We want to wish everyone a happy holiday! Relax and enjoy the time with your family.
The RC card needs to be signed and brought back Jan. 3.
Read 30 minutes each day and record your reading minutes.
Remember to save a shoe box, 2 liter bottles, a cereal box, and the Box Tops for Education labels.
Look for a plain colored (white) sheet and some type of belt.
Thank you for being such AWESOME students! We'll see you NEXT YEAR!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
It's Greek To Me!
Our next social studies unit, beginning in January, will be about the ancient Greeks/Romans. Each student will need a "toga or tunic" to wear each day. Students should try to find a plain colored sheet (preferably white) with some type of belt to tie around the waist. (ribbon, rope, fabric belt, etc.) A student may also make an optional wreath of leaves to wear on his/her head. All costume items should be labeled clearly with the student's name and homebase color.
Students will need their outfit by January 10, 2011. They will receive participation points each day that they dress in their Greek attire. Those students who are unable to find a simple costume should talk with me as soon as possible.
We will be doing a project during the month of January. Each student will need a cereal box. Students DO NOT need to bring the box to school, but they should make sure that they have one to use for the project. Extra cereal boxes are appreciated and can be brought to school for those students who are unable to find one.
Students can look forward to studying mythology, fables, an Olympic competition, debates, astronomy, higher mathematics, the continuing study of sound/music, art, and a competition that will use their knowledge of Greek/Roman architecture. They will also read many plays and possibly earn the honor of being named a Thespian. Students will receive their new Greek name when we return to school in January.
Handwriting Booklets: For those students who are working on their Fantastic Falcon Award, the handwriting booklets are due January 7, 2011. Students do not HAVE to do the booklet; there are other options to choose from. However, this is one of the easier options, and a good time to finish them is during the Christmas vacation. Students will only have from January 3-7, to finish them after the break. The books have instructions that need to be followed in order to pass. Also, the students' handwriting should improve towards the end of the booklet. In the past, we have had students try to do a "rush job" in order to get the booklet finished on time. The MOST important reason for doing the booklet is to improve handwriting. The SECOND MOST important reason is to do it for the Falcon Award. Once January 7, has passed, the booklets will not be accepted for the Falcon Award. All booklets will need to be passed off with Mrs. Packard.
Students will need their outfit by January 10, 2011. They will receive participation points each day that they dress in their Greek attire. Those students who are unable to find a simple costume should talk with me as soon as possible.
We will be doing a project during the month of January. Each student will need a cereal box. Students DO NOT need to bring the box to school, but they should make sure that they have one to use for the project. Extra cereal boxes are appreciated and can be brought to school for those students who are unable to find one.
Students can look forward to studying mythology, fables, an Olympic competition, debates, astronomy, higher mathematics, the continuing study of sound/music, art, and a competition that will use their knowledge of Greek/Roman architecture. They will also read many plays and possibly earn the honor of being named a Thespian. Students will receive their new Greek name when we return to school in January.
Handwriting Booklets: For those students who are working on their Fantastic Falcon Award, the handwriting booklets are due January 7, 2011. Students do not HAVE to do the booklet; there are other options to choose from. However, this is one of the easier options, and a good time to finish them is during the Christmas vacation. Students will only have from January 3-7, to finish them after the break. The books have instructions that need to be followed in order to pass. Also, the students' handwriting should improve towards the end of the booklet. In the past, we have had students try to do a "rush job" in order to get the booklet finished on time. The MOST important reason for doing the booklet is to improve handwriting. The SECOND MOST important reason is to do it for the Falcon Award. Once January 7, has passed, the booklets will not be accepted for the Falcon Award. All booklets will need to be passed off with Mrs. Packard.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Handwriting Booklets: For those students who are working on their Fantastic Falcon Award, the handwriting booklets are due January 7, 2011. Students do not HAVE to do the booklet; there are other options to choose from. However, this is one of the easier options, and a good time to finish them is during the Christmas vacation. Students will only have from January 3-7, to finish them after the break. The books have instructions that need to be followed in order to pass. Also, the students' handwriting should improve towards the end of the booklet. In the past, we have had students try to do a "rush job" in order to get the booklet finished on time. The MOST important reason for doing the booklet is to improve handwriting. The SECOND MOST important reason is to do it for the Falcon Award. Once January 7, has passed, the booklets will not be accepted for the Falcon Award. All booklets will need to be passed off with Mrs. Packard.
Math- The Snowman Construction Company worksheet. Please follow all directions.
Planner signed: 12/21
Read 30 minutes
Science - all Light make-up and redo work due 12/21, no exceptions!
Language Arts: No assignment.
Reading: Comp WS 142+143, "Broadly speaking...", due 12/21. Book reports and calendars due January 3rd.
Soc. Studies: No assignment. Congratulations to all of those students who studied and did their best on the Asian countries test. There were about 50 students who earned an 'A' but there were many more students who studied and earned a higher score than on the quizzes. There were also 27 students who did some extra studying and earned their "Ancient Chinese Philosopher" sticker which will count towards earning a Falcon Award. Way to Go!
All Asia/China packets should be turned in no later than tomorrow. No exceptions!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Handwriting Booklets: For those students who are working on their Fantastic Falcon Award, the handwriting booklets are due January 7, 2011. Students do not HAVE to do the booklet; there are other options to choose from. However, this is one of the easier options, and a good time to finish them is during the Christmas vacation. Students will only have from January 3-7, to finish them after the break. The books have instructions that need to be followed in order to pass. Also, the students' handwriting should improve towards the end of the booklet. In the past, we have had students try to do a "rush job" in order to get the booklet finished on time. The MOST important reason for doing the booklet is to improve handwriting. The SECOND MOST important reason is to do it for the Falcon Award. Once January 7, has passed, the booklets will not be accepted for the Falcon Award. All booklets will need to be passed off with Mrs. Packard.
Planner signed: 12/20
RC signed and returned: 12/20
Read 30 minutes. ***Weekends are a good time to get caught up if you are behind in your reading minutes. Also, since it is the holiday season, we hope you'll take some time to read some of the many wonderful Christmas stories that are available.
Language Arts: "Grammar Cop: Their, There, and They're" Wkst. due: 12/20. (Most students finished this in class, but if you didn't, be sure to have it ready on Monday.)
Christmas Story Oral Presentations: We still have a few students who need to give their presentations to their classes on Monday, and then we should be finished. Overall, the students have done very well. However, many of our students still are reading/speaking TOO FAST when they are presenting publicly. We will continue to practice this skill throughout the year. As I always say (before each student gets ready to speak), "Remember to speak LOUD, SLOW, and CLEAR." :)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Planner signed due 12/17
Read 30 minutes
Soc. Studies: pg. 37 in your packet due next week/ Read pgs. 150-155 Study for your TEST! Make sure that all of your assigned papers are finished in your packet by Monday. Keep checking the blog every night-- more Christmas presents to come. :)
Language Arts: Wkst. "Grammar Cop: There, They're, Their" due Monday, 12/20.
Planner signed due 12/17
Read 30 minutes
Soc. Studies: pg. 37 in your packet due next week/ Read pgs. 150-155 Study for your TEST! Make sure that all of your assigned papers are finished in your packet by Monday. Keep checking the blog every night-- more Christmas presents to come. :)
Language Arts: Wkst. "Grammar Cop: There, They're, Their" due Monday, 12/20.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Dec. 15, 2010
Congratulations to our sixth grade students who performed today in the orchestra assembly. You did an AWESOME job!
Planner signed due 12/16
Read 30 minutes
Math: decimal and percent work sheet and Goodbye Party fun problem solving sheet.
Soc. Studies: due next week pg. 40 in the Asia packet
Language Arts:Wkst: "Grammar Cop: Homophones" due 12/16. We should be able to finish our Christmas Story Oral presentations on Thursday, December 16.
Planner signed due 12/16
Read 30 minutes
Math: decimal and percent work sheet and Goodbye Party fun problem solving sheet.
Soc. Studies: due next week pg. 40 in the Asia packet
Language Arts:Wkst: "Grammar Cop: Homophones" due 12/16. We should be able to finish our Christmas Story Oral presentations on Thursday, December 16.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Santa's List: Colored pencils
Students remember to add colored pencils to your Santa lists. We will use colored pencils a lot this year!
Planner signed due 12/15
Read 30 minutes
Math: Cumulative Review worksheet #29- 45 and Pg 572 # 1-12
Social Studies: Pages 30 and 78 in your Asia/China packet will be due next week. Study for Quiz #3!
Ancient Chinese Philosopher Test for Falcon Award: Study the following questions: 1-10; 17, 19&20; 28;31; 34 &35; 43&44; 48;51; 57-59.
Science - any make-up or redo work for Light must be turned in by 12/21. If students choose to redo work, they must correct their answers on a separate piece of paper and staple that paper to the original, and then turn both of them in. Only the matching and short answer portions of the Light Test can be redone.
Reading: Comprehension test tomorrow. Please remember book reports/reading calendars are due January 3, 2011. Keep track of reading during the winter recess.
Language Arts: DOL Sentences #1-10 due 12/15. REMEMBER... spelling errors deduct 5 points each!!! Always check your spellings; don't try to guess them right!!!
Planner signed due 12/15
Read 30 minutes
Math: Cumulative Review worksheet #29- 45 and Pg 572 # 1-12
Social Studies: Pages 30 and 78 in your Asia/China packet will be due next week. Study for Quiz #3!
Ancient Chinese Philosopher Test for Falcon Award: Study the following questions: 1-10; 17, 19&20; 28;31; 34 &35; 43&44; 48;51; 57-59.
Science - any make-up or redo work for Light must be turned in by 12/21. If students choose to redo work, they must correct their answers on a separate piece of paper and staple that paper to the original, and then turn both of them in. Only the matching and short answer portions of the Light Test can be redone.
Reading: Comprehension test tomorrow. Please remember book reports/reading calendars are due January 3, 2011. Keep track of reading during the winter recess.
Language Arts: DOL Sentences #1-10 due 12/15. REMEMBER... spelling errors deduct 5 points each!!! Always check your spellings; don't try to guess them right!!!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Planner Signed: 12/14
Read 30 minutes
Language Arts: Christmas Story Oral Presentations due: 12/14. ***NOTE: I apologize for not being at school this morning. A substitute covered my classes in the morning due to a family emergency. She assigned all ten sentences on a DOL worksheet and told them it was due on Tuesday, December 14. I will be changing that due date to Wednesday, December 15. Students who did not finish in class should be able to finish it while they are listening to the Christmas stories.
Science Progress Report Signed - due 12/14
Each student will need a shoe box on January 25 to make an instrument. Also, I will need 56 2-liter pop bottles for class experiments by January 24. Please start sending these items to school now.
Social Studies: If you forgot to bring your progress note today, please bring it tomorrow. Due 12/14 Southeastern Map // 12/15 Asian country Quiz #3 (The countries will be the last part of the song. Song lyrics are posted on a previous blog entry.) // Due 12/16 Eastern Asia Map// Monday,December 20 is the FINAL TEST of ALL ASIAN COUNTRIES. You must STUDY! The song will help you but the test will not be as easy as the quizzes.
Reading: Comp WS 141 had about 10-15 minutes in class. Due to correct tomorrow. Pg 140 will be done during class."Where the Red Fern Grows" comprehension test Wednesday.
Planner Signed: 12/14
Read 30 minutes
Language Arts: Christmas Story Oral Presentations due: 12/14. ***NOTE: I apologize for not being at school this morning. A substitute covered my classes in the morning due to a family emergency. She assigned all ten sentences on a DOL worksheet and told them it was due on Tuesday, December 14. I will be changing that due date to Wednesday, December 15. Students who did not finish in class should be able to finish it while they are listening to the Christmas stories.
Science Progress Report Signed - due 12/14
Each student will need a shoe box on January 25 to make an instrument. Also, I will need 56 2-liter pop bottles for class experiments by January 24. Please start sending these items to school now.
Social Studies: If you forgot to bring your progress note today, please bring it tomorrow. Due 12/14 Southeastern Map // 12/15 Asian country Quiz #3 (The countries will be the last part of the song. Song lyrics are posted on a previous blog entry.) // Due 12/16 Eastern Asia Map// Monday,December 20 is the FINAL TEST of ALL ASIAN COUNTRIES. You must STUDY! The song will help you but the test will not be as easy as the quizzes.
Reading: Comp WS 141 had about 10-15 minutes in class. Due to correct tomorrow. Pg 140 will be done during class."Where the Red Fern Grows" comprehension test Wednesday.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Falcon Friday with Reading Room (instead of Study Hall) will resume next week. Teachers will be looking at the current week RC, December 13 to 17, to determine who will be in the Reading Room and who will attend a Falcon Friday activity. Students may have one mark on their RC for the one week and still attend the activity. Two or more marks on their RC and students will read in one of the Reading Rooms for 45 minutes.
From the disclosure statement each parent and student signed at the beginning of the year:
"RESPONSIBILITY CARDS: Each week your child will be given a Responsibility Card (RC). Late assignments will be listed on one side and marks for misbehavior will be on the other side. Students are responsible to keep track of the RC for the week. If it is lost, students will be given a “gray card” and privileges will not be available to them. The RC must come back each Monday signed by a parent. Notes saying parents saw the card are not acceptable. Only the original card is acceptable. The RC will let you know if your child is doing his/her work, what rules he/she is having problems with, and the overall behavior and citizenship of your child. Every other Friday, students who have no more than two total marks on their RC for two weeks in a row will attend the Fun Friday activity, and those with three or more total marks on their RC will attend an Independent Study Hall."
We have changed Study Hall to Reading, because students are not using the Study Hall time wisely, and every student can use the opportunity to read more.
Planner signed: 12/13
RC card signed and returned: 12/13
Read 30 minutes
No math homework :)
Language Arts: "Do You Want Fame?" Essay due: 12/13. Students have until Monday to work on their essay and continue to improve their scores. They should focus on their organization and mechanics. Christmas Story Oral Presentation due: 12/13. Students may use the grading rubric that was given to them in class as they practice reading the story orally to family members/friends. Remember to practice it "Loud, Slow, and Clear."
From the disclosure statement each parent and student signed at the beginning of the year:
"RESPONSIBILITY CARDS: Each week your child will be given a Responsibility Card (RC). Late assignments will be listed on one side and marks for misbehavior will be on the other side. Students are responsible to keep track of the RC for the week. If it is lost, students will be given a “gray card” and privileges will not be available to them. The RC must come back each Monday signed by a parent. Notes saying parents saw the card are not acceptable. Only the original card is acceptable. The RC will let you know if your child is doing his/her work, what rules he/she is having problems with, and the overall behavior and citizenship of your child. Every other Friday, students who have no more than two total marks on their RC for two weeks in a row will attend the Fun Friday activity, and those with three or more total marks on their RC will attend an Independent Study Hall."
We have changed Study Hall to Reading, because students are not using the Study Hall time wisely, and every student can use the opportunity to read more.
Planner signed: 12/13
RC card signed and returned: 12/13
Read 30 minutes
No math homework :)
Language Arts: "Do You Want Fame?" Essay due: 12/13. Students have until Monday to work on their essay and continue to improve their scores. They should focus on their organization and mechanics. Christmas Story Oral Presentation due: 12/13. Students may use the grading rubric that was given to them in class as they practice reading the story orally to family members/friends. Remember to practice it "Loud, Slow, and Clear."
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Thank You! --- for helping with Tool Day
Our students had a great time today learning all about different professions and the "tools" that are used for the different jobs.
Congratulations kiddos for doing such an EXCELLENT job on our Asian country quiz today! We have one more section and we'll know all of the Asian countries.
Planner signed due 12/10
Read 30 minutes
Soc. Studies: If you forgot your progress note today, remember to bring it tomorrow.
China packet pg. 29 due Monday Dec. 13 Southeastern map due Tues. Dec. 14 (You may choose your own colors for each country. Follow classroom instructions.)
Asian Countries Quiz #3 Wednesday Dec. 15.
Countries to study: Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Taiwan, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Mongolia, China.
Language Arts:Christmas Story Oral Presentation due: 12/13. A copy of the grading rubric was sent home so students can have family members/friends help them practice. Remember to practice it "Loud, Slow, and Clear." "Do You Want Fame?" Essay due 12/13. Students have until Monday to keep improving their essay scores. I will print the computer report of their scores Monday night. So far, the scores have really improved from the first essay, and I anticipate that they will continue to improve over the weekend. My Jordan District Trainer is VERY impressed with how our sixth grade is doing so far. WAY TO GO SIXTH GRADE!!!!
READING: Spelling WS 146+ 147. Most students finished the worksheet and just needed to work on the "Pet Guidelines" part. Due to correct on Monday before the spelling/vocabulary test.
Congratulations kiddos for doing such an EXCELLENT job on our Asian country quiz today! We have one more section and we'll know all of the Asian countries.
Planner signed due 12/10
Read 30 minutes
Soc. Studies: If you forgot your progress note today, remember to bring it tomorrow.
China packet pg. 29 due Monday Dec. 13 Southeastern map due Tues. Dec. 14 (You may choose your own colors for each country. Follow classroom instructions.)
Asian Countries Quiz #3 Wednesday Dec. 15.
Countries to study: Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Taiwan, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Mongolia, China.
Language Arts:Christmas Story Oral Presentation due: 12/13. A copy of the grading rubric was sent home so students can have family members/friends help them practice. Remember to practice it "Loud, Slow, and Clear." "Do You Want Fame?" Essay due 12/13. Students have until Monday to keep improving their essay scores. I will print the computer report of their scores Monday night. So far, the scores have really improved from the first essay, and I anticipate that they will continue to improve over the weekend. My Jordan District Trainer is VERY impressed with how our sixth grade is doing so far. WAY TO GO SIXTH GRADE!!!!
READING: Spelling WS 146+ 147. Most students finished the worksheet and just needed to work on the "Pet Guidelines" part. Due to correct on Monday before the spelling/vocabulary test.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
December 8, 2010
Math- Pg 570 # 1-20 except 9,10,11 and 5 problems from the board.
Planner signed: 12/9
Read 30 minutes
Language Arts:"A Yule Tale" Wkst. Due: 12/9. Persuasive Planning Guide Section #4 filled out. Due: 12/9. Christmas Story Oral Presentation Due: 12/13. Students should be practicing at home by reading the story out loud to family members. "Do You Want Fame?" Essay Due 12/13. Students should be working on their essay 10-15 minutes each night.
Math- Pg 570 # 1-20 except 9,10,11 and 5 problems from the board.
Planner signed: 12/9
Read 30 minutes
Language Arts:"A Yule Tale" Wkst. Due: 12/9. Persuasive Planning Guide Section #4 filled out. Due: 12/9. Christmas Story Oral Presentation Due: 12/13. Students should be practicing at home by reading the story out loud to family members. "Do You Want Fame?" Essay Due 12/13. Students should be working on their essay 10-15 minutes each night.
6th Grade Service Project
As a holiday service project, sixth grade students will be assembling craft kits for the children at Primary Children's Hospital. We're asking each student to donate a $1 to help pay for the supplies.
Sign planner due 12/9
Read 30 minutes
Social Studies: Please sign and return tomorrow the progress note that was sent home today.
India map due 12/9 Quiz #2 12/9 Countries: Russia, Kasakistan, Usbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzistan, Tajikistan, Afganistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, India, Sri Lanka
Sign planner due 12/9
Read 30 minutes
Social Studies: Please sign and return tomorrow the progress note that was sent home today.
India map due 12/9 Quiz #2 12/9 Countries: Russia, Kasakistan, Usbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzistan, Tajikistan, Afganistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, India, Sri Lanka
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Read for 30 minutes
Planner signed: 12/8
MATH- Worksheet- Parking at the Mall + the three problems from the board.
READING: The story we are going to read is "Where the Red Fern Grows" which is an excerpt from the novel with the same name. Spelling ABC order and vocabulary definitions are due tomorrow, 12/8. Spelling WS 144-147 and Vocabulary WS 139+148 are due Monday, 12/13, right before the tests.
Spelling words: balance, lawyer, sheriff, author, minus, method, item, require, supply, whisper, spirit, tennis, adopt, instant, poison, deserve, rescue, journey, relief, laundry, enhance, delete, precious, structure, decade.
Vocabulary words: provisions, determination, depot, urgency, wares, cheap.
Language Arts: DOL Sentences #3-4 Due: 12/8. (Most students finished this in class.) "A Yule Tale" Wkst. Due 12/9. (Wow! Many students are already finished with this, too!) "Do You Want Fame?" Essay Due: 12/13. Several students have stopped working on this and their scores are not very good. Students are encouraged to work on it 10 minutes a night (so they're not spending HOURS on it the Sunday night before it is due.) Christmas Story Oral Presentation due: 12/13. The grading rubric was sent home today, so students know how they will be graded in class. Students are encouraged to practice reading their stories out loud to family members at home. Remember: "Loud, Slow, and Clear!"
Read for 30 minutes
Planner signed: 12/8
MATH- Worksheet- Parking at the Mall + the three problems from the board.
READING: The story we are going to read is "Where the Red Fern Grows" which is an excerpt from the novel with the same name. Spelling ABC order and vocabulary definitions are due tomorrow, 12/8. Spelling WS 144-147 and Vocabulary WS 139+148 are due Monday, 12/13, right before the tests.
Spelling words: balance, lawyer, sheriff, author, minus, method, item, require, supply, whisper, spirit, tennis, adopt, instant, poison, deserve, rescue, journey, relief, laundry, enhance, delete, precious, structure, decade.
Vocabulary words: provisions, determination, depot, urgency, wares, cheap.
Language Arts: DOL Sentences #3-4 Due: 12/8. (Most students finished this in class.) "A Yule Tale" Wkst. Due 12/9. (Wow! Many students are already finished with this, too!) "Do You Want Fame?" Essay Due: 12/13. Several students have stopped working on this and their scores are not very good. Students are encouraged to work on it 10 minutes a night (so they're not spending HOURS on it the Sunday night before it is due.) Christmas Story Oral Presentation due: 12/13. The grading rubric was sent home today, so students know how they will be graded in class. Students are encouraged to practice reading their stories out loud to family members at home. Remember: "Loud, Slow, and Clear!"
Monday, December 6, 2010
Asian Countries Song (My Favorite Things)
Georgia, Armenia,
and Azerbaijan
Turkey and Syria,
Iraq and Iran
The island of Cyprus, Lebanon, Is-ra-el
I'm learning the coun-tries of Asia. You can tell.
A small piece of Egypt,
and Jordan, Kuwait.
Saudi Arabia,
Qatar, Emerates
Yemen's by Africa,
O-man's by the sea
I'm to 18 Asian co-un-tries.
Start in Georgia
End in Hong Kong
And you soon will see.
That you will learn the
forty-nine countries
and then you won't feel so bad!
Just below Russia
comes Ka-sak-is-tan
Usbek and Turkmen,
then add the istan
There's Kyrgyz and Tajik
Afgan, Pak -istan
The worst to pronounce in all of the land.
Nepal, Bhutan, India,
and tiny Sri Lanka
Bang-la-desh, Burma and
Thailand, Cambodia
Laos, west of Vietnam
Philippines on the east
I'm at 37. It's been such a beast!
Malaysia and Singapore,
Brunei, Indonesia
Taiwan and Japan
North, South Korea
Mon-go-lia, China
Macau and Hong Kong
I'm finally done with this Asian song.
Started in Georgia
Ended in Hong Kong
And now I can see.
I really do know the
forty-nine countries.
And now I don't feel so BAD!
and Azerbaijan
Turkey and Syria,
Iraq and Iran
The island of Cyprus, Lebanon, Is-ra-el
I'm learning the coun-tries of Asia. You can tell.
A small piece of Egypt,
and Jordan, Kuwait.
Saudi Arabia,
Qatar, Emerates
Yemen's by Africa,
O-man's by the sea
I'm to 18 Asian co-un-tries.
Start in Georgia
End in Hong Kong
And you soon will see.
That you will learn the
forty-nine countries
and then you won't feel so bad!
Just below Russia
comes Ka-sak-is-tan
Usbek and Turkmen,
then add the istan
There's Kyrgyz and Tajik
Afgan, Pak -istan
The worst to pronounce in all of the land.
Nepal, Bhutan, India,
and tiny Sri Lanka
Bang-la-desh, Burma and
Thailand, Cambodia
Laos, west of Vietnam
Philippines on the east
I'm at 37. It's been such a beast!
Malaysia and Singapore,
Brunei, Indonesia
Taiwan and Japan
North, South Korea
Mon-go-lia, China
Macau and Hong Kong
I'm finally done with this Asian song.
Started in Georgia
Ended in Hong Kong
And now I can see.
I really do know the
forty-nine countries.
And now I don't feel so BAD!
December 6, 2010
Math Pg 568
Planner Signed - 12/7
Read 30 minutes
Science - Light Review Packet and study information in binder for test about light - 12/7
Language Arts: DOL Sentences #1-2 Due: 12/7. "A Yule Tale" Worksheet Due: 12/9. "Do You Want Fame?"Essay Due: 12/13. Christmas Story Oral Presentation Due: 12/13.
Soc. Studies: Middle East map due 12/7 Quiz #1 Asian countries (This is only a quiz. If you can sing the song like we did in class today, you'll get 100%.)
Reading: Handed out December calendars because students need to keep track of their 30 minutes per day (minimum) reading, even while off for winter break. It is important to get in the habit of reading EVERY DAY. The sign in my class says " You only have to read on the days that you eat." Book reports and calendars will be due January 3, 2011.
Math Pg 568
Planner Signed - 12/7
Read 30 minutes
Science - Light Review Packet and study information in binder for test about light - 12/7
Language Arts: DOL Sentences #1-2 Due: 12/7. "A Yule Tale" Worksheet Due: 12/9. "Do You Want Fame?"Essay Due: 12/13. Christmas Story Oral Presentation Due: 12/13.
Soc. Studies: Middle East map due 12/7 Quiz #1 Asian countries (This is only a quiz. If you can sing the song like we did in class today, you'll get 100%.)
Reading: Handed out December calendars because students need to keep track of their 30 minutes per day (minimum) reading, even while off for winter break. It is important to get in the habit of reading EVERY DAY. The sign in my class says " You only have to read on the days that you eat." Book reports and calendars will be due January 3, 2011.
Friday, December 3, 2010
PTA Needs Help with Tool Day
"Tool Day" is scheduled for December 9 from 8:45-11:00 am. Unfortunately, the PTA may need to cancel this activity. If you feel that you could come and present a "show and tell" about the kind of work that you do, please call the office at 801-446-3200.
RC and Planner signed due Monday, Dec. 6
Read 30 minutes
Soc. Studies: Students should work on memorizing the first set of Asian countries. Find a fun game on line and have some fun this weekend. Countries are posted on a previous blog entry.
Language Arts:Students need to choose a Christmas story that they would like to read before the class. They will read only 2 minutes of the story. It does not need to be memorized. They should not choose "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" or "Twas The Night Before Christmas." They will be graded on the following:
We will practice in class. However, it would really be helpful if the students practice reading the story to family members. The book is due: Monday, December 6.
"Do You Want Fame?" Essay (650+ words) due 12/13.
RC and Planner signed due Monday, Dec. 6
Read 30 minutes
Soc. Studies: Students should work on memorizing the first set of Asian countries. Find a fun game on line and have some fun this weekend. Countries are posted on a previous blog entry.
Language Arts:Students need to choose a Christmas story that they would like to read before the class. They will read only 2 minutes of the story. It does not need to be memorized. They should not choose "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" or "Twas The Night Before Christmas." They will be graded on the following:
We will practice in class. However, it would really be helpful if the students practice reading the story to family members. The book is due: Monday, December 6.
"Do You Want Fame?" Essay (650+ words) due 12/13.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
December 2, 2010
Students performed some creative Egyptian ceremonies for our mummified chickens today. May the chickens forever rest peacefully in the afterlife.
Read 30 minutes
Sign the planner due 12/3
Soc. Studies: We had fun today enjoying our Egyptian "feast". Thank you parents for supplying olives, cucumbers, etc. at the last minute. Students were assigned the Middle East map. It will be due Tuesday, Dec. 7.
Language Arts: Students need to choose a Christmas story that they would like to read before the class. They will only read 2 minutes of the story. It does not need to be memorized. They should not choose "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" or ""Twas The Night Before Christmas." They will be graded on the following:
We will practice in class. However, it would really be helpful if the students practice reading the story to their family members. The book is due: Monday, December 6.
"Do You Want Fame?" Essay due date has been moved to Monday, December 13. Today students worked with partners and helped each other edit their essays. Students will need to enter the corrections/suggestions into their essays at home over the weekend.
Read 30 minutes
Sign the planner due 12/3
Soc. Studies: We had fun today enjoying our Egyptian "feast". Thank you parents for supplying olives, cucumbers, etc. at the last minute. Students were assigned the Middle East map. It will be due Tuesday, Dec. 7.
Language Arts: Students need to choose a Christmas story that they would like to read before the class. They will only read 2 minutes of the story. It does not need to be memorized. They should not choose "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" or ""Twas The Night Before Christmas." They will be graded on the following:
We will practice in class. However, it would really be helpful if the students practice reading the story to their family members. The book is due: Monday, December 6.
"Do You Want Fame?" Essay due date has been moved to Monday, December 13. Today students worked with partners and helped each other edit their essays. Students will need to enter the corrections/suggestions into their essays at home over the weekend.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Mummy Message Solved!
Congratulations to Team 3 for solving the "Mummy Message"! The other teams came very close! Thanks to Team 2 for showing mercy to the other teams and giving away deciphering cards. They were ahead of everyone else for most of the game.
Planner signed due Dec. 2
Read 30 minutes
Math Pg 516 # 8-38. Finding equal ratios.
Social Studies: Tomorrow we are having our culminating Egyptian activity. Students may bring a bite size Egyptian snack for their class if they'd like to. Snacks would include cucumber slices, lettuce, raisins, olives, bread, small onions, and apple slices. Yum! We will be holding a funeral for all of our mummified chickens and dressing up like Egyptians for a short while. (I have the Egyptian clothes for them.) There are approximately 30 students per class. The students did an AWESOME job on their final test!
Students can begin learning the following countries: Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, the island of Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Emerates, Yemen, Oman
Planner signed due Dec. 2
Read 30 minutes
Math Pg 516 # 8-38. Finding equal ratios.
Social Studies: Tomorrow we are having our culminating Egyptian activity. Students may bring a bite size Egyptian snack for their class if they'd like to. Snacks would include cucumber slices, lettuce, raisins, olives, bread, small onions, and apple slices. Yum! We will be holding a funeral for all of our mummified chickens and dressing up like Egyptians for a short while. (I have the Egyptian clothes for them.) There are approximately 30 students per class. The students did an AWESOME job on their final test!
Students can begin learning the following countries: Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, the island of Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Emerates, Yemen, Oman
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