
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Fantastic Falcon Requirements

Students must successfully earn 15 points from these requirements.
Give evidence of meeting the requirement to the home base teacher by May 13 unless otherwise indicated.

1. Follow ALL Elk Meadows, Sixth Grade, and individual classroom rules.

2. Receive no ‘NI’s on the Work and Social Skills area of the Report Card.
Term one _____ Term two _____ Term three _____

3. Receive all ‘E’s on the Work and Social Skills area of the Report Card.
Term one _____ Term two _____ Term three _____

4. Attend Fall AND Spring Parent Teacher Conferences with your parents.
Fall _____ Spring _____

5. Receive all ‘A’s in the Letter Grade area of the Report Card.
Term one _____ Term two _____ Term three _____

6. Earn being on the Sixth Grade Honor Roll on the academic portion of the Report Card.
Term one _____ Term two _____ Term three _____

7. Perform 10 service hours for Elk Meadows Elementary, a sixth grade teacher, or another teacher in the school. SERVICE ACTIVITIES MUST BE PRE-APPROVED BY YOUR TEACHER! You must document your hours and have it signed by the teacher or school person you helped.

8. Participate in an organized physical activity (dance, gymnastics, soccer, basketball, football, etc.). See your teacher in advance for a record sheet. You must document 10 hours and have it signed by your coach or instructor.

9. Participate in an organized cultural activity (art, voice, theater, musical instrument, etc.). See your teacher in advance for a record sheet. You must document 10 hours and have it signed by your coach or instructor.

10. Pass a multiplication timed drill (100 facts in less than 3 minutes with 95% accuracy).

11. Pass a division timed drill (100 facts in less than 3 minutes with 95% accuracy).

12. Enter the PTA sponsored Reflections contest. Show your project to your teacher before entering.

13. Complete ALL Keyboarding for Kids (KBK) lessons with 3 scores per line of 27 wpm or higher.

14. (3) Earn the World Passport Award. See Ms. King for requirements.

15. (2) Complete one book report from six of the following eight genres: biography, realisticfiction, adventure, mystery, historical or historical fiction, fantasy or folk tale, animals or sports, science fiction, or reference. See Mrs. Vigil for book report form.

16. (2) Complete the Math Vocabulary packet due to Mrs. Bailey by April 29.

17. (2) Complete the handwriting booklet by May 2. It must meet the standards listed on the first page of the booklet. Turn in to Mrs. Packard.

18. Memorize and recite before your class a 200-word poem. Poem MUST BE PRE- APPROVED BY YOUR TEACHER.

19. Represent your class in the Sixth Grade Spelling Bee.

20. Represent your class in the Sixth Grade Geography Bee.

21. (2) Complete a science project based on the sixth grade curriculum or participate in the district Science Fair. TOPIC MUST BE PRE-APPROVED BY Mrs. Boehme/Coombs. No
late projects. Curriculum topics include Phases of the Moon, Earth’s Axis and Seasons, Solar System, Universe, Microorganisms, Heat, Light, or Sound. A 3-page typed report (size 14 font) AND a model or poster are required. Projects due to Mrs. Boehme/Coombs by May 6.

22. Earn the Sixth Grade Responsibility Award. To earn this award, you must receive 30 or fewer marks on your RC during the entire year, and you cannot lose more than 2 cards. A note from a parent does not replace a lost RC for this award.

23. Have fewer than 8 absences during the year. This DOES include vacations and educational leave.

24. Have fewer than 5 tardies. This DOES NOT include school announced tardies because of inclement weather or busing conflicts.

25. Set and fulfill your own challenging and measurable goal for sixth grade. GOAL MUST BE PRE-APPROVED BY YOUR TEACHER. Goal must be set and approved by the teacher before Christmas and evidence of completion turned in before the end of May.

26. Submit at least 5 essays on the Character Trait of the month to Mrs. Packard. Each essay needs to be handwritten and at least one page long. If you skip lines, the essay needs to be at least two pages long.

27. Pass a 1-minute keyboarding timed test at 35 wpm with no more than 3 errors.

28. Write four additional essays in the following writing forms: personal narrative, description, how-to, and persuasive. You must have an edited rough draft and published copy to turn in. Published copy must be at least one page typed, double-spaced, in 12 point font. All essays due by March 24.

29. Create a PowerPoint Presentation on one of the following artists: Maynard Dixon, Auguste Renoir, El Greco, Henri Matisse, Francisco de Goya, or Andrew Wyeth. Presentation must be a minimum of 10 slides containing information about the artist’s life and works. No nude art.

30. Actively participate in Safety Patrol. Attendance at all required meetings or assignments verified by the adult in charge.

31. Fully participate in the Extensions Class taught by Ms. King.

32. Actively participate in Student Council. Attendance at all required meetings or assignments verified by the adult in charge.

33. Actively participate in Safe School Ambassadors. Attendance at all required meetings or assignments verified by the adult in charge.