- Parking at the Mall + the three problems from the board.
READING: The story we are going to read is "Where the Red Fern Grows" which is an excerpt from the novel with the same name. Spelling ABC order and vocabulary definitions are due tomorrow, 12/8. Spelling WS 144-147 and Vocabulary WS 139+148 are due Monday, 12/13, right before the tests.
Spelling words: balance, lawyer, sheriff, author, minus, method, item, require, supply, whisper, spirit, tennis, adopt, instant, poison, deserve, rescue, journey, relief, laundry, enhance, delete, precious, structure, decade.
Vocabulary words: provisions, determination, depot, urgency, wares, cheap.
Language Arts: DOL Sentences #3-4 Due: 12/8. (Most students finished this in class.) "A Yule Tale" Wkst. Due 12/9. (Wow! Many students are already finished with this, too!) "Do You Want Fame?" Essay Due: 12/13. Several students have stopped working on this and their scores are not very good. Students are encouraged to work on it 10 minutes a night (so they're not spending HOURS on it the Sunday night before it is due.) Christmas Story Oral Presentation due: 12/13. The grading rubric was sent home today, so students know how they will be graded in class. Students are encouraged to practice reading their stories out loud to family members at home. Remember: "Loud, Slow, and Clear!"
Read for 30 minutes
Planner signed: 12/8
MATH- Worksheet- Parking at the Mall + the three problems from the board.
READING: The story we are going to read is "Where the Red Fern Grows" which is an excerpt from the novel with the same name. Spelling ABC order and vocabulary definitions are due tomorrow, 12/8. Spelling WS 144-147 and Vocabulary WS 139+148 are due Monday, 12/13, right before the tests.
Spelling words: balance, lawyer, sheriff, author, minus, method, item, require, supply, whisper, spirit, tennis, adopt, instant, poison, deserve, rescue, journey, relief, laundry, enhance, delete, precious, structure, decade.
Vocabulary words: provisions, determination, depot, urgency, wares, cheap.
Language Arts: DOL Sentences #3-4 Due: 12/8. (Most students finished this in class.) "A Yule Tale" Wkst. Due 12/9. (Wow! Many students are already finished with this, too!) "Do You Want Fame?" Essay Due: 12/13. Several students have stopped working on this and their scores are not very good. Students are encouraged to work on it 10 minutes a night (so they're not spending HOURS on it the Sunday night before it is due.) Christmas Story Oral Presentation due: 12/13. The grading rubric was sent home today, so students know how they will be graded in class. Students are encouraged to practice reading their stories out loud to family members at home. Remember: "Loud, Slow, and Clear!"
Monday, December 6, 2010
Asian Countries Song (My Favorite Things)
Georgia, Armenia,
and Azerbaijan
Turkey and Syria,
Iraq and Iran
The island of Cyprus, Lebanon, Is-ra-el
I'm learning the coun-tries of Asia. You can tell.
A small piece of Egypt,
and Jordan, Kuwait.
Saudi Arabia,
Qatar, Emerates
Yemen's by Africa,
O-man's by the sea
I'm to 18 Asian co-un-tries.
Start in Georgia
End in Hong Kong
And you soon will see.
That you will learn the
forty-nine countries
and then you won't feel so bad!
Just below Russia
comes Ka-sak-is-tan
Usbek and Turkmen,
then add the istan
There's Kyrgyz and Tajik
Afgan, Pak -istan
The worst to pronounce in all of the land.
Nepal, Bhutan, India,
and tiny Sri Lanka
Bang-la-desh, Burma and
Thailand, Cambodia
Laos, west of Vietnam
Philippines on the east
I'm at 37. It's been such a beast!
Malaysia and Singapore,
Brunei, Indonesia
Taiwan and Japan
North, South Korea
Mon-go-lia, China
Macau and Hong Kong
I'm finally done with this Asian song.
Started in Georgia
Ended in Hong Kong
And now I can see.
I really do know the
forty-nine countries.
And now I don't feel so BAD!
and Azerbaijan
Turkey and Syria,
Iraq and Iran
The island of Cyprus, Lebanon, Is-ra-el
I'm learning the coun-tries of Asia. You can tell.
A small piece of Egypt,
and Jordan, Kuwait.
Saudi Arabia,
Qatar, Emerates
Yemen's by Africa,
O-man's by the sea
I'm to 18 Asian co-un-tries.
Start in Georgia
End in Hong Kong
And you soon will see.
That you will learn the
forty-nine countries
and then you won't feel so bad!
Just below Russia
comes Ka-sak-is-tan
Usbek and Turkmen,
then add the istan
There's Kyrgyz and Tajik
Afgan, Pak -istan
The worst to pronounce in all of the land.
Nepal, Bhutan, India,
and tiny Sri Lanka
Bang-la-desh, Burma and
Thailand, Cambodia
Laos, west of Vietnam
Philippines on the east
I'm at 37. It's been such a beast!
Malaysia and Singapore,
Brunei, Indonesia
Taiwan and Japan
North, South Korea
Mon-go-lia, China
Macau and Hong Kong
I'm finally done with this Asian song.
Started in Georgia
Ended in Hong Kong
And now I can see.
I really do know the
forty-nine countries.
And now I don't feel so BAD!
December 6, 2010
Math Pg 568
Planner Signed - 12/7
Read 30 minutes
Science - Light Review Packet and study information in binder for test about light - 12/7
Language Arts: DOL Sentences #1-2 Due: 12/7. "A Yule Tale" Worksheet Due: 12/9. "Do You Want Fame?"Essay Due: 12/13. Christmas Story Oral Presentation Due: 12/13.
Soc. Studies: Middle East map due 12/7 Quiz #1 Asian countries (This is only a quiz. If you can sing the song like we did in class today, you'll get 100%.)
Reading: Handed out December calendars because students need to keep track of their 30 minutes per day (minimum) reading, even while off for winter break. It is important to get in the habit of reading EVERY DAY. The sign in my class says " You only have to read on the days that you eat." Book reports and calendars will be due January 3, 2011.
Math Pg 568
Planner Signed - 12/7
Read 30 minutes
Science - Light Review Packet and study information in binder for test about light - 12/7
Language Arts: DOL Sentences #1-2 Due: 12/7. "A Yule Tale" Worksheet Due: 12/9. "Do You Want Fame?"Essay Due: 12/13. Christmas Story Oral Presentation Due: 12/13.
Soc. Studies: Middle East map due 12/7 Quiz #1 Asian countries (This is only a quiz. If you can sing the song like we did in class today, you'll get 100%.)
Reading: Handed out December calendars because students need to keep track of their 30 minutes per day (minimum) reading, even while off for winter break. It is important to get in the habit of reading EVERY DAY. The sign in my class says " You only have to read on the days that you eat." Book reports and calendars will be due January 3, 2011.
Friday, December 3, 2010
PTA Needs Help with Tool Day
"Tool Day" is scheduled for December 9 from 8:45-11:00 am. Unfortunately, the PTA may need to cancel this activity. If you feel that you could come and present a "show and tell" about the kind of work that you do, please call the office at 801-446-3200.
RC and Planner signed due Monday, Dec. 6
Read 30 minutes
Soc. Studies: Students should work on memorizing the first set of Asian countries. Find a fun game on line and have some fun this weekend. Countries are posted on a previous blog entry.
Language Arts:Students need to choose a Christmas story that they would like to read before the class. They will read only 2 minutes of the story. It does not need to be memorized. They should not choose "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" or "Twas The Night Before Christmas." They will be graded on the following:
We will practice in class. However, it would really be helpful if the students practice reading the story to family members. The book is due: Monday, December 6.
"Do You Want Fame?" Essay (650+ words) due 12/13.
RC and Planner signed due Monday, Dec. 6
Read 30 minutes
Soc. Studies: Students should work on memorizing the first set of Asian countries. Find a fun game on line and have some fun this weekend. Countries are posted on a previous blog entry.
Language Arts:Students need to choose a Christmas story that they would like to read before the class. They will read only 2 minutes of the story. It does not need to be memorized. They should not choose "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" or "Twas The Night Before Christmas." They will be graded on the following:
We will practice in class. However, it would really be helpful if the students practice reading the story to family members. The book is due: Monday, December 6.
"Do You Want Fame?" Essay (650+ words) due 12/13.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
December 2, 2010
Students performed some creative Egyptian ceremonies for our mummified chickens today. May the chickens forever rest peacefully in the afterlife.
Read 30 minutes
Sign the planner due 12/3
Soc. Studies: We had fun today enjoying our Egyptian "feast". Thank you parents for supplying olives, cucumbers, etc. at the last minute. Students were assigned the Middle East map. It will be due Tuesday, Dec. 7.
Language Arts: Students need to choose a Christmas story that they would like to read before the class. They will only read 2 minutes of the story. It does not need to be memorized. They should not choose "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" or ""Twas The Night Before Christmas." They will be graded on the following:
We will practice in class. However, it would really be helpful if the students practice reading the story to their family members. The book is due: Monday, December 6.
"Do You Want Fame?" Essay due date has been moved to Monday, December 13. Today students worked with partners and helped each other edit their essays. Students will need to enter the corrections/suggestions into their essays at home over the weekend.
Read 30 minutes
Sign the planner due 12/3
Soc. Studies: We had fun today enjoying our Egyptian "feast". Thank you parents for supplying olives, cucumbers, etc. at the last minute. Students were assigned the Middle East map. It will be due Tuesday, Dec. 7.
Language Arts: Students need to choose a Christmas story that they would like to read before the class. They will only read 2 minutes of the story. It does not need to be memorized. They should not choose "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" or ""Twas The Night Before Christmas." They will be graded on the following:
We will practice in class. However, it would really be helpful if the students practice reading the story to their family members. The book is due: Monday, December 6.
"Do You Want Fame?" Essay due date has been moved to Monday, December 13. Today students worked with partners and helped each other edit their essays. Students will need to enter the corrections/suggestions into their essays at home over the weekend.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Mummy Message Solved!
Congratulations to Team 3 for solving the "Mummy Message"! The other teams came very close! Thanks to Team 2 for showing mercy to the other teams and giving away deciphering cards. They were ahead of everyone else for most of the game.
Planner signed due Dec. 2
Read 30 minutes
Math Pg 516 # 8-38. Finding equal ratios.
Social Studies: Tomorrow we are having our culminating Egyptian activity. Students may bring a bite size Egyptian snack for their class if they'd like to. Snacks would include cucumber slices, lettuce, raisins, olives, bread, small onions, and apple slices. Yum! We will be holding a funeral for all of our mummified chickens and dressing up like Egyptians for a short while. (I have the Egyptian clothes for them.) There are approximately 30 students per class. The students did an AWESOME job on their final test!
Students can begin learning the following countries: Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, the island of Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Emerates, Yemen, Oman
Planner signed due Dec. 2
Read 30 minutes
Math Pg 516 # 8-38. Finding equal ratios.
Social Studies: Tomorrow we are having our culminating Egyptian activity. Students may bring a bite size Egyptian snack for their class if they'd like to. Snacks would include cucumber slices, lettuce, raisins, olives, bread, small onions, and apple slices. Yum! We will be holding a funeral for all of our mummified chickens and dressing up like Egyptians for a short while. (I have the Egyptian clothes for them.) There are approximately 30 students per class. The students did an AWESOME job on their final test!
Students can begin learning the following countries: Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, the island of Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Emerates, Yemen, Oman
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
November 30, 2010
Planner signed: 12/1
Read 30 minutes
Language Arts: No new assignment was given. Many students still need a printed copy of their essay, "Do You Want Fame?" This is not their final draft. We will use it to practice editing skills in class. Students should also have 650 or more words written.
Soc. Studies: Some students may be concerned about not finishing their test today. They will have time to finish their test tomorrow. The "in" day made things a little crazy today. No homework was assigned. Our next unit of study is Asia. Students can begin to learn the countries. There are many games available to teach geography on the Internet.
Reading: Egypt spelling test was given today. We will finish Egypt Game this week. Book reports are due tomorrow. December's book report will be due January 3, 2011. Students may choose the genre and must have 150-200+ pages in their books.
Planner signed: 12/1
Read 30 minutes
Language Arts: No new assignment was given. Many students still need a printed copy of their essay, "Do You Want Fame?" This is not their final draft. We will use it to practice editing skills in class. Students should also have 650 or more words written.
Soc. Studies: Some students may be concerned about not finishing their test today. They will have time to finish their test tomorrow. The "in" day made things a little crazy today. No homework was assigned. Our next unit of study is Asia. Students can begin to learn the countries. There are many games available to teach geography on the Internet.
Reading: Egypt spelling test was given today. We will finish Egypt Game this week. Book reports are due tomorrow. December's book report will be due January 3, 2011. Students may choose the genre and must have 150-200+ pages in their books.
Monday, November 29, 2010
November 29, 2010
Planner signed: 11/30
Read 30 minutes
Science - please bring a small flashlight or a laser pointer if you have one for an experiment - due 11/30
Math: Pg 562 #11-18 and # 35-39. Show all your work.
Language Arts: 650 words due on "Do You Want Fame?" Essay 11/30. Also, students need to bring a printed copy of their essay for class practice in essay organization. This is not the final draft of the essay! It doesn't have to be perfect! In fact, I hope there are some errors, so they can practice editing skills.
Planner signed: 11/30
Read 30 minutes
Science - please bring a small flashlight or a laser pointer if you have one for an experiment - due 11/30
Math: Pg 562 #11-18 and # 35-39. Show all your work.
Language Arts: 650 words due on "Do You Want Fame?" Essay 11/30. Also, students need to bring a printed copy of their essay for class practice in essay organization. This is not the final draft of the essay! It doesn't have to be perfect! In fact, I hope there are some errors, so they can practice editing skills.
Egypt Test Help/Hints
The Egypt Test is tomorrow! As part of the test, you'll have to answer the following:
Use as many of your vocabulary words as you can and explain what the ancient Egyptians contributed to the world.
Think about their government, economy, religion, inventions, art, culture, architecture, and other achievements.
You'll need to write a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs using as many of your vocabulary words as possible and appropriate. Knowing the vocabulary words will be essential. Think about and organize your thoughts prior to coming to class. Details/examples in your paragraphs will help you earn points. Do not just write a series of vocabulary words in a sentence. Using a few appropriate vocabulary words with thoughtful sentences will make your response much better according to the 7 Writing Traits.
This part of the test is worth 20 points, which is about 1/2 of your grade for the test.
Good Luck!
*Spend more time preparing for this question than the other trivia type of questions.
Use as many of your vocabulary words as you can and explain what the ancient Egyptians contributed to the world.
Think about their government, economy, religion, inventions, art, culture, architecture, and other achievements.
You'll need to write a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs using as many of your vocabulary words as possible and appropriate. Knowing the vocabulary words will be essential. Think about and organize your thoughts prior to coming to class. Details/examples in your paragraphs will help you earn points. Do not just write a series of vocabulary words in a sentence. Using a few appropriate vocabulary words with thoughtful sentences will make your response much better according to the 7 Writing Traits.
This part of the test is worth 20 points, which is about 1/2 of your grade for the test.
Good Luck!
*Spend more time preparing for this question than the other trivia type of questions.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The Treasure Awaits!
Mummy Message Clue: 9 periods; 5 commas; 13 capital letters; 2 appositives; 2 possessives; and a neat message written on final draft paper.
Good Luck!
Good Luck!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Planner signed: due 11/29
Responsibility Card signed - due 11/29
Read 30 minutes
Math: Math review worksheet - completed in home base class today. No homework for the holiday!
Language Arts: 600 words on "Do You Want Fame?" Essay due: Monday, November 29. If students can't remember their username or password, they may email me. Students should focus on improving their organization, mechanics and conventions.
Reading: Spelling and vocabulary words were given in social studies, test Tuesday. Book report due December 1st, Wednesday.
Have a great Thanksgiving weekend!
Planner signed: due 11/29
Responsibility Card signed - due 11/29
Read 30 minutes
Math: Math review worksheet - completed in home base class today. No homework for the holiday!
Language Arts: 600 words on "Do You Want Fame?" Essay due: Monday, November 29. If students can't remember their username or password, they may email me. Students should focus on improving their organization, mechanics and conventions.
Reading: Spelling and vocabulary words were given in social studies, test Tuesday. Book report due December 1st, Wednesday.
Have a great Thanksgiving weekend!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Bonus Mummy Message Clue
Check your work!
Oh great Sun god, Aten, how beautiful are thy works. Oh mysterious god of the Sun, there is no other god as great as you. How mysterious you are to man's eyes. Thou created the world according to thy desire. When thou were alone, you breathed life into man and taught man to speak and write. Thou . . . .
Good Luck!
Oh great Sun god, Aten, how beautiful are thy works. Oh mysterious god of the Sun, there is no other god as great as you. How mysterious you are to man's eyes. Thou created the world according to thy desire. When thou were alone, you breathed life into man and taught man to speak and write. Thou . . . .
Good Luck!
Blizzard Information
Jordan School District Cancels ALL Evening Activities Due to Emergency Weather Warning Nov. 23, 2010
The National Weather Service has issued a blizzard warning in effect from 3 p.m. on Tuesday to 8 a.m. on Wednesday. Out of concern for student, patron and employee safety, Jordan School District has canceled all district and school activities starting at 4:30 p.m. this afternoon through this evening. This includes all Valley High School and Jordan Family Education classes, sports activities and performances at local schools. Students and employees should return home as quickly as possible once school has ended and avoid any unnecessary travel.
The Board of Education has revised its meeting time and schedule for this evening. The Board will meet in open meeting from 5:35-6:30 p.m. The revised schedule has been posted on the District website.
Schools are scheduled to be open tomorrow. Should there be a change, information will be sent to all news media outlets and posted on the District website,
jordandistrict.org by 6 a.m.
The National Weather Service has issued a blizzard warning in effect from 3 p.m. on Tuesday to 8 a.m. on Wednesday. Out of concern for student, patron and employee safety, Jordan School District has canceled all district and school activities starting at 4:30 p.m. this afternoon through this evening. This includes all Valley High School and Jordan Family Education classes, sports activities and performances at local schools. Students and employees should return home as quickly as possible once school has ended and avoid any unnecessary travel.
The Board of Education has revised its meeting time and schedule for this evening. The Board will meet in open meeting from 5:35-6:30 p.m. The revised schedule has been posted on the District website.
Schools are scheduled to be open tomorrow. Should there be a change, information will be sent to all news media outlets and posted on the District website,
jordandistrict.org by 6 a.m.
Math pg. 558 # 15-63 odds
Planner signed: 11/24
Read 20 minutes
Language Arts: 600 words minimum on "Do You Want Fame?" Essay due: Monday, November 29. Final essay not due until Thursday, December 2. Today students were shown more tools they can use to improve their writing in class. Ask your student to show you what they know so far about myaccess.com. Most of the students seem pretty excited about it.
Social Studies: The majority of students are nearly finished with the "Egyptian Card Information" activities. Their answers are due Monday, Nov. 29. Students will have Monday to complete their activities during class. When they finish, they will be able to have some class time to study for the test. Egypt Test Nov. 30. There is a spelling and vocabulary component to the test. The words are listed on a previous blog.
Mummy Message Clue: How do you punctuate possessives? Example: The man's car. A man's eyes. All of life's duties.
Math pg. 558 # 15-63 odds
Planner signed: 11/24
Read 20 minutes
Language Arts: 600 words minimum on "Do You Want Fame?" Essay due: Monday, November 29. Final essay not due until Thursday, December 2. Today students were shown more tools they can use to improve their writing in class. Ask your student to show you what they know so far about myaccess.com. Most of the students seem pretty excited about it.
Social Studies: The majority of students are nearly finished with the "Egyptian Card Information" activities. Their answers are due Monday, Nov. 29. Students will have Monday to complete their activities during class. When they finish, they will be able to have some class time to study for the test. Egypt Test Nov. 30. There is a spelling and vocabulary component to the test. The words are listed on a previous blog.
Mummy Message Clue: How do you punctuate possessives? Example: The man's car. A man's eyes. All of life's duties.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Mummy Message Clues
1. Oh great Sun god, Aten, .....
2. Oh mysterious.....
3. How mysterious...
4. Thou ...
5. When thou.....
6. Thou also...
7. Thou also created....
8. All that is....
9. Favor.....
The mummy's treasure awaits the team who can solve the message!
Good Luck!
PS Have you communicated with ALL of your team members?
2. Oh mysterious.....
3. How mysterious...
4. Thou ...
5. When thou.....
6. Thou also...
7. Thou also created....
8. All that is....
9. Favor.....
The mummy's treasure awaits the team who can solve the message!
Good Luck!
PS Have you communicated with ALL of your team members?
November 22, 2010
Math Pg 550 #4-24
Read 20 minutes daily
Planner signed daily
Science: (if not finished after 15-20 minutes in class) - Light Vocabulary: angle of indence, angle of reflection, reflection, refraction, prism, spectrum (definitions can be found in Science binder behind the pink Heat/Light/Sound divider on the buff colored reading packet) - due 11/23
Language Arts: "Do You Want Fame?" Essay 400 words due 11/23. The students know how to keep track of their word count on myaccess.com.
Reading: Spelling and Vocabulary words were given in Social Studies last week, so there will not be lists in reading until next week. We are trying to finish Egypt Game.
Math Pg 550 #4-24
Read 20 minutes daily
Planner signed daily
Science: (if not finished after 15-20 minutes in class) - Light Vocabulary: angle of indence, angle of reflection, reflection, refraction, prism, spectrum (definitions can be found in Science binder behind the pink Heat/Light/Sound divider on the buff colored reading packet) - due 11/23
Language Arts: "Do You Want Fame?" Essay 400 words due 11/23. The students know how to keep track of their word count on myaccess.com.
Reading: Spelling and Vocabulary words were given in Social Studies last week, so there will not be lists in reading until next week. We are trying to finish Egypt Game.
Friday, November 19, 2010
November 19, 2010
Read 30 minutes
Planner signed
Language Arts: Continue working on essay "Do You Want Fame?" We will work on it in class on Monday and Tuesday. If your student has written less than 200 words, they are behind. The essay is due December 2. Students have been given plenty of notice in advance to decide if they want to finish the essay BEFORE the Thanksgiving vacation or AFTER.
Social Studies: Students should study for the Egypt test 5-10 minutes.
Mummy Message Clue: The words may be correct but the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is not. Proof! Do you know what an appositive is?
Read 30 minutes
Planner signed
Language Arts: Continue working on essay "Do You Want Fame?" We will work on it in class on Monday and Tuesday. If your student has written less than 200 words, they are behind. The essay is due December 2. Students have been given plenty of notice in advance to decide if they want to finish the essay BEFORE the Thanksgiving vacation or AFTER.
Social Studies: Students should study for the Egypt test 5-10 minutes.
Mummy Message Clue: The words may be correct but the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is not. Proof! Do you know what an appositive is?
Thursday, November 18, 2010
We Need Some Parent Help November 30
We are looking for some parent help Nov. 30 to take down all of our Egyptian mummy cases and art. The display case will also need to be disassembled. You may come any time during the day. Everything must be out of the hallway in order to make room for others in the school to put up their Christmas displays December 1.
Thank You in advance!
We are looking for some parent help Nov. 30 to take down all of our Egyptian mummy cases and art. The display case will also need to be disassembled. You may come any time during the day. Everything must be out of the hallway in order to make room for others in the school to put up their Christmas displays December 1.
Thank You in advance!
Egyptian Vocabulary/Spelling Words
delta: very fertile flat land/fan-shaped
hieroglyphics: ancient system of writing
silt: mixture of tiny bits of rock and soil
cataract: rapids (fast moving water)
dynasty:rulers from the same family
civilization: a culture that has developed a system of specialization, religion, learning and government
papyrus: reed plant
pharaoh: ruler of Egypt
embalm: to prepare a body for burial
natron: a salt-like substance for drying the body
economy: the way people manage money and resources
agriculture: raising of crops/animals for human use
scribe: writer of records
irrigation: watering of and by canals
unification: joining of parts into one
pyramid: a triangular-shaped structure
empire: lands/peoples ruled by one government
artifact: an object made by someone in the past
social pyramid: person's position in society
ancient Egypt: a period of history from 3500 BC - 30 BC
hieroglyphics: ancient system of writing
silt: mixture of tiny bits of rock and soil
cataract: rapids (fast moving water)
dynasty:rulers from the same family
civilization: a culture that has developed a system of specialization, religion, learning and government
papyrus: reed plant
pharaoh: ruler of Egypt
embalm: to prepare a body for burial
natron: a salt-like substance for drying the body
economy: the way people manage money and resources
agriculture: raising of crops/animals for human use
scribe: writer of records
irrigation: watering of and by canals
unification: joining of parts into one
pyramid: a triangular-shaped structure
empire: lands/peoples ruled by one government
artifact: an object made by someone in the past
social pyramid: person's position in society
ancient Egypt: a period of history from 3500 BC - 30 BC
Thursday, November 18, 2010
HOMEWORK (Due 11/19)
Read 30 minutes
Signed planner
CLASS AGENDAS: (Possible homework if not finished in class.)
WS 109+110 What Really Happened? theme final. If it wasn't finished in 45 minutes of class, it will be students' responsibility to complete for checking on Monday, 11/22. Spelling test Monday, also.
MATH:Math test on Friday, November 19.
LANGUAGE ARTS: DLP Sentences #9-10. Students completed this in class and turned in the worksheet. Thirty minutes of class time was spent working on their essay, "Do You Want Fame?" Students are encouraged to work 10-15 minutes on their essay every night. We will also be working on the essays this coming Monday and Tuesday. The essay is due after Thanksgiving.
SOCIAL STUDIES:The Egyptian packet is due Tues. Nov. 23. We have worked on finding the information together in class. The majority of students are nearly finished and will have minimal homework. Students will have more working time Monday. Students should study for the Egypt test each night. Part of the test will be a vocabulary/spelling test.
Mummy Message clue: What do all sixth grade teachers look for in your writing? Why are you practicing two a day in lang. arts? How should you write proper nouns?
Read 30 minutes
Signed planner
CLASS AGENDAS: (Possible homework if not finished in class.)
WS 109+110 What Really Happened? theme final. If it wasn't finished in 45 minutes of class, it will be students' responsibility to complete for checking on Monday, 11/22. Spelling test Monday, also.
MATH:Math test on Friday, November 19.
LANGUAGE ARTS: DLP Sentences #9-10. Students completed this in class and turned in the worksheet. Thirty minutes of class time was spent working on their essay, "Do You Want Fame?" Students are encouraged to work 10-15 minutes on their essay every night. We will also be working on the essays this coming Monday and Tuesday. The essay is due after Thanksgiving.
SOCIAL STUDIES:The Egyptian packet is due Tues. Nov. 23. We have worked on finding the information together in class. The majority of students are nearly finished and will have minimal homework. Students will have more working time Monday. Students should study for the Egypt test each night. Part of the test will be a vocabulary/spelling test.
Mummy Message clue: What do all sixth grade teachers look for in your writing? Why are you practicing two a day in lang. arts? How should you write proper nouns?
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Read 30 minutes
Sign planner
CLASS AGENDAS: (Possible homework if not finished in class.)
Reading: Spelling list given. ABC order/WS 22-24 given 45 minutes in class which is plenty of time for "on task" students, due to correct Monday 11/22. Study words for test on Monday would be student's responsibility.
Social Studies: Gods/Goddesses book due 11/18. Most students have 5-10 minutes of homework in order to finish their books if they did not finish during class. Some students are behind with their Egypt map. This was homework LAST THURSDAY. They will have some extra homework tonight. All students should study for the Egypt TEST five minutes a night. Most of the actual test questions will be chosen by the students in class tomorrow.
Mummy Message Clue: Ancient Egyptian prayer to the sun god/ left>right>left
Become an Egyptologist: Pass a test of Egyptian trivia with 87% or higher and it counts towards your Falcon award. (Questions/Answers are on the white study guide)
Math: No math homework tonight- Multiplication math game in class today. Test review tomorrow. Unit 3 math test on Friday.
Language Arts: DLP Sentences #7-8 Due: 11/18. Most students finished this in class.
FYI: Today, the students tried to log into myaccess.com to begin their second essay, and we discovered that all usernames were changed by the District for security purposes.(The District forgot to notify the teachers. Oops!!!) So most of class was spent in learning their new usernames and being introduced to the new essay topic.
The persuasive essay, "Do You Want Fame?", is not due until after Thanksgiving. However, since the essay is saved on line, they may work on it as much as they want BEFORE the Thanksgiving Break. We will use class time to work on the essay tomorrow, next Monday, and Tuesday. After that, it will be up to the students to keep working on the essay if they want to improve their scores.
Way To Go Sixth Grade!!! The average score for all five classes on their first essay, "A Favorite Hobby" was 4.9/6.0. That's pretty high for a first score! Parents can log into their student's account, see how well their student did, and then compare with the sixth grade average.
Read 30 minutes
Sign planner
CLASS AGENDAS: (Possible homework if not finished in class.)
Reading: Spelling list given. ABC order/WS 22-24 given 45 minutes in class which is plenty of time for "on task" students, due to correct Monday 11/22. Study words for test on Monday would be student's responsibility.
Social Studies: Gods/Goddesses book due 11/18. Most students have 5-10 minutes of homework in order to finish their books if they did not finish during class. Some students are behind with their Egypt map. This was homework LAST THURSDAY. They will have some extra homework tonight. All students should study for the Egypt TEST five minutes a night. Most of the actual test questions will be chosen by the students in class tomorrow.
Mummy Message Clue: Ancient Egyptian prayer to the sun god/ left>right>left
Become an Egyptologist: Pass a test of Egyptian trivia with 87% or higher and it counts towards your Falcon award. (Questions/Answers are on the white study guide)
Math: No math homework tonight- Multiplication math game in class today. Test review tomorrow. Unit 3 math test on Friday.
Language Arts: DLP Sentences #7-8 Due: 11/18. Most students finished this in class.
FYI: Today, the students tried to log into myaccess.com to begin their second essay, and we discovered that all usernames were changed by the District for security purposes.(The District forgot to notify the teachers. Oops!!!) So most of class was spent in learning their new usernames and being introduced to the new essay topic.
The persuasive essay, "Do You Want Fame?", is not due until after Thanksgiving. However, since the essay is saved on line, they may work on it as much as they want BEFORE the Thanksgiving Break. We will use class time to work on the essay tomorrow, next Monday, and Tuesday. After that, it will be up to the students to keep working on the essay if they want to improve their scores.
Way To Go Sixth Grade!!! The average score for all five classes on their first essay, "A Favorite Hobby" was 4.9/6.0. That's pretty high for a first score! Parents can log into their student's account, see how well their student did, and then compare with the sixth grade average.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
November 16, 2010
Math Pg 192 # 14-16, 23-33, and 46-47 Dividing decimals- All classes had 20+ min of in class work time. Finish what you did not complete in class. Due Nov. 17.
Language Arts: DLP Sentences #4-6 Due: 11/17. Most students finished this in class.
Language Arts: DLP Sentences #4-6 Due: 11/17. Most students finished this in class.
Monday, November 15, 2010
November 15, 2010
Math- worksheet -dividing decimals.
Read 30 minutes
RC/Planner signed due 11/16
Soc. Studies- Last week in class, we labeled and colored an Egyptian map. Homework for last Thursday was to finish coloring the map. The finished map is due tomorrow, Tuesday, November 16.
Study for the Egypt TEST on November 30.
Mummy Message Clue: Think like an ancient Egyptian. Talk like an ancient Egyptian. Read like an ancient Egyptian.
Math- worksheet -dividing decimals.
Read 30 minutes
RC/Planner signed due 11/16
Soc. Studies- Last week in class, we labeled and colored an Egyptian map. Homework for last Thursday was to finish coloring the map. The finished map is due tomorrow, Tuesday, November 16.
Study for the Egypt TEST on November 30.
Mummy Message Clue: Think like an ancient Egyptian. Talk like an ancient Egyptian. Read like an ancient Egyptian.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
November 10, 2010
Social Studies: Practice your Egyptian questions 2-3 minutes a night now to prepare for our upcoming TEST!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
November 9, 2010
Congratulations to all those who made the Sixth Grade Honor Roll for the First Term!!!!
The students were awarded their certificates during our Honor Roll Assembly held today. To qualify for the Honor Roll, students needed four "A's", or three "A's" and one "B" in Mathematics, Language Arts/Reading, Science, and Social Studies.
The students are listed at the bottom of the blog.
Student Council: Several of our students were absent today because they were on a Student Council field trip. While we missed them in class, we are glad they were able to participate in a great learning experience. These students volunteered to be on Student Council and take on the extra responsibilities of service and leadership. We are proud of you!
Read 30 minutes
Sign planner due 11/10
Math: Pg 184 # 12-58 EVENS Multiplying Decimals
Reading: Comp WS 117+118 due tomorrow, finish whatever didn't get finished in 15 minutes of class. Review Spelling pages due Thursday. Review Spelling test Monday, November 15.
Language Arts: DOL Sentences #7-8 due: 11/10. (Most students finished in class).
"The Road Not Taken" Oral presentations due 11/10. Okay, everyone!!! :) You've had three weeks to memorize your poem. Tomorrow's the day!!! Remember to say it Loud, Slow, and Clear. Students will be graded in the following five areas:
Even if you don't have it memorized perfectly, you can still earn points in the other areas.
The students were awarded their certificates during our Honor Roll Assembly held today. To qualify for the Honor Roll, students needed four "A's", or three "A's" and one "B" in Mathematics, Language Arts/Reading, Science, and Social Studies.
The students are listed at the bottom of the blog.
Student Council: Several of our students were absent today because they were on a Student Council field trip. While we missed them in class, we are glad they were able to participate in a great learning experience. These students volunteered to be on Student Council and take on the extra responsibilities of service and leadership. We are proud of you!
Read 30 minutes
Sign planner due 11/10
Math: Pg 184 # 12-58 EVENS Multiplying Decimals
Reading: Comp WS 117+118 due tomorrow, finish whatever didn't get finished in 15 minutes of class. Review Spelling pages due Thursday. Review Spelling test Monday, November 15.
Language Arts: DOL Sentences #7-8 due: 11/10. (Most students finished in class).
"The Road Not Taken" Oral presentations due 11/10. Okay, everyone!!! :) You've had three weeks to memorize your poem. Tomorrow's the day!!! Remember to say it Loud, Slow, and Clear. Students will be graded in the following five areas:
Even if you don't have it memorized perfectly, you can still earn points in the other areas.
Monday, November 8, 2010
November 8, 2010
Report cards were sent home today. Please review them and your child's test scores and come to conferences with questions. We ask that you limit your discussion with any one teacher to five minutes so all parents can meet with all teachers. See you this week at Parent Teacher Conferences.
Math Pg 178 # 6-30
Planner signed - due 11/9
Bring a flashlight for Science.
Soc. Studies: Thank you for checking the blog!!!! The Egyptian math is due on Wed. Nov. 10 instead of tomorrow. Work on your math but don't stress if you don't finish. Your study guide should be ready to correct tomorrow. Your Egyptian projects are beautiful! They will be on display during conferences.
Language Arts: "Roller Skating" Wkst. due: 11/9. Memorize poem "The Road Not Taken". Due: 11/10. If for the last three weeks you've been saying, "I'll memorize it later," well, IT'S LATER!!! The poem is due this Wednesday! Remember to practice it Loud, Slow, and Clear. Students will be graded in the following five areas;
Reading: The genre for the November book report is HISTORICAL FICTION, due on December 1, 2010."Dinosaur Ghosts" WS 115+116 due tomorrow. Finish what you didn't have time for in class today. Reading notebooks will be turned in tomorrow, too. We are at the end of the theme "What Really Happened?" so it's time for the Review Spelling List and Comprehension Final from the three stories we have read. There will be 30 regular words and 20 challenge words. Everyone has had these words before, so that is why it's called a "review list".
Math Pg 178 # 6-30
Planner signed - due 11/9
Bring a flashlight for Science.
Soc. Studies: Thank you for checking the blog!!!! The Egyptian math is due on Wed. Nov. 10 instead of tomorrow. Work on your math but don't stress if you don't finish. Your study guide should be ready to correct tomorrow. Your Egyptian projects are beautiful! They will be on display during conferences.
Language Arts: "Roller Skating" Wkst. due: 11/9. Memorize poem "The Road Not Taken". Due: 11/10. If for the last three weeks you've been saying, "I'll memorize it later," well, IT'S LATER!!! The poem is due this Wednesday! Remember to practice it Loud, Slow, and Clear. Students will be graded in the following five areas;
Reading: The genre for the November book report is HISTORICAL FICTION, due on December 1, 2010."Dinosaur Ghosts" WS 115+116 due tomorrow. Finish what you didn't have time for in class today. Reading notebooks will be turned in tomorrow, too. We are at the end of the theme "What Really Happened?" so it's time for the Review Spelling List and Comprehension Final from the three stories we have read. There will be 30 regular words and 20 challenge words. Everyone has had these words before, so that is why it's called a "review list".
Friday, November 5, 2010
November 5, 2010
On Monday, we will send home a copy of your child's report card, along with results from the End of Level CRT and DWA tests from Fifth Grade. Ask your child for these items, and review them with him/her. We are sending this information home Monday, so you can come to Parent Teacher Conferences prepared with questions and concerns.
Responsibility Card signed - due 11/8
Planner signed - due 11/8
Read 30 minutes
Bring a flashlight for Science - 11/8
Language Arts: Essay:"My Favorite Hobby"due Monday, 11/8. Memorize poem "The Road Not Taken". Due Wednesday, November 10. Remember to practice it Loud, Slow, and Clear. Students will be evaluated in the following areas:
Responsibility Card signed - due 11/8
Planner signed - due 11/8
Read 30 minutes
Bring a flashlight for Science - 11/8
Language Arts: Essay:"My Favorite Hobby"due Monday, 11/8. Memorize poem "The Road Not Taken". Due Wednesday, November 10. Remember to practice it Loud, Slow, and Clear. Students will be evaluated in the following areas:
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Star Party Tonight!!!!!
Come and have some fun while learning about the stars and our solar system!
Planner signed: due 11/5
Read 30 minutes
Soc. Studies: Most students are finished with their study guide. They are due
Tuesday, November 9.
Language Arts: "My Favorite Essay" on myaccess.com due Monday, 11/8. Students have until late Sunday night to keep improving their essay for their final grade. Log on to the program with your student and have them show you what they are learning.
Memorize poem "The Road Not Taken" by Wednesday, 11/10. The three weeks to memorize this poem are almost over. How is your student doing? Encourage them to practice saying it "Loud, Slow, and Clear." Students will be graded on:
Planner signed: due 11/5
Read 30 minutes
Soc. Studies: Most students are finished with their study guide. They are due
Tuesday, November 9.
Language Arts: "My Favorite Essay" on myaccess.com due Monday, 11/8. Students have until late Sunday night to keep improving their essay for their final grade. Log on to the program with your student and have them show you what they are learning.
Memorize poem "The Road Not Taken" by Wednesday, 11/10. The three weeks to memorize this poem are almost over. How is your student doing? Encourage them to practice saying it "Loud, Slow, and Clear." Students will be graded on:
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
November 3, 2010
Planner signed due Nov. 4
Read 30 minutes
Soc. Studies: Pyramid-sequence due Nov. 4 Try to sequence the steps for building a pyramid. Give your best effort. We will discuss the steps in class.
Project: Students need to stop flip flopping between different projects. Your time is running out. Choose a project and complete it. HINTS: Try not to leave pencil showing. Outline pictures, etc. with a super thin black sharpie or sharp black colored pencil. Make sure that your cuts are straight. Center titles. PROOF!!!! Double check to make sure that you're meeting all of the requirements for your project. Think- BIG! BOLD! BEAUTIFUL!
Language Arts: Memorize poem "The Road Not Taken." Due: November 10 (One week from today!) Remember to practice saying it Loud, Slow, and Clear. It is worth 100 points.
Continue working on essay "My Favorite Hobby." Due: Monday, November 8. Students are encouraged to work on it at home and show parents what they are learning in our new on-line writing program myaccess.com. This is the same writing program that the middle and high schools in Jordan School District are using. The essay is worth 120 points.
Planner signed due Nov. 4
Read 30 minutes
Soc. Studies: Pyramid-sequence due Nov. 4 Try to sequence the steps for building a pyramid. Give your best effort. We will discuss the steps in class.
Project: Students need to stop flip flopping between different projects. Your time is running out. Choose a project and complete it. HINTS: Try not to leave pencil showing. Outline pictures, etc. with a super thin black sharpie or sharp black colored pencil. Make sure that your cuts are straight. Center titles. PROOF!!!! Double check to make sure that you're meeting all of the requirements for your project. Think- BIG! BOLD! BEAUTIFUL!
Language Arts: Memorize poem "The Road Not Taken." Due: November 10 (One week from today!) Remember to practice saying it Loud, Slow, and Clear. It is worth 100 points.
Continue working on essay "My Favorite Hobby." Due: Monday, November 8. Students are encouraged to work on it at home and show parents what they are learning in our new on-line writing program myaccess.com. This is the same writing program that the middle and high schools in Jordan School District are using. The essay is worth 120 points.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
November 2, 2010
Planner signed - due 11/3
Read 30 minutes daily
Science: Students will need a flashlight again on Monday and Tuesday, November 8 and 9.
Any make-up work for Mrs. Coombs is due tomorrow, November 3.
Soc. Studies: At least 1/2 of the Egyptian project should be finished in order to be on schedule. Remember, only a LIMITED amount of technology is acceptable. Read over the hints for an 'A' so that you can make sure that you are doing a QUALITY project.
Language Arts: DOL Sentences #1-2 due 11/3. Memorize poem "The Road Not Taken." Due: 11/10. Remember to practice it Loud, Slow, and Clear. Students were asked to see if they can log in at home to our new writing program myaccess.com. If they can send me a message back, I will give them 5 extra credit points.
The first essay the students are working on is called "My Favorite Hobby." It is due Monday, November 8. Students will continue to work on their essays in class on Wednesday and Thursday. Then they will have until Monday to edit them for grading. I encourage all parents to check out myaccess.com with their students. It's a great program!
Planner signed - due 11/3
Read 30 minutes daily
Science: Students will need a flashlight again on Monday and Tuesday, November 8 and 9.
Any make-up work for Mrs. Coombs is due tomorrow, November 3.
Soc. Studies: At least 1/2 of the Egyptian project should be finished in order to be on schedule. Remember, only a LIMITED amount of technology is acceptable. Read over the hints for an 'A' so that you can make sure that you are doing a QUALITY project.
Language Arts: DOL Sentences #1-2 due 11/3. Memorize poem "The Road Not Taken." Due: 11/10. Remember to practice it Loud, Slow, and Clear. Students were asked to see if they can log in at home to our new writing program myaccess.com. If they can send me a message back, I will give them 5 extra credit points.
The first essay the students are working on is called "My Favorite Hobby." It is due Monday, November 8. Students will continue to work on their essays in class on Wednesday and Thursday. Then they will have until Monday to edit them for grading. I encourage all parents to check out myaccess.com with their students. It's a great program!
Friday, October 29, 2010
October 29, 2010
A great big THANKS to ALL the parents that helped with wonderful Halloween activities and treats! We really appreciate all the efforts, fun, and enjoyment. Please have a safe Halloween weekend, and take Monday off to eat your candy AT HOME! :)
Planner/RC signed 11/2
Read 30 minutes each day (record in planner)
Reading: Spelling test Tuesday. Book reports due Wednesday. Vocabulary/Comprehension Assessment Wednesday.
Language Arts: Memorize Poem "The Road Not Taken" Due: 11/10. Remember to practice it Loud, Slow, and Clear. The first half of the poem should be memorized by now to be keeping on track. Students will be graded in the following areas:
*Volume (Voice must travel to the back of the classroom)
*Fluency (Smooth and even)
*Rate (Speed. Not too fast; not too slow)
*Expression (Should not sound robotic or dull)
Students are being STRONGLY encouraged to not procrastinate memorizing their poem until the last minute. It only creates frustration.
Planner/RC signed 11/2
Read 30 minutes each day (record in planner)
Reading: Spelling test Tuesday. Book reports due Wednesday. Vocabulary/Comprehension Assessment Wednesday.
Language Arts: Memorize Poem "The Road Not Taken" Due: 11/10. Remember to practice it Loud, Slow, and Clear. The first half of the poem should be memorized by now to be keeping on track. Students will be graded in the following areas:
*Volume (Voice must travel to the back of the classroom)
*Fluency (Smooth and even)
*Rate (Speed. Not too fast; not too slow)
*Expression (Should not sound robotic or dull)
Students are being STRONGLY encouraged to not procrastinate memorizing their poem until the last minute. It only creates frustration.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
October 28, 2010
The mummy cases in our hallway look absolutely amazing! Way to go sixth graders!
Planner signed due 10/29
Soc. Studies: Egyptian Project due November 8, 2010. The projects that have been turned in are beautiful and great examples of quality work.
Language Arts: Memorize poem "The Road Not Taken". due: 11/10.
Planner signed due 10/29
Soc. Studies: Egyptian Project due November 8, 2010. The projects that have been turned in are beautiful and great examples of quality work.
Language Arts: Memorize poem "The Road Not Taken". due: 11/10.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
October 27, 2010
Planner signed: 10/28
Read 30 minutes
Language Arts: DLP Sentences #7-10 due: 10/28. Come to class prepared to begin writing essay on "My Favorite Hobby." Memorize poem "The Road Not Traveled" by 11/10. Remember to practice it Loud, Slow, and Clear. Progress reports due: 10/28. All missing assignments due Friday, October 29.
Planner signed: 10/28
Read 30 minutes
Language Arts: DLP Sentences #7-10 due: 10/28. Come to class prepared to begin writing essay on "My Favorite Hobby." Memorize poem "The Road Not Traveled" by 11/10. Remember to practice it Loud, Slow, and Clear. Progress reports due: 10/28. All missing assignments due Friday, October 29.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Salt Dough Recipe
1 c. water
1 c. flour
2 tsp. vegetable oil
1/2 c. salt
2 tsp. cream of tartar
Cook on medium heat until mixture pulls away from the side of the pan. Dough should not be overly sticky.
1 c. flour
2 tsp. vegetable oil
1/2 c. salt
2 tsp. cream of tartar
Cook on medium heat until mixture pulls away from the side of the pan. Dough should not be overly sticky.
October 26, 2010
Read 30 minutes.
Get planner signed.
Reading: Class time was spent reading "The Girl Who Married the Moon". Questions 1-7 were half finished by most students, if not, it is homework. We will correct/discuss tomorrow. Spelling WS and Vocab WS that was given on Monday for Spelling/Vocabulary words are due to correct tomorrow, too. Book reports are due Thursday, November 4th, during class time. Tuesday, November 2nd, reading calendars will be passed out.
Math Pg 382 # 6-32 Division of 2 fractions.
Math Progress reports were sent home on Monday. Please review this with your student and return to school signed. All make-up or late work in math is due Fri. Oct. 29th.
Social Studies: Tomorrow is another "in class" work day. Students should have their research almost finished for their Egyptian project. Rough drafts or sketches should be nearly completed to be on schedule.
Science: Students will need a flashlight again on Tuesday, November 2.
Language Arts: DLP Sentences #4-6 due 10/27. "Beginnings of Basketball" Wkst. due: 10/27. Progress Report signed by a parent due 10/28. If it is signed and returned on 10/27, it will earn extra credit. Memorize poem "The Road Not Taken" due 11/10. Remember to practice it Loud, Slow, and Clear. All make-up or late work is due Friday, October 29.
Read 30 minutes.
Get planner signed.
Reading: Class time was spent reading "The Girl Who Married the Moon". Questions 1-7 were half finished by most students, if not, it is homework. We will correct/discuss tomorrow. Spelling WS and Vocab WS that was given on Monday for Spelling/Vocabulary words are due to correct tomorrow, too. Book reports are due Thursday, November 4th, during class time. Tuesday, November 2nd, reading calendars will be passed out.
Math Pg 382 # 6-32 Division of 2 fractions.
Math Progress reports were sent home on Monday. Please review this with your student and return to school signed. All make-up or late work in math is due Fri. Oct. 29th.
Social Studies: Tomorrow is another "in class" work day. Students should have their research almost finished for their Egyptian project. Rough drafts or sketches should be nearly completed to be on schedule.
Science: Students will need a flashlight again on Tuesday, November 2.
Language Arts: DLP Sentences #4-6 due 10/27. "Beginnings of Basketball" Wkst. due: 10/27. Progress Report signed by a parent due 10/28. If it is signed and returned on 10/27, it will earn extra credit. Memorize poem "The Road Not Taken" due 11/10. Remember to practice it Loud, Slow, and Clear. All make-up or late work is due Friday, October 29.
Help with Mummy Cases
Mummy cases are due Wednesday, Oct. 27. We need a few parents to help tape the mummy cases up in the hallway. You may come anytime on Wednesday. We might even need a little help on Thursday.
Monday, October 25, 2010
October 25, 2010
Planner signed - due 10/26
Read 30 minutes daily
Please bring a flashlight for Science. Any missing assignments from Heat must be turned in tomorrow, October 26, or they will be figured into the term Science grade as a zero.
Language Arts: DLP Sentences #1-3 due: 10/26. Memorize poem "The Road Not Taken" due: 11/10. Practice it Loud, Slow, and Clear.
Reading: ABC/Voc Definitions due tomorrow. Word lists for spelling and vocabulary words were passed out. ABC/Definitions will be given back after corrected tomorrow. TWO sources to use for studying.
Planner signed - due 10/26
Read 30 minutes daily
Please bring a flashlight for Science. Any missing assignments from Heat must be turned in tomorrow, October 26, or they will be figured into the term Science grade as a zero.
Language Arts: DLP Sentences #1-3 due: 10/26. Memorize poem "The Road Not Taken" due: 11/10. Practice it Loud, Slow, and Clear.
Reading: ABC/Voc Definitions due tomorrow. Word lists for spelling and vocabulary words were passed out. ABC/Definitions will be given back after corrected tomorrow. TWO sources to use for studying.
Friday, October 22, 2010
October 22, 2010
Responsibility Card signed - due 10/25
Read 30 minutes
Bring a flashlight for Science.
Spelling Test on Monday.
Responsibility Card signed - due 10/25
Read 30 minutes
Bring a flashlight for Science.
Spelling Test on Monday.
October 22, 2010
Responsibility Card signed - due 10/25
Read 30 minutes
Bring a flashlight for Science.
Language Arts: Handwriting Wkst. due 10/25. Poem: "The Road Not Taken" memorized by 11/10.
Responsibility Card signed - due 10/25
Read 30 minutes
Bring a flashlight for Science.
Language Arts: Handwriting Wkst. due 10/25. Poem: "The Road Not Taken" memorized by 11/10.
Egyptian Project Choices
Egyptian Museum Projects
1. Make a model of a water clock and write a description of how it worked. 50pts
2. Make a working model of a shadoof and write a description of how it worked. 50pts.
3. Do some research and mummify a chicken. Display pictures of each step. Write a caption for each picture. 100 pts. (Do NOT start this project now. It's too late!)
4. Make a sculpture of the Sphinx. Write a one- page essay about its significance in ancient Egypt. 40 pts
5. Make four tri-folds and glue them back- to- back. Make 3-D scenes of the following: Egyptian daily life, gods and goddesses, life on the Nile River, and ancient Egyptian achievements. 50 pts.
6. Invent a game to teach other students about Egypt. Include a page of rules, gameboard, cards, playing pieces, etc. 40 pts.
7. Make a pop-up book of at least five pages about ancient Egypt. Include a paragraph on each page. 100 pts.
8.Make an ABC book to teach terms to know while studying about ancient Egypt. Include a minimum of two sentences for each letter and 26 illustrations. 100pts.
9. Choreograph and perform a dance to tell the story of how Egypt was created. Choose appropriate music and costume. 50 pts.
10. Paint a mural (bulletin board size) depicting life in ancient Egypt. 100 pts.
11. Design an accordion book about the art and architecture of Egypt. 30 pts.
12. Write a minimum of a three-act play about the Egyptians’ beliefs about death. 50 pts.
13. Design a fashion catalogue for ancient Egyptians. Include fashions and accessories for a pharaoh, woman, priest, slave, merchant and child. 30 pts.
14. Become an artisan and make either a religious or death mask. Write a paragraph about masks. 50 pts.
15. Make a chart to show the significance of ancient Egyptian symbols. 15 pts.
16. Make a 3-D map of the Nile. See Ms. King for the requirements. 100 pts.
17. Make a model of a funerary boat. Explain the significance of the symbols. 50 pts.
18. Design a poster to show the different types of boats used by the Egyptians. 25 pts.
19. Make a map showing the various quarries in Egypt. 25 pts.
20. Design a picture book about the plants and animals of ancient Egypt. Make sure to explain the significance of each one. (minimum of 25 plants/animals) 50 pts.
21. Write a story using hieroglyphics. Write the translation under each symbol. 25 pts.
22. Make a book of at least 12 gods and goddesses. Describe their physical appearances and their purposes in a paragraph about each one. 40 pts.
23. Write a story about your life in ancient Egypt. (minimum of 5 paragraphs) You may NOT be a pharaoh, king, queen or god. You may be a priest, worker, soldier, merchant, farmer, slave, or visitor. 25 pts.
24. Make a chart that compares the height of several pyramids to the worlds’ highest structures. Use illustrations on your chart. 40 pts.
25. Design a book to explain Egyptian numbers. Solve 10 Egyptian math problems.(20)
26. Make a model of a felucca. 20 pts.
27. Construct a model of an Egyptian burial chamber. The burial chamber should include wall paintings, the sarcophagus with the coffin in it, canopic jars, and items this Egyptian would need in the afterlife. 100 pts.
28. Design a travel brochure for tourists visiting ancient Egypt. Include: a map, information about travel, 5 sites to see, information about the government, and other information a tourist would need. 50 pts.
29. Create a crossword puzzle using terms and information about Egypt. You must have a minimum of 20 clues. 15 pts.
30. Design a piece of jewelry that could have been presented to Nefertiti, or Nefetari by her pharaoh husband in recognition of her contributions. Write a 1-2 paragraph description of the piece and how it represents the queen. Keep in mind important gods/goddesses. 40 pts.
31. Write a research paper about the qualities and leadership skills of the New Kingdom’s seven great pharaohs. 50 pts.
32. Draw and label (or make a model) of a cross-section of a temple. Include: the pylon, courtyard, hypostyle hall, second hall, sanctuary, and the sacred lake. 50 pts.
33. Make a queen’s headdress and a pharaoh’s crown. (There are several types.) 25pts.
34. Make a model of a chariot and explain how it was used. 50 pts.
35. Write an essay about the contribution of women to the ancient Egyptian culture. (5 paragraphs) 30 pts.
36. Make three models of ancient Egyptian toys or games. 50 pts.
37. Make an ankh, a scarab seal, and a royal cartouche. 25 pts.
38. Make a farming display including some tools used in ancient times. 25 pts.
39. Imagine you are a person from ancient Egypt (slave, priest, farmer, pharaoh…etc). Give a two -minute speech on the way you think a person in Egypt felt. Include their beliefs, values, culture, and social status. 25 pts.
40. Write an essay on, “If I could be a pharaoh, I would be _____________________ because…” (Must be a minimum of three paragraphs with five facts about the pharaoh.) 20 pts.
41. Find an Egyptian myth or legend and retell it in you own words. (Consider costume, voice, and fluency) 20 pts.
42. Create a chart comparing what life would be like without the Nile and what life was like with the Nile. Include: agriculture, food supply, sanitary needs, family life, etc. 25 pts.
43. Compose an original piece of music or song about Egypt and perform it for the class. Report on ancient Egyptian musical instruments. Provide visual aides. 40 pts.
44. Change the lyrics of a popular song into lyrics about ancient Egypt. Perform your new song. 20 pts.
45. Make a poster about ancient Egyptian technology. Explain how it changed lives. (Minimum of five) 25 pts.
46. Create an ancient Egyptian newspaper. Write several new articles. Be creative with other sections of the newspaper (entertainment, business, sports, etc). 100 pts.
47. Make an Egyptian Book of the Dead. Write 2-3 paragraphs to explain how it was used. 20 pts.
48. Read a non-fiction book about ancient Egypt. Write a one-page summary of the book. 15 pts.
49. Produce a radio broadcast. Interview three important people of ancient Egypt. Include sound effects and a commercial. 40 pts.
50. Design a mail order catalog from an Egyptian retailer. Items must have a description and a "price". (i.e. 2 bushels of corn, 1 goat, etc.) Have each page feature a different category (furniture, food, animals, personal care/fashion, weapons, funeral equipment, etc) 100 pts.
51. Write a fractured fairytale with Egyptian characters. (i.e. Queen Nefertiti and the 7 Tomb Robbers) 30 pts.
52. Make an ancient Egyptian cookbook. Include recipes and illustrations. 40 pts.
53. Research ancient Egyptian medical practices. Write a medical handbook of cures and remedies for ailing Egyptians. 30 pts.
54. Make a cubit stick. Measure 15-20 common items of varying sizes. Graph/chart your measurements. 20 pts.
55. Make a shabti out of a bar of soap. 20 pts.
56. Mold the four canopic jars out of clay. Write a paragraph to explain their significance. 25 pts.
57. Make an obelisk in honor of your nome god/goddess. 20 pts.
58. Construct a pharaoh's crook and flail. 20 pts.
59. Prepare for an ancient Egyptian ceremony by making a sistrum. Write a paragraph to explain its use. 20 pts.
1. Make sure that your name (first and last), date, and homebase teacher is on your project.
2. Turn your project in on time.
3. Draw thumbnail sketches to plan your project.
4. Write several rough drafts.
5. Frame/matte pictures and paragraphs.
6. Be careful not to have jagged edges when you cut something.
7. Think- BIG! BOLD! BEAUTIFUL! (Be aware of white space on displays.)
8. Make your lettering a uniform size.
9. Proofread!!!!!
10.Color in ONE direction! Use colored pencils unless your project calls for another medium.
11.Center titles and remember top, bottom, and side margins.
12.Use appropriate materials i.e. graph paper for a graph, art paper for art, final draft writing paper for anything that is written.
13.Securely glue down items. Use an appropriate amount of glue and the proper glue for your project.
14.Turn in QUALITY WORK!!! (No smudges, smears, tears, food stains, sloppy handwriting, words that are misspelled, inaccurate information, copying from a book or the Internet, incomplete projects, paper ripped from a notebook, projects that are taped instead of glued, sloppy coloring and coloring outside of the line, etc.)
15.Use technology where appropriate BUT DO NOT just print out pictures and information and slap it on a poster board.
16.This is YOUR project. Parents my HELP but it is not their project. You will be graded on the work that you do, not what your parents do.
17.Plan mini due dates for yourself so that you are NOT trying to do a project at the last minute.
You will need to earn 94 points to earn an A on this project. The point values next to each project are approximately the number of points that may be earned. You may earn more or less depending on the quality and sophistication of your project. You may complete more than one project in order to earn an A. It is better to complete one really nice project rather than a whole bunch of sloppy projects. You have plenty of time to research and complete a project. Plan your time well. Don’t try to do a project a couple of days before it’s due. Only choose a project from this list. Other projects will receive 0 points.
100+ pts. =A+ (a few extra credit points)
94 =A
90 =A-
86 =B+
84 =B
80 =B-
76 =C+
74 =C
70 =C-
lower =Needs Improvement
1. Make a model of a water clock and write a description of how it worked. 50pts
2. Make a working model of a shadoof and write a description of how it worked. 50pts.
3. Do some research and mummify a chicken. Display pictures of each step. Write a caption for each picture. 100 pts. (Do NOT start this project now. It's too late!)
4. Make a sculpture of the Sphinx. Write a one- page essay about its significance in ancient Egypt. 40 pts
5. Make four tri-folds and glue them back- to- back. Make 3-D scenes of the following: Egyptian daily life, gods and goddesses, life on the Nile River, and ancient Egyptian achievements. 50 pts.
6. Invent a game to teach other students about Egypt. Include a page of rules, gameboard, cards, playing pieces, etc. 40 pts.
7. Make a pop-up book of at least five pages about ancient Egypt. Include a paragraph on each page. 100 pts.
8.Make an ABC book to teach terms to know while studying about ancient Egypt. Include a minimum of two sentences for each letter and 26 illustrations. 100pts.
9. Choreograph and perform a dance to tell the story of how Egypt was created. Choose appropriate music and costume. 50 pts.
10. Paint a mural (bulletin board size) depicting life in ancient Egypt. 100 pts.
11. Design an accordion book about the art and architecture of Egypt. 30 pts.
12. Write a minimum of a three-act play about the Egyptians’ beliefs about death. 50 pts.
13. Design a fashion catalogue for ancient Egyptians. Include fashions and accessories for a pharaoh, woman, priest, slave, merchant and child. 30 pts.
14. Become an artisan and make either a religious or death mask. Write a paragraph about masks. 50 pts.
15. Make a chart to show the significance of ancient Egyptian symbols. 15 pts.
16. Make a 3-D map of the Nile. See Ms. King for the requirements. 100 pts.
17. Make a model of a funerary boat. Explain the significance of the symbols. 50 pts.
18. Design a poster to show the different types of boats used by the Egyptians. 25 pts.
19. Make a map showing the various quarries in Egypt. 25 pts.
20. Design a picture book about the plants and animals of ancient Egypt. Make sure to explain the significance of each one. (minimum of 25 plants/animals) 50 pts.
21. Write a story using hieroglyphics. Write the translation under each symbol. 25 pts.
22. Make a book of at least 12 gods and goddesses. Describe their physical appearances and their purposes in a paragraph about each one. 40 pts.
23. Write a story about your life in ancient Egypt. (minimum of 5 paragraphs) You may NOT be a pharaoh, king, queen or god. You may be a priest, worker, soldier, merchant, farmer, slave, or visitor. 25 pts.
24. Make a chart that compares the height of several pyramids to the worlds’ highest structures. Use illustrations on your chart. 40 pts.
25. Design a book to explain Egyptian numbers. Solve 10 Egyptian math problems.(20)
26. Make a model of a felucca. 20 pts.
27. Construct a model of an Egyptian burial chamber. The burial chamber should include wall paintings, the sarcophagus with the coffin in it, canopic jars, and items this Egyptian would need in the afterlife. 100 pts.
28. Design a travel brochure for tourists visiting ancient Egypt. Include: a map, information about travel, 5 sites to see, information about the government, and other information a tourist would need. 50 pts.
29. Create a crossword puzzle using terms and information about Egypt. You must have a minimum of 20 clues. 15 pts.
30. Design a piece of jewelry that could have been presented to Nefertiti, or Nefetari by her pharaoh husband in recognition of her contributions. Write a 1-2 paragraph description of the piece and how it represents the queen. Keep in mind important gods/goddesses. 40 pts.
31. Write a research paper about the qualities and leadership skills of the New Kingdom’s seven great pharaohs. 50 pts.
32. Draw and label (or make a model) of a cross-section of a temple. Include: the pylon, courtyard, hypostyle hall, second hall, sanctuary, and the sacred lake. 50 pts.
33. Make a queen’s headdress and a pharaoh’s crown. (There are several types.) 25pts.
34. Make a model of a chariot and explain how it was used. 50 pts.
35. Write an essay about the contribution of women to the ancient Egyptian culture. (5 paragraphs) 30 pts.
36. Make three models of ancient Egyptian toys or games. 50 pts.
37. Make an ankh, a scarab seal, and a royal cartouche. 25 pts.
38. Make a farming display including some tools used in ancient times. 25 pts.
39. Imagine you are a person from ancient Egypt (slave, priest, farmer, pharaoh…etc). Give a two -minute speech on the way you think a person in Egypt felt. Include their beliefs, values, culture, and social status. 25 pts.
40. Write an essay on, “If I could be a pharaoh, I would be _____________________ because…” (Must be a minimum of three paragraphs with five facts about the pharaoh.) 20 pts.
41. Find an Egyptian myth or legend and retell it in you own words. (Consider costume, voice, and fluency) 20 pts.
42. Create a chart comparing what life would be like without the Nile and what life was like with the Nile. Include: agriculture, food supply, sanitary needs, family life, etc. 25 pts.
43. Compose an original piece of music or song about Egypt and perform it for the class. Report on ancient Egyptian musical instruments. Provide visual aides. 40 pts.
44. Change the lyrics of a popular song into lyrics about ancient Egypt. Perform your new song. 20 pts.
45. Make a poster about ancient Egyptian technology. Explain how it changed lives. (Minimum of five) 25 pts.
46. Create an ancient Egyptian newspaper. Write several new articles. Be creative with other sections of the newspaper (entertainment, business, sports, etc). 100 pts.
47. Make an Egyptian Book of the Dead. Write 2-3 paragraphs to explain how it was used. 20 pts.
48. Read a non-fiction book about ancient Egypt. Write a one-page summary of the book. 15 pts.
49. Produce a radio broadcast. Interview three important people of ancient Egypt. Include sound effects and a commercial. 40 pts.
50. Design a mail order catalog from an Egyptian retailer. Items must have a description and a "price". (i.e. 2 bushels of corn, 1 goat, etc.) Have each page feature a different category (furniture, food, animals, personal care/fashion, weapons, funeral equipment, etc) 100 pts.
51. Write a fractured fairytale with Egyptian characters. (i.e. Queen Nefertiti and the 7 Tomb Robbers) 30 pts.
52. Make an ancient Egyptian cookbook. Include recipes and illustrations. 40 pts.
53. Research ancient Egyptian medical practices. Write a medical handbook of cures and remedies for ailing Egyptians. 30 pts.
54. Make a cubit stick. Measure 15-20 common items of varying sizes. Graph/chart your measurements. 20 pts.
55. Make a shabti out of a bar of soap. 20 pts.
56. Mold the four canopic jars out of clay. Write a paragraph to explain their significance. 25 pts.
57. Make an obelisk in honor of your nome god/goddess. 20 pts.
58. Construct a pharaoh's crook and flail. 20 pts.
59. Prepare for an ancient Egyptian ceremony by making a sistrum. Write a paragraph to explain its use. 20 pts.
1. Make sure that your name (first and last), date, and homebase teacher is on your project.
2. Turn your project in on time.
3. Draw thumbnail sketches to plan your project.
4. Write several rough drafts.
5. Frame/matte pictures and paragraphs.
6. Be careful not to have jagged edges when you cut something.
7. Think- BIG! BOLD! BEAUTIFUL! (Be aware of white space on displays.)
8. Make your lettering a uniform size.
9. Proofread!!!!!
10.Color in ONE direction! Use colored pencils unless your project calls for another medium.
11.Center titles and remember top, bottom, and side margins.
12.Use appropriate materials i.e. graph paper for a graph, art paper for art, final draft writing paper for anything that is written.
13.Securely glue down items. Use an appropriate amount of glue and the proper glue for your project.
14.Turn in QUALITY WORK!!! (No smudges, smears, tears, food stains, sloppy handwriting, words that are misspelled, inaccurate information, copying from a book or the Internet, incomplete projects, paper ripped from a notebook, projects that are taped instead of glued, sloppy coloring and coloring outside of the line, etc.)
15.Use technology where appropriate BUT DO NOT just print out pictures and information and slap it on a poster board.
16.This is YOUR project. Parents my HELP but it is not their project. You will be graded on the work that you do, not what your parents do.
17.Plan mini due dates for yourself so that you are NOT trying to do a project at the last minute.
You will need to earn 94 points to earn an A on this project. The point values next to each project are approximately the number of points that may be earned. You may earn more or less depending on the quality and sophistication of your project. You may complete more than one project in order to earn an A. It is better to complete one really nice project rather than a whole bunch of sloppy projects. You have plenty of time to research and complete a project. Plan your time well. Don’t try to do a project a couple of days before it’s due. Only choose a project from this list. Other projects will receive 0 points.
100+ pts. =A+ (a few extra credit points)
94 =A
90 =A-
86 =B+
84 =B
80 =B-
76 =C+
74 =C
70 =C-
lower =Needs Improvement
Parent Teacher Conferences
Because Sixth Grade students rotate to five different subjects, similar to middle school, we will not have scheduled Parent Teacher Conferences. All teachers will be available on Wednesday, November 10, from 4:00 to 7:30 and on Thursday, November 11, from 2:00 to 6:30.
You can come and meet with any or all teachers at your convenience. We will watch and take parents on a first come, first served basis. Please bring your sixth grade student with you. Your student’s report card will be sent home on Monday, November 8. This will give you an opportunity to look it over and come to the conference prepared with questions or concerns.
Elk Meadows Sixth Grade Team
You can come and meet with any or all teachers at your convenience. We will watch and take parents on a first come, first served basis. Please bring your sixth grade student with you. Your student’s report card will be sent home on Monday, November 8. This will give you an opportunity to look it over and come to the conference prepared with questions or concerns.
Elk Meadows Sixth Grade Team
Thursday, October 21, 2010
October 21, 2010
Soc. Studies: The mummy case should be completely drawn and much of it colored by now to be on schedule. Students, make mini due dates for your Egyptian projects. Don't try and complete a project at the last minute. Next Tuesday and Wednesday will be "in class" days to work on your project. Plan accordingly. If you are unable to bring something to work on for your project, plan to work on other assignments during the social studies work time i.e. math, poem, reading, spelling, etc. Students who come unprepared to work will be given an extra assignment to complete during the class period.
Soc. Studies: The mummy case should be completely drawn and much of it colored by now to be on schedule. Students, make mini due dates for your Egyptian projects. Don't try and complete a project at the last minute. Next Tuesday and Wednesday will be "in class" days to work on your project. Plan accordingly. If you are unable to bring something to work on for your project, plan to work on other assignments during the social studies work time i.e. math, poem, reading, spelling, etc. Students who come unprepared to work will be given an extra assignment to complete during the class period.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
October 20, 2010
Math Pg 374 #1-16 Review of multiplication of fractions. DUE Monday the 25th
Planner signed: 10/21
Read 30 minutes
Language Arts: DLP Sentences #6-8 due: 10/21. Handwriting Wkst. "Clay Tablets" due: 10/21. Poem "The Road Not Taken" memorized by November 10. Remember to practice "Loud, Slow, and Clear."
Math Pg 374 #1-16 Review of multiplication of fractions. DUE Monday the 25th
Planner signed: 10/21
Read 30 minutes
Language Arts: DLP Sentences #6-8 due: 10/21. Handwriting Wkst. "Clay Tablets" due: 10/21. Poem "The Road Not Taken" memorized by November 10. Remember to practice "Loud, Slow, and Clear."
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
October 19, 2010
Next Monday and Tuesday, we will be doing Science experiments with light. If you can send a flashlight with your student both days, that would be helpful.
Science Expert Report - due 10/20
Planner signed - due 10/20
Read 30 minutes
Math page 366 # 15-61 odds. Multiplying fractions with whole numbers
Reading: After working in class for 40 minutes today, whatever you have left is homework. "Amelia Earhart" Comp WS 112+113 is due to correct tomorrow, 10/20. Spelling WS from yesterday is due, too.
Language Arts: DLP Sentences #4-5 due 10/20. "Ping Pong" Wkst. due 10/20. Poem: "The Road Not Taken" memorized by November 10. Students should practice memorizing the poem with the following three words in mind: LOUD, SLOW, and CLEAR. Volume, speed, fluency, expression, and memorization skills will be reviewed in class and graded during the final presentation.
Science Expert Report - due 10/20
Planner signed - due 10/20
Read 30 minutes
Math page 366 # 15-61 odds. Multiplying fractions with whole numbers
Reading: After working in class for 40 minutes today, whatever you have left is homework. "Amelia Earhart" Comp WS 112+113 is due to correct tomorrow, 10/20. Spelling WS from yesterday is due, too.
Language Arts: DLP Sentences #4-5 due 10/20. "Ping Pong" Wkst. due 10/20. Poem: "The Road Not Taken" memorized by November 10. Students should practice memorizing the poem with the following three words in mind: LOUD, SLOW, and CLEAR. Volume, speed, fluency, expression, and memorization skills will be reviewed in class and graded during the final presentation.
Monday, October 18, 2010
October 18, 2010
Language Arts: DLP Sentences #1-3 due 10/19
Math Pg 362 # 17-21 odds and 34-53 all. Rounding and multiplying fractions.
Planner signed
Read 30 min.
Social Studies: Egypt Study Guide #1-9 Mummy Case due Oct. 27 Egyptian Project due Nov. 8 (+10 pts. if project is turned in by Nov. 5)
Reading: Spelling ABC Order and Vocabulary Definitions due tomorrow, 10/19.Spelling WS 117+86 due Wednesday, 10/20. Spelling Test next Monday, 10/25.
If you have any advertisements for Target, Kmart, Shopko, Walgreens, Rite Aid, or grocery stores that you do not need, please send them to school with your child to give Mrs. Boehme during Science. They are needed for a Computer project.
Language Arts: DLP Sentences #1-3 due 10/19
Math Pg 362 # 17-21 odds and 34-53 all. Rounding and multiplying fractions.
Planner signed
Read 30 min.
Social Studies: Egypt Study Guide #1-9 Mummy Case due Oct. 27 Egyptian Project due Nov. 8 (+10 pts. if project is turned in by Nov. 5)
Reading: Spelling ABC Order and Vocabulary Definitions due tomorrow, 10/19.Spelling WS 117+86 due Wednesday, 10/20. Spelling Test next Monday, 10/25.
If you have any advertisements for Target, Kmart, Shopko, Walgreens, Rite Aid, or grocery stores that you do not need, please send them to school with your child to give Mrs. Boehme during Science. They are needed for a Computer project.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
October 16, 2010
SCIENCE - Mrs. Coombs
Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend and enjoying the beautiful weather.
Just a huge reminder that the Science Expert Report is due on Wednesday, October 20th.
Please remember to include a bibliography and your poster. I'm looking forward to reading about all you've learned. If you have questions please email me at karlin.coombs@jordan.k12.ut.us
See you Wednesday.
Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend and enjoying the beautiful weather.
Just a huge reminder that the Science Expert Report is due on Wednesday, October 20th.
Please remember to include a bibliography and your poster. I'm looking forward to reading about all you've learned. If you have questions please email me at karlin.coombs@jordan.k12.ut.us
See you Wednesday.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
October 13, 2010
We hope everyone has a fantastic LONG weekend!
RC/Planner Signed due October 18
Soc. Studies: Students can begin coloring their mummy case and deciding on a project to work on for our study of ancient Egypt. The mummy case is due Wed. October 27. Students may use paint, markers, crayons, etc. for their coloring. Many students in the past have used gold spray paint as a base. They may also embellish their mummy case with small jewels, ribbon, or other light weight decorations. The requirement for this assignment is to be creative, colorful, and authentic. Do not decorate the mummy case like a Ute fan, etc. The mummy cases will be displayed in our hallway. I'm looking for QUALITY work!
We will talk about the Egyptian project next week. The project is due November 8, 2010.
Language Arts: Preposition Quiz #5 10/18. This is the final preposition quiz and students should know all 53 prepositions. Progress Reports signed and returned 10/18. All missing assignments due 10/18. DOL Week #3 due 10/18.
RC/Planner Signed due October 18
Soc. Studies: Students can begin coloring their mummy case and deciding on a project to work on for our study of ancient Egypt. The mummy case is due Wed. October 27. Students may use paint, markers, crayons, etc. for their coloring. Many students in the past have used gold spray paint as a base. They may also embellish their mummy case with small jewels, ribbon, or other light weight decorations. The requirement for this assignment is to be creative, colorful, and authentic. Do not decorate the mummy case like a Ute fan, etc. The mummy cases will be displayed in our hallway. I'm looking for QUALITY work!
We will talk about the Egyptian project next week. The project is due November 8, 2010.
Language Arts: Preposition Quiz #5 10/18. This is the final preposition quiz and students should know all 53 prepositions. Progress Reports signed and returned 10/18. All missing assignments due 10/18. DOL Week #3 due 10/18.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Red Ribbon Week
October 18-22
Monday, October 18: Write off Drugs - Wear red. Students will be given a red pen.
Tuesday, October 19: Use your Head, Don't do Drugs - Red hat day. Mad Science Assembly
Wednesday, October 20: Hugs not Drugs - Bring your favorite stuffed animals
Thursday, October 21: Band Together Against Drugs - Wear a red headband
Friday, October 22: Turn your Back to Drugs - Wear your shirt backwards
We hope all students will participate in these activities to remind them about the dangers of doing drugs.
Monday, October 18: Write off Drugs - Wear red. Students will be given a red pen.
Tuesday, October 19: Use your Head, Don't do Drugs - Red hat day. Mad Science Assembly
Wednesday, October 20: Hugs not Drugs - Bring your favorite stuffed animals
Thursday, October 21: Band Together Against Drugs - Wear a red headband
Friday, October 22: Turn your Back to Drugs - Wear your shirt backwards
We hope all students will participate in these activities to remind them about the dangers of doing drugs.
October 12, 2010
Math Pg 346 # 10-31 subtracting mixed numbers - This is due on Monday the 18th.
Planner signed - due 10/13
Read 30 minutes daily
Language Arts: Preposition Quiz #5 Monday, 10/18. This is the final quiz and ALL prepositions should be memorized. DOL (Daily Oral Language) Week #3 due: 10/18. Progress Reports with parent signature due: 10/18. All missing assignments due: 10/18
Math Pg 346 # 10-31 subtracting mixed numbers - This is due on Monday the 18th.
Planner signed - due 10/13
Read 30 minutes daily
Language Arts: Preposition Quiz #5 Monday, 10/18. This is the final quiz and ALL prepositions should be memorized. DOL (Daily Oral Language) Week #3 due: 10/18. Progress Reports with parent signature due: 10/18. All missing assignments due: 10/18
Monday, October 11, 2010
October 11, 2010
CONGRATULATIONS to Hunter from Orange for being the school grand prize winner of the Pumpkin Decorating Contest. Britley from Purple who won for the sixth grade. The pumpkins were awesome!!
Planner signed 10/12
Read 30 minutes
Math Pg 342 # 6-36 evens
Science Progress Report signed - due 10/12
Social Studies Progress Report signed - due 10/12
"Two Rivers" due 10/12
Language Arts: Sentences #7-8 Due: 10/12. Progress Report signed Due: 10/18. Missing assignments Due: 10/18. Progress Report signed and returned tomorrow, 10/12, earn 10 extra credit points. Preposition Quiz #5 on Monday, 10/18. This is the final quiz and all prepositions should be memorized.
Picture day - 10/12
Planner signed 10/12
Read 30 minutes
Math Pg 342 # 6-36 evens
Science Progress Report signed - due 10/12
Social Studies Progress Report signed - due 10/12
"Two Rivers" due 10/12
Language Arts: Sentences #7-8 Due: 10/12. Progress Report signed Due: 10/18. Missing assignments Due: 10/18. Progress Report signed and returned tomorrow, 10/12, earn 10 extra credit points. Preposition Quiz #5 on Monday, 10/18. This is the final quiz and all prepositions should be memorized.
Picture day - 10/12
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Social Studies: Mesopotamia Map and Long./Lat. Reading word search due Monday, Oct. 11.
Language Arts: Preposition Quiz 10/11. (All the way through "through.")
Social Studies: Mesopotamia Map and Long./Lat. Reading word search due Monday, Oct. 11.
Language Arts: Preposition Quiz 10/11. (All the way through "through.")
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Math Pg 322 7-45 odds- adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators
This is due on Monday, Oct. 11.
Read 30 minutes
Planner signed: 10/8
Language Arts: Preposition Quiz #4. Memorize prepositions #1-42 (through "through") 10/11
Social Studies: Mesopotamia Map and Long./Lat. Reading wordsearch due Monday, Oct. 11.
Reading: Comp WS 1+2, Spelling Review WSs both due on Monday. Review Spelling Test with 42 words will be Tuesday, Oct. 12.
Math Pg 322 7-45 odds- adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators
This is due on Monday, Oct. 11.
Read 30 minutes
Planner signed: 10/8
Language Arts: Preposition Quiz #4. Memorize prepositions #1-42 (through "through") 10/11
Social Studies: Mesopotamia Map and Long./Lat. Reading wordsearch due Monday, Oct. 11.
Reading: Comp WS 1+2, Spelling Review WSs both due on Monday. Review Spelling Test with 42 words will be Tuesday, Oct. 12.
Stink Bombs and Sewer Maggots
Students may register for the new science class at the office.
Labs include:
Rotten Egg Gas
Squealing George
Invisible Fire Extinguisher
Dry Ice Cannons
Fog City
Soap Bubble Parade
Coke Volcano
Sewer Maggots
Salt Sensitive Larve
Silicate Garden
BS Cannons
Snowstorm in a Tube
Smokescreen on Demand
Surprise Fire!
Students may choose between two different class dates. Class #1 Oct. 25 and 26 Class#2 Oct. 27 and 28 The class is from 3:15-4:45 each day and the cost is $50. The registration deadline is October 13. Only 40 students from 4-6 grades will be able to take the class. Classes fill up fast!
Each student receives their own kit with over 20 lab items to use and keep along with a guide to record observations.
Come join the fun!
Labs include:
Rotten Egg Gas
Squealing George
Invisible Fire Extinguisher
Dry Ice Cannons
Fog City
Soap Bubble Parade
Coke Volcano
Sewer Maggots
Salt Sensitive Larve
Silicate Garden
BS Cannons
Snowstorm in a Tube
Smokescreen on Demand
Surprise Fire!
Students may choose between two different class dates. Class #1 Oct. 25 and 26 Class#2 Oct. 27 and 28 The class is from 3:15-4:45 each day and the cost is $50. The registration deadline is October 13. Only 40 students from 4-6 grades will be able to take the class. Classes fill up fast!
Each student receives their own kit with over 20 lab items to use and keep along with a guide to record observations.
Come join the fun!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
October 6, 2010
Math Pg 318 # 12-40 adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators
There are still a few kids who have not turned in their progress reports for math.
All make up work for Unit 1 is due by Friday the 8th.
Read 30 min
Planner signed 10/7
Language Arts: Memorize Prepositions through "through." :) Quiz #4 Monday, 10/11. Worksheet "Simple Predicates" due: 10/7.
***We had a fun assembly put on by Extensions, a group of our own students. They did a fabulous job welcoming us back to school and helping us get excited about learning! The director, Ms. King, has put in many long hours helping the kids prepare. Thanks for all the hard work!
Math Pg 318 # 12-40 adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators
There are still a few kids who have not turned in their progress reports for math.
All make up work for Unit 1 is due by Friday the 8th.
Read 30 min
Planner signed 10/7
Language Arts: Memorize Prepositions through "through." :) Quiz #4 Monday, 10/11. Worksheet "Simple Predicates" due: 10/7.
***We had a fun assembly put on by Extensions, a group of our own students. They did a fabulous job welcoming us back to school and helping us get excited about learning! The director, Ms. King, has put in many long hours helping the kids prepare. Thanks for all the hard work!
Meet the Candidates Night
Sponsored by Region 6 PTA
Eastlake Elementary: 6:30 - 8:30 Thursday, October 21
Format: Open House
Jordan School Board candidates Susan Pulsipher and Roy Harward
United States House of Representatives District 3 candidate Karen Hyer
Utah Board of Education District 3 candidates Burtis Bills and Craig Coleman
County Council candidate Steven Debry
Utah House of Representatives District 41 candidate John Jackson
Utah House of Representatives District 50 candidates Gary Olsen, Russell Hatch, and Merlynn Newbold
Eastlake Elementary: 6:30 - 8:30 Thursday, October 21
Format: Open House
Jordan School Board candidates Susan Pulsipher and Roy Harward
United States House of Representatives District 3 candidate Karen Hyer
Utah Board of Education District 3 candidates Burtis Bills and Craig Coleman
County Council candidate Steven Debry
Utah House of Representatives District 41 candidate John Jackson
Utah House of Representatives District 50 candidates Gary Olsen, Russell Hatch, and Merlynn Newbold
Monday, October 4, 2010
October 4, 2010
Planner signed 10/5
Read 30 minutes.
Soc. Studies: "Mesopotamia" map skills and "Writing on the Wall" comprehension are both due Thursday. Make sure to write complete sentences, using part of the question in your answer, and to write in cursive.
Science: Heat Review Packet and study for test on Heat - due 10/5
Pumpkin Decorating Contest - no carving, just color or glue decorations on - due 10/11
Picture Day - 10/12
Language Arts: DOL Sentence corrections #1-2 due: 10/5 Grammar p. 56 #10-16 due: 10/5
(This was originally due today, but we ran out of time in class.) Preposition Quiz #4 on Monday, 10/11. Memorize the first 42 prepositions.
Planner signed 10/5
Read 30 minutes.
Soc. Studies: "Mesopotamia" map skills and "Writing on the Wall" comprehension are both due Thursday. Make sure to write complete sentences, using part of the question in your answer, and to write in cursive.
Science: Heat Review Packet and study for test on Heat - due 10/5
Pumpkin Decorating Contest - no carving, just color or glue decorations on - due 10/11
Picture Day - 10/12
Language Arts: DOL Sentence corrections #1-2 due: 10/5 Grammar p. 56 #10-16 due: 10/5
(This was originally due today, but we ran out of time in class.) Preposition Quiz #4 on Monday, 10/11. Memorize the first 42 prepositions.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Costume Heads Up
At the end of March, the sixth grade is planning a Renaissance Fair and possibly some Shakespeare plays. Students will need a simple costume for the day. Students can start thinking now and getting ideas from various sources. Halloween is a great time to be looking for odds-n-ends to embellish a costume.
Friday, October 1, 2010
October 1, 2010
Planner signed 10/4
RC card signed 10/4
Read each night
Social Studies: Thank you to all of the parents who have helped cut out Egyptian
coffins. We only need about 30 more.
Language Arts: Preposition Quiz on the first 31 prepositions: 10/4 Grammar Book: p. 56 #10-15 Sentences copied: 10/4 Grammar worksheet "Simple Subjects": 10/4
Planner signed 10/4
RC card signed 10/4
Read each night
Social Studies: Thank you to all of the parents who have helped cut out Egyptian
coffins. We only need about 30 more.
Language Arts: Preposition Quiz on the first 31 prepositions: 10/4 Grammar Book: p. 56 #10-15 Sentences copied: 10/4 Grammar worksheet "Simple Subjects": 10/4
Thursday, September 30, 2010
September 30, 2010
Math Pg 284 # 7-37 fractions + using fraction circles in class to create a whole.
Planner signed due: 10/1
Read 30 minutes (Remember to read 150 minutes per week or more.)
Soc. Studies: There was an assignment today- Mesopotamia. It is due Monday but students will have some work time to finish it since the magazines cannot be taken home. Most students are working on the "Early History" assignment. Due to the lack of following instructions (writing complete sentences), students are re-doing their work tonight.
Reading: Comp WS 54+55, along with reading "True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle" (BP 97) due by Monday, 10/4.
Next month's "category" for reading is a book with 150-200+ pages with a food name in the title. Book report requirements will be given later.
Language Arts: Memorize the first 31 prepositions on your list. Quiz: 10/4
Grammar worksheet "Simple Subjects" due: 10/4
Math Pg 284 # 7-37 fractions + using fraction circles in class to create a whole.
Planner signed due: 10/1
Read 30 minutes (Remember to read 150 minutes per week or more.)
Soc. Studies: There was an assignment today- Mesopotamia. It is due Monday but students will have some work time to finish it since the magazines cannot be taken home. Most students are working on the "Early History" assignment. Due to the lack of following instructions (writing complete sentences), students are re-doing their work tonight.
Reading: Comp WS 54+55, along with reading "True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle" (BP 97) due by Monday, 10/4.
Next month's "category" for reading is a book with 150-200+ pages with a food name in the title. Book report requirements will be given later.
Language Arts: Memorize the first 31 prepositions on your list. Quiz: 10/4
Grammar worksheet "Simple Subjects" due: 10/4
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
September 29, 2010
Planner Signed 9/30
Read 30 minutes
Language Arts: Memorize the first 31 prepositions. Quiz: 10/4.
FYI: In class, we are focusing on sentence structure. Students are learning to recognize complete and incomplete sentences. They are also working on identifying complete subject, complete predicate, simple subject, simple predicate, prepositions, and prepositional phrases. A solid understanding of sentences leads to writing better paragraphs, which will then lead to writing better essays and reports.
Reading: Signed Progress Reports with any missing assignments stapled to it will be due tomorrow, Thursday. Students were instructed on ways to improve their comprehension scores on assessments. Many students and parents had questions as to why their grade is "low". First of all, there are only 5 or 6 questions, so missing two pulls the grade down. I encouraged students to pay careful attention to sentences, spelling, and rereading questions for the written answers. Multiple choice questions need to be thoroughly read at least 2 times, crossing out impossible answers. Last, make sure all questions have been answered, not left blank or unanswered.
Vocab WS 53+62, Spelling WS 59+60 due 9/30.
Planner Signed 9/30
Read 30 minutes
Language Arts: Memorize the first 31 prepositions. Quiz: 10/4.
FYI: In class, we are focusing on sentence structure. Students are learning to recognize complete and incomplete sentences. They are also working on identifying complete subject, complete predicate, simple subject, simple predicate, prepositions, and prepositional phrases. A solid understanding of sentences leads to writing better paragraphs, which will then lead to writing better essays and reports.
Reading: Signed Progress Reports with any missing assignments stapled to it will be due tomorrow, Thursday. Students were instructed on ways to improve their comprehension scores on assessments. Many students and parents had questions as to why their grade is "low". First of all, there are only 5 or 6 questions, so missing two pulls the grade down. I encouraged students to pay careful attention to sentences, spelling, and rereading questions for the written answers. Multiple choice questions need to be thoroughly read at least 2 times, crossing out impossible answers. Last, make sure all questions have been answered, not left blank or unanswered.
Vocab WS 53+62, Spelling WS 59+60 due 9/30.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Signed planner due 9/29
Read 30 minutes daily
Reading: "Climb or Die" Comprehension Assessment 9/29. Finish WS 43 and EC 46 due 9/29.
"Charlotte Doyle" spelling and vocabulary test Monday 10/4. Spelling words: bloom, stout, droop, crouch, annoy, vault, squawk, avoid, sought, naughty, mound, groove, foul, hoist, gloom, trout, noun, roost, clause, appoint, bountiful, adjoin, nauseous, turquoise, and heirloom. Vocabulary words: ascent, entangled, seasoned, endeavored, rigging, ratlines, and treacherous.
Language Arts: Memorize prepositions to "near" on your list. Quiz: 10/4
Signed planner due 9/29
Read 30 minutes daily
Reading: "Climb or Die" Comprehension Assessment 9/29. Finish WS 43 and EC 46 due 9/29.
"Charlotte Doyle" spelling and vocabulary test Monday 10/4. Spelling words: bloom, stout, droop, crouch, annoy, vault, squawk, avoid, sought, naughty, mound, groove, foul, hoist, gloom, trout, noun, roost, clause, appoint, bountiful, adjoin, nauseous, turquoise, and heirloom. Vocabulary words: ascent, entangled, seasoned, endeavored, rigging, ratlines, and treacherous.
Language Arts: Memorize prepositions to "near" on your list. Quiz: 10/4
Monday, September 27, 2010
September 27, 2010
Math- Unit 1 test tomorrow. All late work for this unit will need to turned in ASAP
Science - vocabulary, if not finished in class - due 9/28
Write the word, definition, and example
Example - energy: a source of usable power/battery
Words: energy, conduction, conductor, insulator, convection, radiation
If you have a calculator, please bring it for our experiment on 9/28.
Social Studies: African Precipitation crossword puzzle due 9/28, Early History answers due Wednesday. Tomorrow will be a work day.
Math- Unit 1 test tomorrow. All late work for this unit will need to turned in ASAP
Science - vocabulary, if not finished in class - due 9/28
Write the word, definition, and example
Example - energy: a source of usable power/battery
Words: energy, conduction, conductor, insulator, convection, radiation
If you have a calculator, please bring it for our experiment on 9/28.
Social Studies: African Precipitation crossword puzzle due 9/28, Early History answers due Wednesday. Tomorrow will be a work day.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Math Pg 156 # 1-31 -6&7 plus the five problems from the board.
This is a review for the test next Tues. If you have questions email
Mrs. Bailey
Planner signed 9/24
Read 30 minutes
Reading: Comp WS 39+40 due 9/27. I'm sending progress reports home, which need to be signed and returned by Thursday, September 30. Any missing work must be corrected and attached to the report. INDEPENDENT READING CALENDARS AND MYSTERY BOOK REPORTS ARE DUE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1ST.
Soc. Studies: Final Draft of African Folktale due Monday, Sept.27. It should be written in cursive, one side only, on white final draft paper. Students may make a title page with a colored illustration for their story for a little extra credit.
Sixth graders should be extremely proud of themselves today for scoring so well on the African countries test. Over half of the students earned an 87% or higher and many more students scored above 77%! Way to go!
Math Pg 156 # 1-31 -6&7 plus the five problems from the board.
This is a review for the test next Tues. If you have questions email
Mrs. Bailey
Planner signed 9/24
Read 30 minutes
Reading: Comp WS 39+40 due 9/27. I'm sending progress reports home, which need to be signed and returned by Thursday, September 30. Any missing work must be corrected and attached to the report. INDEPENDENT READING CALENDARS AND MYSTERY BOOK REPORTS ARE DUE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1ST.
Soc. Studies: Final Draft of African Folktale due Monday, Sept.27. It should be written in cursive, one side only, on white final draft paper. Students may make a title page with a colored illustration for their story for a little extra credit.
Sixth graders should be extremely proud of themselves today for scoring so well on the African countries test. Over half of the students earned an 87% or higher and many more students scored above 77%! Way to go!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
September 22, 2010
Math- prime factoring and making arrays. 5 problems for homework if not completed in class.
Find the prime factors
1- 56
2- 625
3- 1001
4- The prime factorization of a number is
2^2 x 3^3 x 5^5 What is the number?
5- Is 1 a prime or composite number?
Planner signed
Read 30 min.
Reading: Study for spelling test tomorrow.
Math- prime factoring and making arrays. 5 problems for homework if not completed in class.
Find the prime factors
1- 56
2- 625
3- 1001
4- The prime factorization of a number is
2^2 x 3^3 x 5^5 What is the number?
5- Is 1 a prime or composite number?
Planner signed
Read 30 min.
Reading: Study for spelling test tomorrow.
New Superintendent Input Meetings
Superintendent Barry Newbold is retiring the end of December. The School Board is hosting public meetings to obtain input about the qualifications, characteristics, and focus a new superintendent should have. If you would like your opinions considered, please go to one of the following meetings:
Wednesday, September 22, 7 p.m. at Elk Ridge Middle
Thursday, September 23, 7 p.m. at Fort Herriman Middle
Tuesday, October 5, 7 p.m. at Oquirrh Hills Middle
Wednesday, October 6, 7 p.m. at Joel P. Jensen Middle
Thursday, October 7, 7 p.m. at West Hills Middle
You can also complete an online survey at
Superintendent Barry Newbold is retiring the end of December. The School Board is hosting public meetings to obtain input about the qualifications, characteristics, and focus a new superintendent should have. If you would like your opinions considered, please go to one of the following meetings:
Wednesday, September 22, 7 p.m. at Elk Ridge Middle
Thursday, September 23, 7 p.m. at Fort Herriman Middle
Tuesday, October 5, 7 p.m. at Oquirrh Hills Middle
Wednesday, October 6, 7 p.m. at Joel P. Jensen Middle
Thursday, October 7, 7 p.m. at West Hills Middle
You can also complete an online survey at
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Planner signed 9/22.
Read 30 minutes.
Reading: Comprehension questions on BP 88, 1-7. Students must answer with a complete sentence, incorporating the question in the answer. Spelling WS 44+45 due 9/22.
Planner signed 9/22.
Read 30 minutes.
Reading: Comprehension questions on BP 88, 1-7. Students must answer with a complete sentence, incorporating the question in the answer. Spelling WS 44+45 due 9/22.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Monday, September 20
We are encouraging all students to make sure that they are caught up in all assignments as soon as possible. Progress reports will be coming home soon.
Math - Placing fractions, decimals and mixed numbers on a number line-
This should have been completed in class today
Social Studies: Africa activities 67-70 due Wednesday, African countries TEST Thursday,
Re-do "Map Skills" (Many students need to rewrite their answers so that they have complete sentences.) Due tomorrow Sept. 21
Reading: Read 30 minutes. "Climb or Die" spelling ABC Order/Vocab Definitions due 9/21.
Spelling Words: cycle, sweat, rhythm, rely, pleasant, routine, cleanse, shove, reply, meant, sponge, apply, threat, myth, deny, leather, rhyme, thread, meadow, ravine, endeavor, oxygen, nylon, realm, and trampoline.
Vocabulary Words: carabiners, pitons, foothold, desperate, improvising, belay, ice ax, overcome, functioned, and fatigue.
Vocabulary Quiz Wednesday. Spelling/Comprehension/Vocab Assessments Thursday.
Math - Placing fractions, decimals and mixed numbers on a number line-
This should have been completed in class today
Social Studies: Africa activities 67-70 due Wednesday, African countries TEST Thursday,
Re-do "Map Skills" (Many students need to rewrite their answers so that they have complete sentences.) Due tomorrow Sept. 21
Reading: Read 30 minutes. "Climb or Die" spelling ABC Order/Vocab Definitions due 9/21.
Spelling Words: cycle, sweat, rhythm, rely, pleasant, routine, cleanse, shove, reply, meant, sponge, apply, threat, myth, deny, leather, rhyme, thread, meadow, ravine, endeavor, oxygen, nylon, realm, and trampoline.
Vocabulary Words: carabiners, pitons, foothold, desperate, improvising, belay, ice ax, overcome, functioned, and fatigue.
Vocabulary Quiz Wednesday. Spelling/Comprehension/Vocab Assessments Thursday.
Friday, September 17, 2010
September 17. 2010
Math Pg 464 #9-69 odds Integers
RC card signed and returned
Planner signed
Read 30 min.
Language Arts: Memorize the first 21 prepositions. Quiz: Monday 9/20
Soc. Studies: The next group of countries to really study are the following: Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin, Burkina Faso, Tunisia, Angola, and Namibia. There will NOT be a quiz for these countries. The African Countries TEST will be September 23. The test will be to identify 30 African countries.(Multiple Choice and Identifying) However if you memorize all 53, it will count towards your Falcon Award and give you some extra credit for social studies. Good Luck!
Math Pg 464 #9-69 odds Integers
RC card signed and returned
Planner signed
Read 30 min.
Language Arts: Memorize the first 21 prepositions. Quiz: Monday 9/20
Soc. Studies: The next group of countries to really study are the following: Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin, Burkina Faso, Tunisia, Angola, and Namibia. There will NOT be a quiz for these countries. The African Countries TEST will be September 23. The test will be to identify 30 African countries.(Multiple Choice and Identifying) However if you memorize all 53, it will count towards your Falcon Award and give you some extra credit for social studies. Good Luck!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
I need some help tracing and cutting out 140 near life-size Egyptian coffins so that they'll be ready for our study of Egypt in a couple of weeks. If you could help, please let me know. I have a pattern. Once you have a pattern, it can be worked on at home. The school will provide the paper.
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Miss King
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Miss King
Extra Credit for Social Studies
Here is a chance to improve your social studies grade.
When your salt-dough map is dry, paint your map and show me your completed project sometime before Sept. 30. Water colors work great but be careful not to use too much water.
Sahara Desert and other desert regions= yellow
Rain forest= dark green
Grasslands/Savannah= yellow/green or yellow/orange
Mountains= brown
Rivers/Lakes= blue
Make small paper labels and label (print)the following: Atlas Mountains, Sahara Desert, Nile River, Lake Chad, Niger River, Lake Victoria, Mt. Kilimanjaro, Kalahari Desert, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean, Mozambique Channel, Atlantic Ocean, and Gulf of Guinea.
Design a title "AFRICA" for the top of your map.
Extra credit is ONLY offered to those students who are prepared with all of their work!
I'm looking for a quality project. I will not accept sloppy work. Proof your labels for spelling mistakes and capitals before gluing them on your map.
When your salt-dough map is dry, paint your map and show me your completed project sometime before Sept. 30. Water colors work great but be careful not to use too much water.
Sahara Desert and other desert regions= yellow
Rain forest= dark green
Grasslands/Savannah= yellow/green or yellow/orange
Mountains= brown
Rivers/Lakes= blue
Make small paper labels and label (print)the following: Atlas Mountains, Sahara Desert, Nile River, Lake Chad, Niger River, Lake Victoria, Mt. Kilimanjaro, Kalahari Desert, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean, Mozambique Channel, Atlantic Ocean, and Gulf of Guinea.
Design a title "AFRICA" for the top of your map.
Extra credit is ONLY offered to those students who are prepared with all of their work!
I'm looking for a quality project. I will not accept sloppy work. Proof your labels for spelling mistakes and capitals before gluing them on your map.
September 16, 2010
Social Studies: Africa Activities 63-66 due Mon.
Reading:Spelling and reading assessments today. Spelling will be returned tomorrow. Students must write missed words 7 times and show a parent. Read "Climb or Die", BP 72, by Monday, 9/20.
Language Arts: Memorize the first 21 prepositions. Quiz on Monday 9/20.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
The bike rally has been changed to Monday during lunch as the SJ Police Dept. had a conflict with Friday. We will still be decorating bike helmets on Friday, so bring yours to participate.
Planner signed: 9/16
Read 30 minutes
Math Pg 304 # 10-50 Evens Comparing and ordering fraction/finding common denominators.
Soc. Studies: Study for the Geography Quiz and bring your play-dough tomorrow.
Language Arts: Writing Sentences Wkst. Due: 9/16 Grammar p. 53 #1-15 Due: 9/16 Memorize the first 21 prepositions. Quiz will be on Monday, 9/20.
Reading: Spelling and Comprehension Assessments, so study words. Vocabulary quiz WS 23+32 should have been turned into basket. Comp WS 26+27 due 9/16.
Planner signed: 9/16
Read 30 minutes
Math Pg 304 # 10-50 Evens Comparing and ordering fraction/finding common denominators.
Soc. Studies: Study for the Geography Quiz and bring your play-dough tomorrow.
Language Arts: Writing Sentences Wkst. Due: 9/16 Grammar p. 53 #1-15 Due: 9/16 Memorize the first 21 prepositions. Quiz will be on Monday, 9/20.
Reading: Spelling and Comprehension Assessments, so study words. Vocabulary quiz WS 23+32 should have been turned into basket. Comp WS 26+27 due 9/16.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
September 14, 2010
The Happenings Coupon Books are due tomorrow, September 15. Please return the book if you choose not to buy or sell it.
Math Pg 298 15-55 ODDS
Planner signed 9/15
Read 30 minutes
Language Arts: AutoBio Poem Rough Draft Due: 9/15
Have the first 21 prepositions memorized by Monday, 9/20. (Don't forget the first 11 from last Monday, and learn the next 10.)
Grammar p. 4-5 #1-15 Due: 9/15
Soc. Studies: Finish "Africa activities 59-62" Study for the African countries quiz. Think about what to write for your African folk tale.
Reading: Comp. WS 24+25 and Spelling WS 31+28, 29+30 due 9/15. Study vocabulary for a quiz 9/15. Study spelling words for assessment on 9/16.
Math Pg 298 15-55 ODDS
Planner signed 9/15
Read 30 minutes
Language Arts: AutoBio Poem Rough Draft Due: 9/15
Have the first 21 prepositions memorized by Monday, 9/20. (Don't forget the first 11 from last Monday, and learn the next 10.)
Grammar p. 4-5 #1-15 Due: 9/15
Soc. Studies: Finish "Africa activities 59-62" Study for the African countries quiz. Think about what to write for your African folk tale.
Reading: Comp. WS 24+25 and Spelling WS 31+28, 29+30 due 9/15. Study vocabulary for a quiz 9/15. Study spelling words for assessment on 9/16.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Mighty Authors website registration info
Mightyauthors.com is a student-friendly website motivating mighty writing. Projects available: personalized books, calendars, posters, cards, scrapbooks, family histories, poetry, photography, and art books.
1. Go to the mightyauthors.com website (in links list)
2. Click Sign Up on the menu bar
3. Under Educational Account click Preregistered
4. In the box provided enter the following code 219-1-2042-ElkMeadows
5. Provide the information requested on the next screen
6. On the following page, create your unique username and password
If you have problems, let us know. This website is for your use and not required by the sixth grade.
Language Arts: AutoBio Poem Rough Draft: 9/15
Memorize the next 10 prepositions. Quiz on 9/20 (The quiz will review the first eleven "A" prepositions and all the "B" and "C" prepositions. See Mrs. Packard if you need another preposition list.)
1. Go to the mightyauthors.com website (in links list)
2. Click Sign Up on the menu bar
3. Under Educational Account click Preregistered
4. In the box provided enter the following code 219-1-2042-ElkMeadows
5. Provide the information requested on the next screen
6. On the following page, create your unique username and password
If you have problems, let us know. This website is for your use and not required by the sixth grade.
Language Arts: AutoBio Poem Rough Draft: 9/15
Memorize the next 10 prepositions. Quiz on 9/20 (The quiz will review the first eleven "A" prepositions and all the "B" and "C" prepositions. See Mrs. Packard if you need another preposition list.)
Monday, September 13, 2010
Math: Pg 288 # 16-70 evens
Reading: Silent read "Passage to Freedom" BP 50. Spelling ABC order/Vocabulary definitions due 9/14. “Passage to Freedom”
Vocabulary test will be Wednesday and Spelling test will be Thursday.
Vocabulary words: decision, diplomat, government, permission, refugees, superiors, and visas.
Spelling words: Long vowel sounds, theme, quote, gaze, pace, preach, strive, trait, mute, sleeve, roam, strain, fade, league, soak, grease, throne, fume, file, toast, brake, microphone, emphasize, refugee, pertain, and coax.
Social Studies: Geo. Vocab. due 9/14 Map Skills and World Overview due 9/14 On the bottom of the assignment, students need to write complete sentences in cursive in order to receive credit. Students will need some play-dough on Friday. Here's an easy recipe:
1 cup water
1 cup flour
2 tsp. vegetable oil
1/2 cup salt
2 tsp. cream of tartar
Cook on medium heat until mixture pulls away from the side of the pan. Dough should not be overly sticky.
Just a reminder- there is a Geography Test 9/16 and an African countries quiz 9/15. A progress note was given to students on Friday. This note should have been signed and returned today. If it is missing tomorrow, it will be a check on the RC card. Assignments are considered missing (0%) until they have been corrected and turned in to the tote tray for their class.
Planner signed - due 9/14
Green Ribbon Week Pledge signed
Math: Pg 288 # 16-70 evens
Reading: Silent read "Passage to Freedom" BP 50. Spelling ABC order/Vocabulary definitions due 9/14. “Passage to Freedom”
Vocabulary test will be Wednesday and Spelling test will be Thursday.
Vocabulary words: decision, diplomat, government, permission, refugees, superiors, and visas.
Spelling words: Long vowel sounds, theme, quote, gaze, pace, preach, strive, trait, mute, sleeve, roam, strain, fade, league, soak, grease, throne, fume, file, toast, brake, microphone, emphasize, refugee, pertain, and coax.
Social Studies: Geo. Vocab. due 9/14 Map Skills and World Overview due 9/14 On the bottom of the assignment, students need to write complete sentences in cursive in order to receive credit. Students will need some play-dough on Friday. Here's an easy recipe:
1 cup water
1 cup flour
2 tsp. vegetable oil
1/2 cup salt
2 tsp. cream of tartar
Cook on medium heat until mixture pulls away from the side of the pan. Dough should not be overly sticky.
Just a reminder- there is a Geography Test 9/16 and an African countries quiz 9/15. A progress note was given to students on Friday. This note should have been signed and returned today. If it is missing tomorrow, it will be a check on the RC card. Assignments are considered missing (0%) until they have been corrected and turned in to the tote tray for their class.
Planner signed - due 9/14
Green Ribbon Week Pledge signed
Friday, September 10, 2010
September 10, 2010
Great News!! Mr. Williamson from Space Camp called and scheduled our sixth grade classes to attend. Only two classes can go each day. The days we have scheduled are two classes on Monday, May 2, two classes on Monday, May 9, and one class on Thursday, May 12. We will be deciding which classes will attend on which day later in the year. Scheduling is the first hurdle overcome. Funding is another. If you would like to donate to this field trip, which costs $150 per class plus buses, you may do so at the office. Ask that the money be put in the Sixth Grade Field Trip account. There is a link to the website on this blog.
Responsibility Card signed - due 9/13
Planner signed - due 9/13
Language Arts: Memorize the first eleven prepositions. Due: 9/13
Next week is Green Ribbon Week, which is about student safety. Students will be given a green ribbon on Monday to wear all week. Students will also bring home a pledge for parents to sign. Other activities are as follows:
Monday: Wear Green Day
Tuesday: Crazy Hair Day
Wednesday: Crazy Sock Day
Thursday: Pajama Day
Friday: Decorate Bike Helmet and Bike Rodeo during lunch recess
Kleenex: Some classes are doing very well in collecting Kleenex donations. Other classes are very low, or don't have any. Please. If you can donate a box of Kleenex, it will be greatly appreciated... especially from those students who get frequent sniffles and colds. Thanks again to those who have already donated.
Responsibility Card signed - due 9/13
Planner signed - due 9/13
Language Arts: Memorize the first eleven prepositions. Due: 9/13
Next week is Green Ribbon Week, which is about student safety. Students will be given a green ribbon on Monday to wear all week. Students will also bring home a pledge for parents to sign. Other activities are as follows:
Monday: Wear Green Day
Tuesday: Crazy Hair Day
Wednesday: Crazy Sock Day
Thursday: Pajama Day
Friday: Decorate Bike Helmet and Bike Rodeo during lunch recess
Kleenex: Some classes are doing very well in collecting Kleenex donations. Other classes are very low, or don't have any. Please. If you can donate a box of Kleenex, it will be greatly appreciated... especially from those students who get frequent sniffles and colds. Thanks again to those who have already donated.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
After School Science Classes
Ms. King will be teaching a series of after school science classes throughout the year. The first class is called, "Snot in a Box". The following labs are included:
*Snot in the Box
*Paper Clip Polymers
*Guar Gum Goobers
*Coffee Cup Catastrophe
*Persnickety Ghost Poop
*Thyxophyllic Goo
*Polymerized Horse Hooves
*Paper Rubber Molecule
*Bouncy Balls
*Foam Gnomes
The class will be September 28 and 29 from 3:15 to 4:45 in Room 133. (Miss King's room)
The cost of the class is $45. Students can register for the class at the school office.
This class in an introduction to polymer chemistry. Students will receive 3 hours of hands-on instruction, their own kit, over 20 lab items to keep, a lab guide, and all of the goo, slime, etc. that we make during the class.
Come join the fun!
*Snot in the Box
*Paper Clip Polymers
*Guar Gum Goobers
*Coffee Cup Catastrophe
*Persnickety Ghost Poop
*Thyxophyllic Goo
*Polymerized Horse Hooves
*Paper Rubber Molecule
*Bouncy Balls
*Foam Gnomes
The class will be September 28 and 29 from 3:15 to 4:45 in Room 133. (Miss King's room)
The cost of the class is $45. Students can register for the class at the school office.
This class in an introduction to polymer chemistry. Students will receive 3 hours of hands-on instruction, their own kit, over 20 lab items to keep, a lab guide, and all of the goo, slime, etc. that we make during the class.
Come join the fun!
September 9, 2010
The PTA provided three inflatable bounce houses for the students' enjoyment today. Our sixth graders were able to spend 30 minutes having fun with their friends and classmates. Plus, it was great exercise!
Math Pg 154 #10-47 Due Monday Sept 13th
Planner signed every night
Read 30 minutes
Soc. Studies: Africa: Climate reading due Sept. 13; African Countries Quiz Wed. Sept. 15 (Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Eritrea, South Africa, Mozambique, Malawi, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Botswana, Madagascar, Lesotho, Swaziland) Geography Test Thursday, Sept. 16.
Other: Students have a little bit of homework in social studies every night now. They should manage their time and make sure that they are spending time studying for the quizzes and tests.
Language Arts: Memorize the first eleven prepositions (all the "A" words). Quiz: 9/13
Math Pg 154 #10-47 Due Monday Sept 13th
Planner signed every night
Read 30 minutes
Soc. Studies: Africa: Climate reading due Sept. 13; African Countries Quiz Wed. Sept. 15 (Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Eritrea, South Africa, Mozambique, Malawi, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Botswana, Madagascar, Lesotho, Swaziland) Geography Test Thursday, Sept. 16.
Other: Students have a little bit of homework in social studies every night now. They should manage their time and make sure that they are spending time studying for the quizzes and tests.
Language Arts: Memorize the first eleven prepositions (all the "A" words). Quiz: 9/13
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
September 8, 2010
We were disappointed that our Science Assembly was canceled this morning. Our presenter had an emergency. We are looking forward to rescheduling it in the near future.
We are still collecting Box Tops and Kleenex donations, and we are VERY appreciative of those who have already donated. Thank you very much!
Planner signed: 9/9
Read 30 minutes: 9/9
Language Arts: Memorize (in order) the first 11 prepositions by Monday, Sept. 13.(about, above, across, after, against, along, amid, among, around, at, atop.)
Reading: Comprehension WS 6+7 due first thing 9/9. Assessments tomorrow. "Hatchet" spelling words: depth, craft, plunge, wreck, sunk, film, wince, bomb, switch, length, prompt, pitch, else, cliff, pledge, scrub, brass, grill, stung, bulk, habitat, cobweb, tepid, magnetic, and deft. Vocabulary words: frustration, hatchet, kindling, quills, shelter, slithering, survival, and terrified.
We are still collecting Box Tops and Kleenex donations, and we are VERY appreciative of those who have already donated. Thank you very much!
Planner signed: 9/9
Read 30 minutes: 9/9
Language Arts: Memorize (in order) the first 11 prepositions by Monday, Sept. 13.(about, above, across, after, against, along, amid, among, around, at, atop.)
Reading: Comprehension WS 6+7 due first thing 9/9. Assessments tomorrow. "Hatchet" spelling words: depth, craft, plunge, wreck, sunk, film, wince, bomb, switch, length, prompt, pitch, else, cliff, pledge, scrub, brass, grill, stung, bulk, habitat, cobweb, tepid, magnetic, and deft. Vocabulary words: frustration, hatchet, kindling, quills, shelter, slithering, survival, and terrified.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
September 7, 2010
We hope you all had a nice Labor Day weekend.
Today our sixth grade attended two short assemblies. One was about the importance of treating everyone with kindness and respect... in spite of our many differences. The other assembly was a fundraiser "kick off" for the Happenings Coupon Books.
Math Pg 102 # 8-44
Planner signed
Read 30 min.
Language Arts: No homework assignment given. Handwriting booklets were introduced. They are easy to do, but will take a long time if they are done correctly (which is okay because we have all year to work on them). If the booklet is completed correctly, this will qualify for one of the Fantastic Falcon Requirements.
Reading: Spelling WS 8+11 and 9+10 due 9/8. Assessments on 9/9.
Today our sixth grade attended two short assemblies. One was about the importance of treating everyone with kindness and respect... in spite of our many differences. The other assembly was a fundraiser "kick off" for the Happenings Coupon Books.
Math Pg 102 # 8-44
Planner signed
Read 30 min.
Language Arts: No homework assignment given. Handwriting booklets were introduced. They are easy to do, but will take a long time if they are done correctly (which is okay because we have all year to work on them). If the booklet is completed correctly, this will qualify for one of the Fantastic Falcon Requirements.
Reading: Spelling WS 8+11 and 9+10 due 9/8. Assessments on 9/9.
Friday, September 3, 2010
September 3, 2010
Everyone had a great time at our Fun Friday activity. Congratulations to the Purple group!
RC Card signed and returned
Planner signed due 9/7
Read 30 minutes each day, mark calendar.
Have a super weekend!
RC Card signed and returned
Planner signed due 9/7
Read 30 minutes each day, mark calendar.
Have a super weekend!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
September 2, 2010
Today was the band and orchestra assembly. Research has proven that students who study music do better academically in school. We encourage all students to take music lessons.
Math Pg 75-76 # 1-59 odds Due 9/7
Planner signed due 9/3
Soc. Studies: African map due Tuesday 9/7. Quiz on Tuesday 9/7. Countries that students need to know: Morroco, Mauritania, Mali, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Niger, Nigeria, Gabon, Chad, Sudan, CAR, DRC, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Language Arts: Collected "I'm A Sharp Student," Handwriting Worksheet, and Daily Language Practice Sentences. Practiced "Buddy Spelling." (This is a list of the 1000 most used words in writing.) We are working on an AutoBio Poem, however no due date has been set. No assignment given over the Labor Day Weekend.
Reading: Read 30 minutes, mark calendar. Vocabulary WS 3+12 due 9/7. Most students turned this in, so no homework over the weekend except the 30 minutes of reading each day.
Math Pg 75-76 # 1-59 odds Due 9/7
Planner signed due 9/3
Soc. Studies: African map due Tuesday 9/7. Quiz on Tuesday 9/7. Countries that students need to know: Morroco, Mauritania, Mali, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Niger, Nigeria, Gabon, Chad, Sudan, CAR, DRC, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Language Arts: Collected "I'm A Sharp Student," Handwriting Worksheet, and Daily Language Practice Sentences. Practiced "Buddy Spelling." (This is a list of the 1000 most used words in writing.) We are working on an AutoBio Poem, however no due date has been set. No assignment given over the Labor Day Weekend.
Reading: Read 30 minutes, mark calendar. Vocabulary WS 3+12 due 9/7. Most students turned this in, so no homework over the weekend except the 30 minutes of reading each day.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
September 1, 2010
We enjoyed meeting and talking with parents. Please become a sixth grade follower.
Planner signed due 9/2
Soc. Studies: Color the African map and study the countries.
Math Pg 67-68 #2-16 evens and Pg 71 #2-32 evens
Language Arts: "I'm One Sharp Student": due 9/2
Handwriting Worksheet: due 9/2
Reading: "Hatchet" Comprehension WS 4+5 due 9/2.
No spelling test yet, next Thursday. Read 30 minutes, mark calendar.
Today Mrs. Quistberg was a guest teacher for social studies. She taught students the importance of text features. Parents ask your student about "Beelzebufo". Students should be able to name over 10 text features that help readers to understand non-fiction text.
Planner signed due 9/2
Soc. Studies: Color the African map and study the countries.
Math Pg 67-68 #2-16 evens and Pg 71 #2-32 evens
Language Arts: "I'm One Sharp Student": due 9/2
Handwriting Worksheet: due 9/2
Reading: "Hatchet" Comprehension WS 4+5 due 9/2.
No spelling test yet, next Thursday. Read 30 minutes, mark calendar.
Today Mrs. Quistberg was a guest teacher for social studies. She taught students the importance of text features. Parents ask your student about "Beelzebufo". Students should be able to name over 10 text features that help readers to understand non-fiction text.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
August 31, 2010
The students are adjusting well to the rotations. Transitions went smoothly again today.
Planner signed - due 9/1
Small picture for writing portfolio - Due: 9/1
Math assignment Pg 511-512, # 1-18 - Due 9/1
Reading: "Hatchet" BP 26. Vocabulary due 9/1
Passed out September Independent Reading Calendar with Mystery Book Report both due October 1st. Books must be 150-200 pages.
Social Studies: Today we made symmetrical African masks. We sure have some creative students! Tonight students are ordering supplies to get ready for our race around the world. They'll work with their team (CARAVAN) to collect as much gold as they can from the major cities of the world. Pirates, natural disasters, piranhas, mountains, and cannibals are just some of the obstacles that the travelers may face. Good Luck!
After school science: We are starting a new after school science program this year called Lab Rats. The first class is called "Snot in a Box". Look for more details next week.
Planner signed - due 9/1
Small picture for writing portfolio - Due: 9/1
Math assignment Pg 511-512, # 1-18 - Due 9/1
Reading: "Hatchet" BP 26. Vocabulary due 9/1
Passed out September Independent Reading Calendar with Mystery Book Report both due October 1st. Books must be 150-200 pages.
Social Studies: Today we made symmetrical African masks. We sure have some creative students! Tonight students are ordering supplies to get ready for our race around the world. They'll work with their team (CARAVAN) to collect as much gold as they can from the major cities of the world. Pirates, natural disasters, piranhas, mountains, and cannibals are just some of the obstacles that the travelers may face. Good Luck!
After school science: We are starting a new after school science program this year called Lab Rats. The first class is called "Snot in a Box". Look for more details next week.
Monday, August 30, 2010
August 30, 2010
Overall, the first day of regular class rotations went off without a hitch!
Planner signed - due 8/31
In social studies, students began to learn the countries of Africa. They should be working on a map and studying the countries a few minutes each night.
Reading: "Hatchet" is the story this week. Spelling Pretest/ABC Order due 8/31. Read 30 minutes, mark calendar.
Planner signed - due 8/31
In social studies, students began to learn the countries of Africa. They should be working on a map and studying the countries a few minutes each night.
Reading: "Hatchet" is the story this week. Spelling Pretest/ABC Order due 8/31. Read 30 minutes, mark calendar.
Friday, August 27, 2010
August 27, 2010
This group of sixth graders are wonderful singers! We had a lot of fun in music today.
RC signed - due 8/30
Small rock for art - due 8/30
Read 30 minutes, mark calendar.
RC signed - due 8/30
Small rock for art - due 8/30
Read 30 minutes, mark calendar.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
August 26, 2010
Today went well. Students seem very excited about rotating through the different subjects.
Notes to have signed: pink rules, white disclosure, blue school rules, blue health card, green science note - all due 8/30
Youngest/Only: yellow card - due 8/30
Toilet paper roll and small item for time capsule - due 9/3
Read 30 minutes, mark calendar.
Notes to have signed: pink rules, white disclosure, blue school rules, blue health card, green science note - all due 8/30
Youngest/Only: yellow card - due 8/30
Toilet paper roll and small item for time capsule - due 9/3
Read 30 minutes, mark calendar.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Fantastic Falcon Requirements
Students must successfully earn 15 points from these requirements.
Give evidence of meeting the requirement to the home base teacher by May 13 unless otherwise indicated.
1. Follow ALL Elk Meadows, Sixth Grade, and individual classroom rules.
2. Receive no ‘NI’s on the Work and Social Skills area of the Report Card.
Term one _____ Term two _____ Term three _____
3. Receive all ‘E’s on the Work and Social Skills area of the Report Card.
Term one _____ Term two _____ Term three _____
4. Attend Fall AND Spring Parent Teacher Conferences with your parents.
Fall _____ Spring _____
5. Receive all ‘A’s in the Letter Grade area of the Report Card.
Term one _____ Term two _____ Term three _____
6. Earn being on the Sixth Grade Honor Roll on the academic portion of the Report Card.
Term one _____ Term two _____ Term three _____
7. Perform 10 service hours for Elk Meadows Elementary, a sixth grade teacher, or another teacher in the school. SERVICE ACTIVITIES MUST BE PRE-APPROVED BY YOUR TEACHER! You must document your hours and have it signed by the teacher or school person you helped.
8. Participate in an organized physical activity (dance, gymnastics, soccer, basketball, football, etc.). See your teacher in advance for a record sheet. You must document 10 hours and have it signed by your coach or instructor.
9. Participate in an organized cultural activity (art, voice, theater, musical instrument, etc.). See your teacher in advance for a record sheet. You must document 10 hours and have it signed by your coach or instructor.
10. Pass a multiplication timed drill (100 facts in less than 3 minutes with 95% accuracy).
11. Pass a division timed drill (100 facts in less than 3 minutes with 95% accuracy).
12. Enter the PTA sponsored Reflections contest. Show your project to your teacher before entering.
13. Complete ALL Keyboarding for Kids (KBK) lessons with 3 scores per line of 27 wpm or higher.
14. (3) Earn the World Passport Award. See Ms. King for requirements.
15. (2) Complete one book report from six of the following eight genres: biography, realisticfiction, adventure, mystery, historical or historical fiction, fantasy or folk tale, animals or sports, science fiction, or reference. See Mrs. Vigil for book report form.
16. (2) Complete the Math Vocabulary packet due to Mrs. Bailey by April 29.
17. (2) Complete the handwriting booklet by May 2. It must meet the standards listed on the first page of the booklet. Turn in to Mrs. Packard.
18. Memorize and recite before your class a 200-word poem. Poem MUST BE PRE- APPROVED BY YOUR TEACHER.
19. Represent your class in the Sixth Grade Spelling Bee.
20. Represent your class in the Sixth Grade Geography Bee.
21. (2) Complete a science project based on the sixth grade curriculum or participate in the district Science Fair. TOPIC MUST BE PRE-APPROVED BY Mrs. Boehme/Coombs. No
late projects. Curriculum topics include Phases of the Moon, Earth’s Axis and Seasons, Solar System, Universe, Microorganisms, Heat, Light, or Sound. A 3-page typed report (size 14 font) AND a model or poster are required. Projects due to Mrs. Boehme/Coombs by May 6.
22. Earn the Sixth Grade Responsibility Award. To earn this award, you must receive 30 or fewer marks on your RC during the entire year, and you cannot lose more than 2 cards. A note from a parent does not replace a lost RC for this award.
23. Have fewer than 8 absences during the year. This DOES include vacations and educational leave.
24. Have fewer than 5 tardies. This DOES NOT include school announced tardies because of inclement weather or busing conflicts.
25. Set and fulfill your own challenging and measurable goal for sixth grade. GOAL MUST BE PRE-APPROVED BY YOUR TEACHER. Goal must be set and approved by the teacher before Christmas and evidence of completion turned in before the end of May.
26. Submit at least 5 essays on the Character Trait of the month to Mrs. Packard. Each essay needs to be handwritten and at least one page long. If you skip lines, the essay needs to be at least two pages long.
27. Pass a 1-minute keyboarding timed test at 35 wpm with no more than 3 errors.
28. Write four additional essays in the following writing forms: personal narrative, description, how-to, and persuasive. You must have an edited rough draft and published copy to turn in. Published copy must be at least one page typed, double-spaced, in 12 point font. All essays due by March 24.
29. Create a PowerPoint Presentation on one of the following artists: Maynard Dixon, Auguste Renoir, El Greco, Henri Matisse, Francisco de Goya, or Andrew Wyeth. Presentation must be a minimum of 10 slides containing information about the artist’s life and works. No nude art.
30. Actively participate in Safety Patrol. Attendance at all required meetings or assignments verified by the adult in charge.
31. Fully participate in the Extensions Class taught by Ms. King.
32. Actively participate in Student Council. Attendance at all required meetings or assignments verified by the adult in charge.
33. Actively participate in Safe School Ambassadors. Attendance at all required meetings or assignments verified by the adult in charge.
Students must successfully earn 15 points from these requirements.
Give evidence of meeting the requirement to the home base teacher by May 13 unless otherwise indicated.
1. Follow ALL Elk Meadows, Sixth Grade, and individual classroom rules.
2. Receive no ‘NI’s on the Work and Social Skills area of the Report Card.
Term one _____ Term two _____ Term three _____
3. Receive all ‘E’s on the Work and Social Skills area of the Report Card.
Term one _____ Term two _____ Term three _____
4. Attend Fall AND Spring Parent Teacher Conferences with your parents.
Fall _____ Spring _____
5. Receive all ‘A’s in the Letter Grade area of the Report Card.
Term one _____ Term two _____ Term three _____
6. Earn being on the Sixth Grade Honor Roll on the academic portion of the Report Card.
Term one _____ Term two _____ Term three _____
7. Perform 10 service hours for Elk Meadows Elementary, a sixth grade teacher, or another teacher in the school. SERVICE ACTIVITIES MUST BE PRE-APPROVED BY YOUR TEACHER! You must document your hours and have it signed by the teacher or school person you helped.
8. Participate in an organized physical activity (dance, gymnastics, soccer, basketball, football, etc.). See your teacher in advance for a record sheet. You must document 10 hours and have it signed by your coach or instructor.
9. Participate in an organized cultural activity (art, voice, theater, musical instrument, etc.). See your teacher in advance for a record sheet. You must document 10 hours and have it signed by your coach or instructor.
10. Pass a multiplication timed drill (100 facts in less than 3 minutes with 95% accuracy).
11. Pass a division timed drill (100 facts in less than 3 minutes with 95% accuracy).
12. Enter the PTA sponsored Reflections contest. Show your project to your teacher before entering.
13. Complete ALL Keyboarding for Kids (KBK) lessons with 3 scores per line of 27 wpm or higher.
14. (3) Earn the World Passport Award. See Ms. King for requirements.
15. (2) Complete one book report from six of the following eight genres: biography, realisticfiction, adventure, mystery, historical or historical fiction, fantasy or folk tale, animals or sports, science fiction, or reference. See Mrs. Vigil for book report form.
16. (2) Complete the Math Vocabulary packet due to Mrs. Bailey by April 29.
17. (2) Complete the handwriting booklet by May 2. It must meet the standards listed on the first page of the booklet. Turn in to Mrs. Packard.
18. Memorize and recite before your class a 200-word poem. Poem MUST BE PRE- APPROVED BY YOUR TEACHER.
19. Represent your class in the Sixth Grade Spelling Bee.
20. Represent your class in the Sixth Grade Geography Bee.
21. (2) Complete a science project based on the sixth grade curriculum or participate in the district Science Fair. TOPIC MUST BE PRE-APPROVED BY Mrs. Boehme/Coombs. No
late projects. Curriculum topics include Phases of the Moon, Earth’s Axis and Seasons, Solar System, Universe, Microorganisms, Heat, Light, or Sound. A 3-page typed report (size 14 font) AND a model or poster are required. Projects due to Mrs. Boehme/Coombs by May 6.
22. Earn the Sixth Grade Responsibility Award. To earn this award, you must receive 30 or fewer marks on your RC during the entire year, and you cannot lose more than 2 cards. A note from a parent does not replace a lost RC for this award.
23. Have fewer than 8 absences during the year. This DOES include vacations and educational leave.
24. Have fewer than 5 tardies. This DOES NOT include school announced tardies because of inclement weather or busing conflicts.
25. Set and fulfill your own challenging and measurable goal for sixth grade. GOAL MUST BE PRE-APPROVED BY YOUR TEACHER. Goal must be set and approved by the teacher before Christmas and evidence of completion turned in before the end of May.
26. Submit at least 5 essays on the Character Trait of the month to Mrs. Packard. Each essay needs to be handwritten and at least one page long. If you skip lines, the essay needs to be at least two pages long.
27. Pass a 1-minute keyboarding timed test at 35 wpm with no more than 3 errors.
28. Write four additional essays in the following writing forms: personal narrative, description, how-to, and persuasive. You must have an edited rough draft and published copy to turn in. Published copy must be at least one page typed, double-spaced, in 12 point font. All essays due by March 24.
29. Create a PowerPoint Presentation on one of the following artists: Maynard Dixon, Auguste Renoir, El Greco, Henri Matisse, Francisco de Goya, or Andrew Wyeth. Presentation must be a minimum of 10 slides containing information about the artist’s life and works. No nude art.
30. Actively participate in Safety Patrol. Attendance at all required meetings or assignments verified by the adult in charge.
31. Fully participate in the Extensions Class taught by Ms. King.
32. Actively participate in Student Council. Attendance at all required meetings or assignments verified by the adult in charge.
33. Actively participate in Safe School Ambassadors. Attendance at all required meetings or assignments verified by the adult in charge.
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